How the heck do you eat 1600 calories a day??



  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    Some suggestions -

    Breakfast: egg salad made with 2 whole eggs and 1/4 cup mayo. Stir in some crumbled bacon if you want. Make it ahead and keep it in the fridge. If you're avoiding starches, eat it on lettuce leaves instead of a slice of bread or crackers. Coffee with cream or a full fat matcha latte.

    Lunch: Some combination of the following - A cup of full fat yogurt. A piece of fruit such as an apple or banana spread with 2 T almond or peanut butter. Pre portioned vegetable sticks and hummus made with plenty of olive oil. A large vegetable salad with grilled chicken and full fat dressing (you can either make this salad or purchase it at almost any grocery store). A can of lentil or black bean soup. Tuna salad.

    Dinner: 4-6 ounces of bake salmon with 2-3 vegetable portions (steamed, roasted, etc) drizzled with butter or olive oil. If you're still eating some starches, serve with rice or beans or pasta or quinoa. You can buy big bags of wild caught salmon and frozen vegetables at Trader Joe's or Walmart for reasonable prices. Just pull them out and cook. Same goes for the starch...premade rice or quinoa dishes.

    Fats such as butter, oil, mayo, peanut butter, etc have about 90-120 calories per tablespoon so they're a great way to get your calories up without adding much volume.

    Thank you so much for giving me these ideas. Some people just don't know how hard it is to try and change everything you've always done. I really appreciate it.
    I actually wouldn't recommend changing everything you've always done, at least not right away. Try to make gradual changes or try to make the calorie allotment fit into the lifestyle and patterns you prefer. Change one or two things at a time.

    If Starbucks drinks have been a major source of your calories in the past and you enjoy them, you can still decide to have a Starbucks drink for breakfast or lunch. Most of them are just milk, coffee and sugar. Milk is a good balanced source of nutrients, containing fat, protein and carbs. You might want to gradually cut back on the number of pumps of sugar they put in your drink or you may choose not to. You can choose whole milk or 2% or skim or almond milk, depending on your preference. I like a whole milk grande latte, but someone else might choose a skim sugar free mocha. Just plan it into your day. They have their calories listed on their website.

    Or maybe you want to have the Starbucks for lunch, but add some protein or vegetables on the side, maybe a salad.
  • tooy1234
    tooy1234 Posts: 12 Member
    I could never just eat 1600 calories. Specially on training days. Food is fuel and with not a lot of fuel your gunna run on empty. I always eat more on training days. Sugar is what makes you fat not fat we need fats in our body's to function properly. Ok I don't mean saturated fats but we need mono and poly fats. I say the more you train the more you can eat lol
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    You've not been using scales so you don't actually know how much you are eating. That's how other people manage it, and that's how we got fat in the first place. QED.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    mskimee wrote: »
    Wait until you get that food scale. I was convinced I was eating 1,200 a day and then I found out how tiny 100g of ANYTHING actually is!! I was eating more than double what i thought I was eating. :s

    I just got the scale and OMG was I wrong! In the last 30 days I only lost 4 pounds, and someone who went from 310 pounds , who was bearly active, and didn't think about calories to doing what I thought was 1600 calories and burning about 500 calories 5 days a week to only lose 4 pounds is crazy. But now that everything is measured and weighed, I definitely see now that I was under estimating the calories.

    I love it when people see the light! Way to go, @grimmc603. Now you'll really get truckin'!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    mskimee wrote: »
    Wait until you get that food scale. I was convinced I was eating 1,200 a day and then I found out how tiny 100g of ANYTHING actually is!! I was eating more than double what i thought I was eating. :s

    I just got the scale and OMG was I wrong! In the last 30 days I only lost 4 pounds, and someone who went from 310 pounds , who was bearly active, and didn't think about calories to doing what I thought was 1600 calories and burning about 500 calories 5 days a week to only lose 4 pounds is crazy. But now that everything is measured and weighed, I definitely see now that I was under estimating the calories.

    Yeah, it's an eye opener...
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    mskimee wrote: »
    Wait until you get that food scale. I was convinced I was eating 1,200 a day and then I found out how tiny 100g of ANYTHING actually is!! I was eating more than double what i thought I was eating. :s

    I just got the scale and OMG was I wrong! In the last 30 days I only lost 4 pounds, and someone who went from 310 pounds , who was bearly active, and didn't think about calories to doing what I thought was 1600 calories and burning about 500 calories 5 days a week to only lose 4 pounds is crazy. But now that everything is measured and weighed, I definitely see now that I was under estimating the calories.

    Yay! It's going to make a huge difference for you :D.
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Good lord some of these responses are rude! If you can't respond without being a callous jerk how about keeping quiet?

    OP feel free to add me, my diary is open to friends. I'm on 1210 calories a day and some days its a struggle to hit that so I can totally relate. I'm really nervous about once I get to maintenance and have to up my calories, my little stomach is gonna pop!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Funny, 1600 is about the minimum I can eat without feeling like I'm starving

    That part.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Funny, 1600 is about the minimum I can eat without feeling like I'm starving

    That part.

    heck, I debate gnawing off my arm at 2200cal (female 5'3")....
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Savyna wrote: »
    I used to find hitting 1200 calories hard, mainly because I had become scared of eating much of anything. It takes time to get over that feeling (some dont experience it). 1690ish is what I am currently eating now. You can add nuts, butter, oil to hit the weight. My diary is open if you need "inspiration".
    ETA: I just saw your gluten free and low carb requirement. I'm not sure what I eat will help you then lol. Good luck though, whatever you cook for dinner, maybe start cooking more of it? when you make a salad (if you do) make your own dressing and have some olive oil in it. A tbsp of olive oil is 120 calories or so.

    I agree. Although when I first started watching what I eat I was on 1800 calories and I had a hard time eating that amount every day. It was just the fear that if I ate that much that I would not lose weight. Turns out I ate at least 1800 calories most days and lost 200 lbs. For me, the majority of weight loss was changing my way of thinking. I eat mostly " healthy foods", but I do not call any food bad foods. I now know that I can have a cookie or candy and it is ok. If I do go overboard on a weekend, I know that I will get right back to eating within my calorie goal the next day. Good luck to you!!
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I have no problem on 1560 per day. 5'10 m currently at 230 down 40 pounds so far.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    I'm not an eater, but surprisingly I'm overweight. I struggle eating more than 1200 calories, and the days I workout I eat less than that. Didn't notice this trend until I started to track my calories. The only thing that I have time to cook is a quick dinner. Any suggestions on grab and go food that will pack a larger calorie count without all the sugar and carbs (gluten-free as well) ?

    how did you gain weight in the first place?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    tooy1234 wrote: »
    I could never just eat 1600 calories. Specially on training days. Food is fuel and with not a lot of fuel your gunna run on empty. I always eat more on training days. Sugar Excess calories is what makes you fat not fat we need fats in our body's to function properly. Ok I don't mean saturated fats but we need mono and poly fats. I say the more you train the more you can eat lol
