


  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    My son and I completed the C25K yesterday. 30-minute run/plod/jog/whatever you want to call it. We did it!

    Unfortunately nowhere near the 5K, more like 3K so we are going to continue our workouts, adding a couple of minutes to each one until we reach the 5K, and then work on the speed aspect. Then ParkRuns, here we come!

    (I still don't consider myself a runner though).

    Great job!!!

    Take a few days off and then move on to the 10k plan. And continue to take it easy. The speed will come as you build your distance.

    You completed a training plan and you are looking forward to continuing to run. I'd say that makes you a runner. :smile:

    Good luck.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    This thread is freaking awesome! All these new runners out enjoying themselves. LOVE IT!
  • _Smew
    _Smew Posts: 2 Member
    I'm so pleased to see people saying slower is better early on! I completed couch to 5k 3 years ago, and kept running for another month or so running 45 minutes or so, and pushing speed up, but i ended up hurting my hip which put me off and i ended up stopping entirely. I'm now giving it another go (along with my boyfriend who has run several marathons but stopped running about 10 months ago) and have been a bit embarrassed by my slow speed (though bf says i'm doing great). Now i know it's better to go slower and build up i'll feel better!
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    I seriously need some help!

    I don't know why, but during and right now (after) my run my legs hurt a lot! They feel heavy, my calves hurt, and the inner sides hurt a lot. I can't stand, walk, move, touch it without it hurting. Does anyone know why? Also how can I make them better fast? Omg it hurts a lot lol.

    My legs felt exactly the same when I did this run on Monday, and I wore different shoes.

    Week 2 Day 2 is done. :neutral:
  • dawn423mfp
    dawn423mfp Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2017
    Maybe more stretching? What other exercise are you doing besides C25K? Maybe you are overdoing it. I'm on week 3 and only felt what you are describing on week 1.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    dawn423mfp wrote: »
    Maybe more stretching? What other exercise are you doing besides C25K? Maybe you are overdoing it. I'm on week 3 and only felt what you are describing on week 1.

    Well, I also do HIIT anaerobic workouts 6 days a week, and the C25K. I planned on doing a third workout also but my legs are giving up on me. I almost fell and lost balance after my run when I was trying to open my door with my key lol
  • tlriley70
    tlriley70 Posts: 2 Member
    What's the best app to use?
  • _Smew
    _Smew Posts: 2 Member
    The official app is quite good, as you can play your own music etc at the same time - the volume balancing can be a bit off at times though.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Mahdi22 wrote: »
    dawn423mfp wrote: »
    Maybe more stretching? What other exercise are you doing besides C25K? Maybe you are overdoing it. I'm on week 3 and only felt what you are describing on week 1.

    Well, I also do HIIT anaerobic workouts 6 days a week, and the C25K. I planned on doing a third workout also but my legs are giving up on me. I almost fell and lost balance after my run when I was trying to open my door with my key lol

    Exercise tears you body down. Rest repairs it. Rest is when you get stronger. Skip it and all you do is tear it down over and over. You will not get the results you want.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I used the Zen Labs C25k app. I started C25k in October 2016, stayed there for a while and then moved on to 10k training a couple months ago. It's an awesome program.

    Top two things I learned: 1) Do the program as intended - take your rest days and don't skip ahead even if you think you can! 2) Get fitted for good running shoes - the lady at my running store even showed me how to tie my laces so my shoes fit right for me throughout the run. Who knew there were different ways to tie laces??

    I just finished the 10k training extension today! 6.27 miles at an average of 11:07 per mile. Now I'm deciding whether to move on to the 13.1 trainer or work on speed. Hmm...
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I did W2D2 yesterday and will finish up week 2 tomorrow morning. I'm finding that I really enjoy being up and outside so early in the morning. Its just me and all the other runners out there! That said, I'm alternating run days with strength training days and I'm thinking I will have to move leg day earlier in the week. Run-legs-run at the end of the week when I'm tired does not seem to be a winning combination.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited June 2017
    shrcpr wrote: »
    Who knew there were different ways to tie laces??

    I swear there's 100. :)

  • afbigg
    afbigg Posts: 33 Member
    I have started this program multiple times. I can never seem to get past week 3. Anything over a 5 min jog and I feel like I'm dying! I quit smoking 3 months ago so I started the program again but now my right heel always hurts afterwards and takes a couple days to recover. I've researched and think it's planters fasciitis but stretching and ice is basically the answer. Any tips on how to get my *kitten* to week 4?!
  • CPFitnessIsFun
    CPFitnessIsFun Posts: 33 Member
    afbigg wrote: »
    I have started this program multiple times. I can never seem to get past week 3. Anything over a 5 min jog and I feel like I'm dying! I quit smoking 3 months ago so I started the program again but now my right heel always hurts afterwards and takes a couple days to recover. I've researched and think it's planters fasciitis but stretching and ice is basically the answer. Any tips on how to get my *kitten* to week 4?!

    Slow down, make sure you are taking your rest days and continue to repeat the week that you are stuck on until you can get that first 5 min :) Seriously though at first it might seem like you can walk faster then you are running but you have to slow down.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Finishing week 3. Looking forward to week4.
    Mahdi22 wrote: »
    dawn423mfp wrote: »
    Maybe more stretching? What other exercise are you doing besides C25K? Maybe you are overdoing it. I'm on week 3 and only felt what you are describing on week 1.

    Well, I also do HIIT anaerobic workouts 6 days a week, and the C25K. I planned on doing a third workout also but my legs are giving up on me. I almost fell and lost balance after my run when I was trying to open my door with my key lol

    Holy moly.

    Your body is trying to tell you that you are doing far too much which can lead to possible injuries. C25k is tough. Drop a few of those "HIIT" sessions, or concentrate on one or the other.
  • merekins
    merekins Posts: 228 Member
    Just finished week 5 without repeating any days!!!!! I feel amazing!
  • merekins
    merekins Posts: 228 Member
    Mahdi22 wrote: »
    I didn't think I'd be able to but I finished W2D1. It was 90 seconds of jogging and I can't believe I was able to do it.

    Im kind of skeptical tho.... can i actually be able to run 5km at the end of the program? Time will only tell I guess.

    Side note, In addition to C25K, I also do 6 workouts a week and am trying to eat healthier and less. I'm really excited on one hand, but I've failed so many times that's I'm just naturally skeptical and pessimistic of everything.

    Anyways, I actually like this program. Half an hour isn't bad and I love the feeling of accomplishment. My legs however are always sore after, and my right side feels like it squeezes tighlty at times during the run. Hopefully it's nothing and gets better.

    As someone with severe pulmonary issues, I have to say, if I can do it, you can, too. I ran my first mile ever today and not just 1! I ran 1.75 miles!!! I think I couldn't of have pushed through to 2m but I'm following the program. I am in shock how well I'm doing because I'm not one of those people that has ever been able to do this.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 almost done? Lol

    So, my legs hurt a lot during my run, almost to the point where I wanted to sit down on the side walk. I'm pretty sure my eyes were tearing up a little too. I was limping, and walking very slow just so I could get home.

    Out of the 6 jog/walks, I managed only 5. I think in going to go to my doctor because I might have fractured it or something which sucks :(
  • Tiikerinraidat
    Tiikerinraidat Posts: 61 Member
    Here's another one who just started C25K! Today will be my W1D2 run and I'm looking forward to it.