So disappointed in myself

So, I've been on MFP for several months now. I've lost 17 lbs. The last two months I've had such a hard time. I started a new job at the end of May working 5 days a week when before I was only doing three 12 hour shifts. Working just three days a week made it much easier to work out.

I am a single mother of two kids which does make going to the gym more difficult now. Already, I get up at 5:30 just to get to work by 7:30. The gym daycare doesn't open til 9 and my kid's daycare doesn't open til 6:30. Even if I dropped them off at 6:30 and worked out, then showered and got ready I wouldn't be at work until after 9. That's just not do-able for me. In the evenings, the gym daycare is closed at 5 and I really don't want to leave my kids at daycare from 7am til 6pm when I will finally be able to pick them up after my workout. I've been doing some Zumba at home, so that's something, but it's still hard for me to make myself do it. Maybe I'm just making excuses, I don't know.

I've been struggling with my calories. I was doing 1200/day with no problem. Now I feel like I am failing every day because I go over my calories to about 1500 or more sometimes.

I changed my setting to allow myself 1400-ish a day now so hopefully it will be more manageable for me and I won't feel like such a failure every day which makes me so frusturated.

I just needed to vent a little. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't blame you at all for not wanting to leave your kids in daycare that long! is there any way you can get up just 15 minutes earlier and do a quick exercise DVD before they wake up? take out all that silly commuting to and from the gym? or maybe in the evening walk with them? it's hard to adjust to a new schedule. I gained a ton of weight when i went from staying home with the kids to working full time, finally I got fed up and had to to part time because I just didn't have any time for myself. How old are the kiddos?
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    You can do it! I know it seems overwhelming, but it's a slow process - you're not going to change your whole life in a week.

    Try to find ways to exercise that include your kids. Have them ride bikes with you as you jog, or bike with them. If they're too little for that, push them in a stroller or walk with them in a wagon. Go to the park with them and throw a ball around. If you do this for an hour, you're getting in some workout time and some quality kiddo time!
  • hunterzmomma
    hunterzmomma Posts: 121
    Holy packed days for you momma!! if I were you, I would start taking your kids out for nice evening walks! that's what I do! definitely a start!
  • DaveShoreshe
    Don't be disappointed! The past is the past... Every new day is a gift, that's why we call it the "present"!! Get back to what you were doing and feel good moving forward. Everyone slips up! It takes a stronger person to acknowledge it, learn from it and benefit from it. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. You cannot change how you have managed the last couple of months but you can change how you manage today. I totally understand about the gym, who wants to spend even more time away from their kids after working all day. I don't know how old your kids are, but mine love to work out with me. I use the wii and I go for walks and bike rides, which my kids enjoy coming along as well. To keep my walking pace up, I have them ride their bike or scooter while I walk. You could also go outside and play kick ball with the kids, or chase. All activities that keep you moving and the kids would love to do with you. You can do this, don't give up! :) Remember to eat back the calories you burn.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Not sure how old your kids are, but can you walk, or ride bikes with them? Go to the park and run around for a bit?
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    Don't be disappointed! Everyone falls now and again. Keep brainstorming on ways to get some more exercise in. It doesn't have to be a large chunk, 10 minutes here and there does add up!
    Be proud of yourself for caring about your health!!
  • bunnyb11
    bunnyb11 Posts: 65 Member
    Hang in there as it will get easier....I struggle with the same things you do. i cannot afford to join a gym so i work out @ home and try to walk on my lunch hour @ work just for this reason.....i have two kids and am a single can be done just keep the faith an keep your head up...........zumba is a excellent workout which allows you to burn lots of calories.....

    Keep you head up!!!!!! you will get thru this..

    The Best of Luck to you on this Journey........................

  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    Many of us have been in your shoes - or similar - when we get really busy & unmotivated & then hard on ourselves for failing. I'm actually in a rut right now that I am desperately trying to work out of. But guess what? You are NOT a failure - you've lost 17 pounds! That is fantastic and you should be PROUD! There is nothing wrong with slowing down your weight loss. Just hang in there, keep making healthy choices & do what you can to find ways to fit in exercise - park farther away in the parking lot so you have to walk a little more, take stairs whenever you can, stand up and walk around when you are on the phone...these little things will add up until you figure out a way to get more exercise in. I don't know how old your children are but you can get them involved - playing the yard or doing a DVD with your kids, Wii, etc., will also burn calories & be fun for them. You're doing great and you will get through this difficult period. Focus on what you've accomplished!
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    Is it possible to maybe walk at work on your lunch? Maybe get a workout video that the kids can do with you to keep them busy while your exercising? Or put a movie on for them while your exercising? Or maybe take them to a park that has a track and let them play while you walk the track?

    I know and understand where your coming from, I have 3 kids...all in different age ranges ( 16yrs, 7yrs, and 3yrs) so I get it but you have to make time for yourself. Exercise is important but diet is the main thing that you have to control.

