Water weight explained a bit

Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
The reason why water weight fluctuates so much on a diet is because of glycogen.
Glycogen is our body's premium source of energy during workouts and is used up when we are in a calorie deficit. It is also important to note that when we have excess calories (over-eat) the extra calories are stored as glycogen first and when our glycogen stores are full the remaining is stored as fat. Glycogen is used as short-term energy storage and fat is long-term.

How big our glycogen storage is varies person to person and it depends on our body and muscle size, but it is something that we can also train our body into becoming more efficient at and actually increase our storage capabilities.

So for the average person they can store 100grams of glycogen in their liver and 280 grams in their muscles. Glycogen is directly tied to water weight or water retention. For every gram of glycogen our body holds 3 grams of water. When we use a gram of glycogen our body releases 3 grams of water.
When we don't eat enough carbohydrates (energy calories) our body becomes more reliant on our glycogen stores for everyday energy. Hence the main reason we drop more pounds the first week of our diet, and the main reason low-carb dieters lose more weight week one on their diet than people on a balanced calorie diet. To be clear if someone on Atkins loses 5 pounds the first week of their diet, I would conclude half of that is water weight.

This is the same reason why we gain weight after a Spike Day, or because you slipped up and had a "bad day" and over- ate. For example, you've been eating great on your diet for a few weeks but then you go to you grandma's house and she has cooked and baked for you and not wanting to be rude you end up gorging yourself. You go home feeling guilty and step on the scale and you gained 2 pounds. We have all been there, but don't fret my friend. You did not gain 2 pounds of fat, your body simply stored or re-stored the excess calories as glycogen and the 2 pounds you gained was the water stored with it. If you go back to diet, that 2lbs would be gone in 24-48 hours. If you are restricting calories you really never have to worry about fat storage even if you have a weekly spike day, glycogen is always low when in a calorie deficit and glycogen is always stored first before body-fat. Just like by blog post about eating at night. I eat about 75% of my daily calories after 5pm, and my body is a revved up “fat burning machine”!

http://spikediet.blogspot.com/search/label/fat burning


Important numbers:

*The amount of glycogen you store varies on muscle size and glycogen training.

*Glycogen is premium energy stored in muscles and our liver

*Glycogen makes you look leaner and more muscular, and does NOT make look fat.

*The Average person stores 380 grams of glycogen

*A well trained athlete can store up to 880 grams of glycogen!

Your body stores 3 grams of water for every gram of glycogen.

*453 grams equals one pound.

*Water weight fluctuates because of glycogen depletion and re-storage

*So the average person’s water weight can fluctuate 2-3 pounds every week because of glycogen.

The main point, don’t worry about the scale or water weight. If you make eating well and exercising part of your new lifestyle you will lose weight and you will get in shape. It just takes time and patience.


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Thanks for the info
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    :flowerforyou: wow...thank you very much! It is too easy to say "oooh, that was water weight" but I've never really understood.

    Thanks again
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    wow thanks for the information!
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    Thank You so much for this! I gained 2 pounds in water weight this week and have been beating myself up for it everyday! I feel kinda relieved. :smile:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    AWesome! Great info thanks for the post!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Thank You so much for this! I gained 2 pounds in water weight this week and have been beating myself up for it everyday! I feel kinda relieved. :smile:

    Don't beat yourself up, my water weight fluctuates a lot and it used to drive me crazy. Once I understood what was going on I was able to let it go, and know that it is what is and I can't control it. The fact is when you are dieting it is very difficult to actually store body-fat even after a bad day or two. The water weight comes back first, and once you get back to calorie restriction the water weight goes away very fast.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    so, moral of the story is to pay more attention to the tape measure rather than the scale, right? The scale will work itself out as time goes on. Maybe this is why people tell me I look like I'm loosing so much weight lately when the scale hasn't really budged? I recently started working on strength training too, so I should probably put that scale away for a little while.
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Thanks for that, I have a spike day coming up this weekend (hosting a wee murder mystery party and of course one has to provide tasty treats!) and have been fretting over how strong my willpower will be...now I know that even if I crumble it might set me back a couple of days but not really hit me as hard as I've worried...so thanks for putting my mind at ease ^_^
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Thanks for that, I have a spike day coming up this weekend (hosting a wee murder mystery party and of course one has to provide tasty treats!) and have been fretting over how strong my willpower will be...now I know that even if I crumble it might set me back a couple of days but not really hit me as hard as I've worried...so thanks for putting my mind at ease ^_^

    Set you back only on the scale and only because of water, it really will not lead to fat storage. In fact I see my spike day as necessary for my workouts. Which is why I have my biggest workout the day after my spike day when my glycogen is maximized. If I didn't have spike days my workouts would be flat.

    Enjoy your spike day, there really isn't a negative to it.
    6 days of a deficit and one day of a surplus is how I have lost over 120lbs.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    very interesting! thanks
  • Wow! Thanks Bro! I retain water like a b@stard and I always wondered why. About a month ago, I weighed myself before my workout and after a 2 hour workout and 20 minute steam I lost 6lbs, and I was drinking water during both my workout and in the steam room!
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Thank you so much for this post! This deserves a bump.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
  • I know water weight can make you gain on the scale but the number on the scale can never be lower than you actually are can it? Like if I've in between the 115lbs range recently and I was 112 lbs last night then 114lbs again this morning, are extra 2lbs are just water weight? This probably sounds silly but I just want to make sure.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    "The main point, don’t worry about the scale or water weight. If you make eating well and exercising part of your new lifestyle you will lose weight and you will get in shape. It just takes time and patience."

    Great post, solid advice!!

    This paragraph says is all.

    I hope everyone reads this one so imma bump it!

    This paragraph says is all.
  • Thanks for this, just when I needed to hear it!!!! :smile:

    I ran a 10K on Sunday and started 30 Day Shred four days ago and had a 2 lb bump on the scale. Even though it's happened to me EVERY time I ramp up my exercise, it feels totally devastating when it happens! :sad:
  • ldabao
    ldabao Posts: 8
    Great post! Had a really hard work out at new body combat class two days ago and I am sooo sore today (and 2 lbs heavier!) I'm hoping this is glycogen stores - as you mentioned well trained athletes store more glycogen. Not to say I'm a well trained athlete, but I do lift weights three times a week and do cardio on my off days.
  • I told someone last night that I had lost 20 pounds and he told me it was all water weight. I really hope that isn't true. Water weight cannot be 20 pounds can it?
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