Why are you tracking your food?

gueseak Posts: 7 Member
Is it for weight loss?
Weight gain?
A particular dietary requirement?

What are you hoping to achieve by tracking your food?

How easy do you find it to track all of food each day?

Are you consistent?


  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    gueseak wrote: »
    What are you hoping to achieve by tracking your food?

    Weight control. Previously weight loss, now maintenance.
    gueseak wrote: »
    How easy do you find it to track all of food each day?

    Extremely easy w/MFP.
    gueseak wrote: »
    Are you consistent?

    Yes. Have been doing it every day for over a year. More than some, far less than others.

  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    I track my food so i know when the government is shooting beta rays at my house. This always happens when i eat salads but only when i want Caesar dressing and not balsamic dressing.

    Plus I want to lose weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    gueseak wrote: »
    Is it for weight loss?
    Weight gain?
    A particular dietary requirement?

    What are you hoping to achieve by tracking your food?

    How easy do you find it to track all of food each day?

    Are you consistent?

    Weight loss, weight loss, yes and reasonably...
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    1) Weight management
    2) Accountability. I do think I can learn mindful eating with more practice. It's largely mental for me. My problem is that I love food, especially in portions greater than a 5'2" woman of my activity level needs, and I can justify an extra 100-500 calories quite easily, even when I know I've eaten enough. Those extras add up with time. Somehow, just logging everything keeps me from overeating. I'm still a work in progress.
    3) Easy. Once I made space in my phone for the app, the ease increased tenfold.
    4) Yes
  • Tq43
    Tq43 Posts: 85 Member
    Weight loss and to educate myself on the contents of what I'm eating, therefore help me make better decisions!
    I'm finding it very easy with MFP. I haven't yet logged a food that hasn't been In it....it's truly amazing !... I'm loving it and totally addicted !
  • dalerst
    dalerst Posts: 174 Member
    Weight management only been doing it for a few weeks and finding it quote easy.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    gueseak wrote: »
    Is it for weight loss?
    Weight gain?
    A particular dietary requirement?

    What are you hoping to achieve by tracking your food?

    How easy do you find it to track all of food each day?

    Are you consistent?

    Weight management (loss and maintain)
    No special dietary requirements.
    meeting my nutritional needs better
    I prelog my food for the day every morning and have every day for over 2 years. I find it enjoyable.
  • trystin
    trystin Posts: 7 Member
    I'm using it to loose body fat, and then try and gain lean muscle. This app is amazing for keeping track of macros.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Weight loss, awareness of food intake. It's pretty easy and I try to be as consistent as possible, though if I'm eating out, it's harder to be accurate. I guesstimate when I need to.
  • nissarayna
    nissarayna Posts: 70 Member
    edited June 2017
    Tracking for Weightloss. I will be continuing after i reach my goal also. Seeing the numbers helps me. Accountability. It's easy for me to track, it's part of mylife now. I'm as consistent as I can be, I try to track everything, there are times however that it's not possible.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I've been tracking on mfp on and off for about 4 years; I've counted calories on and off since high school. Typically only when I want to lose, but I do use it in maintenance as well.

    When I'm losing I'm extremely consistent, only skipping meals/days for vacations or meals out that are so difficult to log that I just guesstimate. I've been at this long enough that I can estimate pretty well, but I like logging and it keeps my weight loss more consistent.

    I find mfp (app) super easy to use, but there was a learning curve. I used it sporadically at first. And I did find it somewhat cumbersome to log. But after a few weeks it got easier. Now, it's like second nature to hop on and log my food. I do take mfp breaks from time to time, but overall I find it to be one of my better habits.
  • patajj
    patajj Posts: 2 Member
    I don't track food any more. It makes me too obsessed with what I'm eating.

    All I'm using mfp for is recording my weight.