
Hello. I weigh a decent weight, around 133lbs which is under the normal category. I just have extra flab here and there in my stomach, and love handles that I am DYING to get rid of. I'm also short (5'4") so the extra few lbs of weight in my thighs really show. Any home exercies to help tone my body? I don't have the money to buy home gym equipment, and I've been scammed way too many times by the gym, so any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Have you tried Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Search and read some of the posts on here - there are some fantastic results. I'm up to day 5 out of 30 and feel fitter and am losing inches already.
  • missa1982
    missa1982 Posts: 30
    Visit www.bodyrock.tv - awesome site and all exercises can be done at home.
  • sleepygiraffes
    sleepygiraffes Posts: 35 Member
    I will try both of those :) I have Wii Fit at home that I've recently started using, and that's what I use to track my weight loss since I don't actually have a scale at home.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I also have Wii Fit (and Wii Fit Plus) and just recently got Zumba for the Wii which is great fun. On the Wii Fit I love the boxing and hula hooping. I also do the jogging with the help of my mini trampoline.
  • sleepygiraffes
    sleepygiraffes Posts: 35 Member
    There's a website I found actually that has lots of routines you can do. It's called wiifitroutines.wordpress.com. I've currently been trying to keep up with one or two of those routines a day just to get started :) I want to get the Jillian Michaels training for my fiance's PlayStation since I am buying him PlayStation Move for his birthday. Hopefully that will help out a bit as well!