    Hope you get some sort of routine down. Hang in there!
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    Don't beat yourself up so much. Do what you can. Try some little things like parking your car further out or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If it's possible go walk for 10 or 15 minutes of your lunch. All the little things add up!
  • catanzca
    catanzca Posts: 26 Member
    You are not alone, everyone goes through rough patches. Just try to take some time out of your day to re-group and remember WHY you are on this journey. Don't let the things that have happened the past 2 months derail you. Remember your have lost 17lbs, that's GREAT! Sometimes it can feel like there is no time to exercise, but maybe you could go for a walk with your kids? It's not a really intense workout but it incorporates burning calories with spending time with your kids. (I don't have kids, so I'm just guessing here trying to help..please don't take offense to anything)

    Just try to stay positive and look back at a picture of yourself at your heaviest weight and then look in the mirror and enjoy your accomplishments, you deserve it! It may be tough right now and maybe you will not see results as quickly as you'd like, but as long as the scale is going down over time and you feel good about your progress that's all that matters. You can do it, stay motivated!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck! :smile:
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    It's so hard being a working mom. I'm not sure how old you're kids are but sometimes you have to adjust what you really want to do (going to the gym) for something that fits your current lifestyle. There are great DVDs that you can do before or after work. Some cable channels even offer them for free ON Demand or check out your local library. Walking is a great exercise that you can do with your kids and because you're doing it with them it alleviates the working mom guilts. If there're a little older you can play with them like doing races or basketball. Good luck, been there it does get easier you just have to perservere!
  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    You're trying to juggle everything for everyone else's benefit, you need to cut yourself a bit of slack. 1500 calories a day is fine, zumba class at home is fine, missing out on time with your kiddies is something you may regret later. You've done a fantastic job so far losing 17lbs, pat yourself on the back for that, it shows you're not doing anything wrong. Best wishes x
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    HI there,

    So...I don't have kids...but sometimes I feel like my life doesn't get me much work time either....Its hard and it sucks.....and I know how you feel in a different way.

    This may not be much help....but when I'm husslin and busslin....I throw my ankle weights on for some extra resistance....helps burn some more calories..

    With regards to calories....oh geez....i know how you feel! Try and find some really low cal snacks to fill your void throughout the day....or when you are driving to you work out....celery is very low...I just munch munch munch...or cucumber slices. Believe me....Im not a veggie eater....but with some forcing...I actually have become to enjoy it.

    Do not EVER feel like you are failing....because you are are still working out and still trying to do your best....being a single mother of very hard....there is NO FAIL in that.....

    My biggest obstacle is the can't change it over just have to pick one habit a day to adjust a little....if ur having something unhealthy for lunch...make sure your dinner is extra healthy....try planning a weekly menu for you and your has great quick and healthy recipes on there.

    With a weekly menu your shopping list will help you avoid buying unneeded junk as well. And i will also help you avoid.....that trip to McDonalds or something.

    I hope this helps!!

    And don't be disappointed in yourself at all!! Im sure that you kids are proud of you for all your hard work :)
  • FoxCarter
    FoxCarter Posts: 127 Member
    Same boat here. I exercise at home in the evenings after the kiddos have gone to bed. I hate leaving them at daycare, it makes me feel a little guilty. Sometimes I get up early and workout before I get them up in the A.M., but it is hard to get going at 4:30am.
    Is there a YMCA around you? We belonged to one before and it was great. The daycare is open till 8pm and you can even sign your kids up for fitness classes, so they can be doing something while you work out. Check it out.
  • christinaburns
    Every day is a new day. Let go of the mistakes you've made and work on getting it right today. That's all you can do! <3
  • andice224
    andice224 Posts: 6 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!! I'm a single mom of two kids too and it's very hard to juggle everything! i tell myself that too that maybe i'm just making excuses but sometimes im so drained by the end of the day that i can't barely function!! I've been thru this yo yo dieting for years and i guess i finely have the right train of thought cause this is the longest i've stuck with anything!! my ex used to force me to start eating right and excerising cause he lived in the gym but i've realized that you can't be forced to do that! you have to be ready, mentally and physically!! I'm not a morning person so I CAN NOT get up in the morning to get in a workout! i try and go straight to the gym after work before i pick up my girls from daycare or if i don't make it to the gym that day i try and do a workout at home! sometimes i think of activites to do with the girls that involve movement, like walking at the zoo for a couple of hours and i will log that as my workout!

    my daily calorie intake is 1300 and i find it hard sometimes to met that! i'm trying to make healthy decisions but sometimes the healthier i make them the harder it is to get! I've recently hit my plateau and this will be the part that will test me cause normally once that scale stops going down i'm done but i'm trying my hardest to stick with it! you can do this!! maybe make a schedule of when the best times to fit in a work out will be for you! it might not be 4 or 5 days out of the week but it will still be something! hope this helped some! good luck!! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If your kids are old enough you could try biking or running. When my girls were young I used to run and they'd come along on their bike or rollerblades. It was great. I got a good workout and they got to prattle on without interuption because I was too winded to talk. :wink:
  • LauriTerrell
    LauriTerrell Posts: 69 Member
    Erica, I know how you feel and you should not be so rough on yourself. I am in the same situation and I find that some days my best effort just does not seem good enough. But you must remember that all you can do is the best you can do and move on from there. As many times as it has been said before, wight loss is a process and a journey and you don't get there instantaneously. You have to be gentle with yourself and find the SMALL adjustments that you can make. For what it is worth, I have found that getting up at 5 til 5 allows me to get up and work out for 30 minutes before I have to get me ready and get the kids going (fortunately,they are 11 and 6 so mornings are not as intensive as they used to be :wink: ) I have various yoga and Tai Chi DVDs, and my Wii fit. I am also fortunate enough to have a pool, so may mornings I do a 30 minute swim. It is not WHAT you do, but the fact that you do SOMETHING to get yourself moving, but even this you should start slowly. Celebrate the successes and remind yourself that you are human when you aren't so successful. Another thing that I have found works really well for me is make up crazy dances with the kids- even while making dinner or taking dishes to the sink or folding laundry.... they think it is a hoot and it benefits ALL of you. Best of luck and please keep in mind that you are worth alot more than berating yourself for something that SO many people struggle with! Make it a great day!!