Your biggest weakness?



  • 1- Hard amber cider. 200 calories a bottle, and who has just one bottle of cider?

    2- Frozen pizza

    3- Cream cheese frosting on any sort of cake...mmmm
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    taco bell

    with ya!
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Wine and chocolate....

    Although, it has gotten a little (and i do mean a little) easier over time staying away from these.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    1. Mini eggs. 2. Pizza. 3. Garlic bread. 4. Cheese. No portion control whatsoever. Love.
    Oh, and 5. Lasagne.
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    Cheese, followed by crisps and Chinese.
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    Over the last month I've learnt I can live without pretty much everything, although I do need the odd cheese fix now and again.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    Pizza! If we have it I eat wayy too much. Next would be ice cream, then cookies, brownies lol. Let's just go with chocolate for a second choice.
  • tyadrake
    tyadrake Posts: 107 Member
    Wine :bigsmile:
    [/qu:love: ote]I am an AVID Wine drinker! I work for a wine distribution company so it is readily available to me! My other weakness is cheese and anything salty.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    hpygirl64ColleenLinder Posts: 146 Member
    use to be sweets and unhealthy carbs but thanks to my secret weapon I no longer binge eat or crave them and lowest weight in years to boot! feel free to friend me anyone here for some positive food for thought left on my page daily. Healthy Hugs, Colleen
  • deborahmorris
    deborahmorris Posts: 177 Member
    Anything sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could get something to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad:

    I try to get things that are not too high in sugar and me I am doing better!!!!

    But sure welcome any ideas!!!!!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    My biggest weakness is being awake! I love food - almost any food can be a weakness for me.
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Baskin Robin's Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream! Cheese is a close 2nd...

    oh its like you read my mind...but i also have to had wine, sangria or something along those lines :)
  • 1. Sugar 2. Chips
  • Margie2210
    Margie2210 Posts: 20 Member
    wine followed by fast food burgers
  • beeker75
    beeker75 Posts: 109
    Cheese, Chocolate, Pasta, Pepsi, Milk (I could drink a gallon a day!), Cookies (Mmmm Great American Cookie Company *drool), Brownies, Ice Cream......oh I could go on and on!!! The worst is the Pepsi tho.
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    Oreo and chicken nuggets
  • jatcat310
    jatcat310 Posts: 63
    My number one weakness is FOOD....I love almost everything, love to try foods I have never eaten, there are very few things I don't like. I definitely need to learn moderation.
  • icecream and pizza
  • Butter....Memories of toast dripping with it

    Chocolate.... Memories of huge bars and scoffing the lot

    Doritos...memories of family size bags being devoured whilst watching a movie

    Also trying to remember "A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips"
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Chocolate, beer, ice cream, kettle popcorn