Gone over my food diary by 650 calories, but it was worth it !! :0) What's is ur guilty pleasure?



  • delaclos99
    delaclos99 Posts: 53 Member
    Roast potatoes cooked in goose fat. I could eat those by the lorryload.
  • thehonestdoubter
    thehonestdoubter Posts: 3 Member
    Five guys hamburgers and fries. They are close to a local Panera, so when I'm trying to make healthy choices while eating out they are there like the devil on my shoulder telling me to just indulge.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    My guiltiest pleasure would have to be the Romano's Macaroni Grill Penne Rustica. I haven't had that dish since I started on this *kitten* (I'm being sensitive to those who get enraged at seeing people refer to weight loss as a positional translation). That dish is made for 4, and I had the whole thing every time we visited that joint.