What is everyone's beginning date and current weight loss?



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    GREAT QUESTION!!!! I've been here since 06/15 and have lost 10 pounds >_> Id like to have lost more, but I started here eating the recommended 1,200 calories which doesn't work for ppl my size. eh.
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Start Weight: 170.8 Jan.'11
    Start Weight MFP: 157.4. May'11
    Current Weight: 149.0. July'11

    21.8 lbs Down
    24 lbs To Go
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Started this on April 12th 2011, currently 43lbs down :happy:
  • Luvlicious
    Luvlicious Posts: 15
    Hi Everyone! Two babies>>>a 6 yr old and a 9 month old.....need to lose the weight from both. Started July 18, 2011 lost 5 lbs so far. Good luck all!
  • dizzy1968
    dizzy1968 Posts: 1
    Hi I started 1st Jan 2011 and have currently lost 16lbs. Watch what I eat but have become a bit of a exercise junky so my shape has changed dramatically and have dropped well over a dress size. 3 weeks to my hols so the final push and feeling good about wearing bikinis again. SW 150lbs (MFP 137lbs - 17 July) CW 134lbs. Well done and good luck to all
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    i started june 4th and lost 10lbs so far another 16 to go
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    sorry i gave you the wrong date it was 4th of july not june x
  • Cjregan
    Cjregan Posts: 2
    Beginning Date: April 2011
    Current Weight Loss: a big fat 0 :) I'm here for a reason
    Goal is 30 pounds... i've gone up and down 5 pounds but that's it.
    My smoking and not eating plan just didn't seem to work out. lol
    But, and there's a big BUT, I realized that was a crappy plan. So I'm actually going to start using that gym membership my husband bugs me about, and not give into the emotional cravings for mass amounts of food. I realized that educating myself about losing weight and staying fit was actually going to be necessary. So, by my husbands last (after 13 years) Marine Corps Ball in Nov, I am certain that piss poor weight loss amount above will say something I can be proud of.
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    I started christmas eve (26/12/2010) at 9st 9lbs and I am now at 8st 7lbs! so its taken me around 7 months, here & there I have fell off the bandwagon but im really going to try to get to my goal weight by the next xmas eve!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I've been doing this for 5 months now (well tomorrow actually) and I've lost 60.5 pounds. I was morbidly obese at the time though. Obviously the more you have to lose,the quicker it'll go.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I started on 2nd Feb 2011, and so far I am between 18 - 20lbs lost.

    (although I am pretty much at goal weight and have been at this same weight for a few months now!) So I'd say 4 months to shift 18lbs..
  • ValerieSW
    ValerieSW Posts: 32
    Started April 11lth, 2011. Current weight loss 31lbs.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Feb 19th. Current weightloss 37 pounds, which is 4 pounds beyond goal. Hit goal 7/14.
  • divasaint
    divasaint Posts: 8
    Hi I began on 4 June and have lost 8lb, another 8 to go... :D xx
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    Began 1 month ago, 27/6/11 and I have lost 10lbs. Another 13lbs to go for me.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Started January 4th @ 247.5 lbs and today's weight is 204.4 lbs (not updated MFP yet)
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Started in early December but only did MFP from April. 41 pounds and counting.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    So far it has taken me 11 months to lose the 26 pounds. IF I worked harder it could have come off a bit faster. I had a 5-6 month plateau haha, but that was mostly my fault.

    I started at 180 and now I am down to 154!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I started my journey at the end of January. I lost 25 pounds before joining MFP and have lost another 5. I have around 20 left to go.
  • Joanne4494
    Joanne4494 Posts: 26 Member

    I started the 3 May and am 18lb down 8lb to go, good luck on your journey. :smile: