ALchoolic Beverages



  • FatGirlSlim89
    I drink what and as much as i want one day a week and it doesn't hinder weight loss at all. Have as much of what you really want to drink and put the calorie counter up for your weekender.

    Alot of people will disagree with this, but this is what I do when I have a special occasion to go to. I try not to go completely nuts, but don't really worry about it. I don't do it often so it doesn't really hinder my weight loss much.

    Yeah me too, I don't go out drinking often but to be honest I don't really notice much difference if I eat normally the next day. I would say that I *do* gain weight though if I don't, as my hangover style is eating as much junk as I can to cure myself! Not the drinking for me, the aftermath!
  • mamaboobear
    So not to sound like an alky, but the only good thing about drinking lots of alcohol is that you usually wake up with a weightloss because of the dehydration, ...if you can eat really good the next few days you might be able to keep the weight off!

    Good Luck and have fun!

    Oh, and editing to add, the BEST cure for a hangover, is go swimming! You will feel 100% better after a few minutes of being in the water! Dunk your head and you'll be all good!
  • tracimy9
    tracimy9 Posts: 15
    This is something I've considered a lot because I know I'm not giving it up we drink flavored vodka with water & lemons. I think the Absolut Acai Berri is the lightest taste, so I like that one. My husband likes Three Olives Cherry, sometimes I have the grape, depends on what they have wherever we're at.

    Have fun & don't worry about it too much!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    The 10 calorie cranberry juice and vodka!
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    What is the 10 calorie cran and vodka?