Totally sabotaging myself everyday

I think, yup today is the day, I am going to eat great. Then I end up with Dunkins for breakfast because I am running late, I cannot resist the chocolate cake because someone left where I work. I do it to myself and then I beat myself up over it. I so need to crack the heck down and just do it. I am starting to feel horrible, dizzy all the time. I just don't understand why I do the things I do. Anyway it was just a vent, sometimes it makes me feel better just to vent even if people are not right in front of me. Thank you.


  • triciale555
    triciale555 Posts: 57 Member
    I find there is always something going on at work. That is one of the hardest parts, I just made it a habit to say no at work
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Just make the next best choice.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Just a suggestion re: breakfast. I can never get up in time for breakfast before work so I eat breakfast at my desk everyday. If you can do that I would seriously recommend it.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I eat microwave breakfast burritos. 1 minute, 30 seconds. 270 calories and it keeps me feeling pretty good for at least a few hours.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I keep stuff I can quickly grab for breakfast and eat in the car. I don't like to eat breakfast, but I need to for meds.

    Generally it's some kind of cereal I can eat dry. Not the most healthy, not the worst.
  • chokhas
    chokhas Posts: 33 Member
    you can try and plan your meals. just have oat and milk in the office as a healthy backup if running late or some healthy muesli or'protein bars. when going out check on healthy options for example salad or pasta with a tomato sauce or grilled fish n meat with veggies or salad.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    <3 thank you all so much, I appreciate it. I do need to change. Thank you all so much I appreciate it more than you know.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I get breakfast at Dunkin occasionally. Make the best choice. They have oatmeal, just leave off the sugar and dried fruit. They also have egg whites on wraps and english muffins. Get a banana on the side. Not the best, but not horrible either. Prep and pack breakfast to take with you to eat at work. As for the cake at work, pretend its not there, or bring your own healthy treats.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Plan ahead your meals is key ...plan to succeed and you will :smile:
    Make little changes bit by bit and they will stick.
    And don't think because you started the day off 'badly' that the rest of it has to follow suit. Take control, log your calories accurately, stick to your daily allowance and you will lose.
    You have to want to lose weight badly enough to put in the effort - you'll be surprised at what you can do when you put your mind to it.

    All the best.
  • julikost
    julikost Posts: 1 Member
    Praise yourself even for one good decision, even it's a small one!
    I used to beat myself up over potato chips (this is my 'chocolate cake', so to say), but then I stopped doing it and just allowed myself to eat them, within my calorie count. One small portion is better than restricting totally. You satisfy your demons and don't overdo.
    You can do it!
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    They do pizza and all kinds of stuff at work as appreciation for our hard work. But, I already have lunch made. I also make enough breakfast (oats that I mix with peanut butter and chocolate I cut into bars for ease) for my work week. I don't have to stress about being short on time because I set myself up for success with some easy meal prep the day before my work week.

    Losing weight is about having enough respect for yourself that you want to make a change. That means approaching it with a clear head and not berating yourself when you slip. Life is full of free food in the break room and dinners out with friends. There are gonna be times when you can't weigh everything out. Log, enjoy, and look at the next day as an opportunity to go again.
  • givesometogetsome
    givesometogetsome Posts: 35 Member
    I used to beat myself up mentally for 'slip ups'. I'd feel so defeated, I'd binge later on in the day because, hey, why not? I already 'blew it' for the day.

    Then I got into weight lifting. What a game changer. Instead of focusing on eating as little as possible and what I weighed on the scale, I now think in terms of fueling my body for my next training session and eating to aid in recovery. I gave up on trying to maintain a pristine, low-calorie diet. Seriously, that *kitten* ain't realistic for the long-term. I literally eat twice the calories as before and am still losing weight (and, more importantly, inches). I cannot begin to tell you how liberating that is. I really believe weight lifting saved me from more years of yo-yo dieting torture.

    Life is stressful enough without having to chastise ourselves over a donut (or two ;)) for breakfast. Eat the donut, eat the cake, balance it out with high-protein, nutritious foods, make sure you're under your TDEE for the long haul (some weeks will be better than others--that's perfectly fine), and it'll all be good.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Both of the quoted.

    Weight loss is a calories game. Log all the food you eat. One donut won't derail your progress if you include it in your calories. Think of calories as money.
    Losing weight is hard.

    Being overweight is hard.

    Pick your hard. ;)
    If you just wanted to vent, that's okay. But if you want to do something about it, this is what I would suggest:

    Don't eat "great" - I deeply suspect that this means depriving yourself /of food you like, eating boring food, and maybe even eat too little.

    Don't demonize foods. Food is good. Some foods are deliberately made to be irresistible, easy to eat/overeat, without nourishing you, and they are everywhere. Our culture is telling us it's okay to eat donuts for breakfast, and that cake in the office is a normal daily thing.

    Don't think of yourself as weak or sabotaging yourself. We have survived as a species by eating whenever we can. I am sure you are both hard working and disciplined in other areas (get to work in time, brush your teeth, pay your bills).

    Pay attention to how eating this or that makes you feel. Try to distinguish how much of it is mental, and what is physiological reactions.

    Plan your meals. In order to follow through and actually eat them, they must satisfy you, and tempt you enough at the time you have planned to eat them, that you'll prefer them to whatever random treat that comes in your way. Eating breakfast at home is an obvious solution. But you can't just say that you're going to eat breakfast from now on. Schedule meals. Buy the necessary groceries. You may even have to schedule grocery shopping and meal planning. But don't think about planning as yet another depressing chore. You can make it fun, and when it's fun and makes you feel better (including lose/maintain weight, eat delicious meals, be more relaxed), you'll want to prioritize this task.

    Always remember that cheap treats are ubiquitous, and that there'll soon be another opportunity if you miss one.

  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Keep a couple of 'emergency' healthy snacks at your desk (a couple of pieces of fruit, some raw almonds, etc.). Sometimes you just gotta have cake, but it will be much easier to make good choices if you actually have a good choice to make.