


  • schellies
    schellies Posts: 88 Member
    Ill be restarting today.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Mahdi22 wrote: »
    Week 2 Day 2 almost done? Lol

    So, my legs hurt a lot during my run, almost to the point where I wanted to sit down on the side walk. I'm pretty sure my eyes were tearing up a little too. I was limping, and walking very slow just so I could get home.

    Out of the 6 jog/walks, I managed only 5. I think in going to go to my doctor because I might have fractured it or something which sucks :(

    maybe you need to start listening to your body then....?
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I did C25K some time ago, then progressed to 10k then half marathon, so watch out running can be addictive. I prefer to jeff though (run/walk intervals) find I'm much quicker that way and can keep going for longer.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Realized that although I've been doing the right workouts, I've been calling them by the wrong name. So I didn't do week 4 last week, I did week 3.

    And I got through it, but it was hard as heck. Really nervous about W4D1 today. Two intervals of 5 mins, two of 3? I barely got through the 3 minute intervals last week. Yikes.

    I'm gonna give it a shot; maybe I'll surprise myself. It's also very possible this will be too much for me at the moment and I'll repeat week 3 before moving on.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    W6D2 this morning.

    Was afraid I'd need to repeat after a week away, but no! One of our group wore a pedometer at Disney, and logged 15-20k steps each day. We weren't together 100% of the time, but my guess is that I was in that ballpark. Then yesterday was 14 hours in the car, boredom-snacking. Rest + glycogen = a fast, easy run today. A week of humid heat also made this morning feel particularly cool, despite being later in the morning than I prefer.

    Hey, this was my last day with a walk break in the middle!
  • ButternutSquashh
    ButternutSquashh Posts: 1 Member
    I've just finished W3D1 with walks at 6min/km and runs at 8min/km. After I completed the session I decided to keep on running to see how far I could do and I managed 12 minutes at 7min/km. However, I've found the treadmill gives a lower distance than when I use my app to run on the street.
  • pacingoamy
    pacingoamy Posts: 78 Member
    Five years ago I started C2K when my soon-to-be ex husband moved out and I was left alone without my kids half the week, every week. I cried through a lot of the sessions, used my anger to fuel through others and never thought I would finish. I was away from my kids, facing a potentially life threatening diagnosis (it all ended up being okay) and was lost. I LOATHED running. It beat me for years to submission. I decided to take back my life and beat something back. 5 years later, I am still at it. I have paused and slowed over the years, but I always go back. Keep going. You can do this.
  • laurajeanholly
    laurajeanholly Posts: 12 Member
    W4D2 today! Still trying to figure out how to avoid the right side stitch, but persevering!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Tomorrow is W3D2. I pretty much breezed through yesterday's workout so I should be good to go, unless tonight's accidental 4.5km walk catches up with me. I only meant to go 2km... but I also wanted to know how long the walking path was... I turned around when I saw farms in the distance. It's the same route I've been running but I turn around when the app tells me I am at the halfway point of the workout and I was curious...
  • xmissxamyx
    xmissxamyx Posts: 70 Member
    How effective is this if I tried to do it on a treadmill?
    Its winter where I live and its cold and dark by the time I get home from work so I recently joined a gym so I could get some exercise in and I would like to "get into" running but just not really to bloody keen to do it outside right now!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    I do some of the days on a treadmill. If I am doing weights after it is just easier. After reading lots on here I now set the incline to 2% to emulate the outdoors.

    Still gives me a good feeling of working out and I can track my speed/distance better.
  • editour
    editour Posts: 5 Member
    I do it on a treadmill...I like the convenience. I don't see myself running races, so am not concerned w "outdoor" conditions so much! :smiley:
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Hey folks there are a few C25K apps, some of you guys are already in our 2017 group, if anyone else wants to join we are a lovely bunch and at all different points in the program http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/120724-c25k-couch-to-5km-2017-app-users
  • laurajeanholly
    laurajeanholly Posts: 12 Member
    Bumping this thread up again! Last night I did W5D2 and it went really well.

    My last 3 runs, my husband and daughter (age 9) have run with me, while my boys (ages 7 and 5) bike along. So motivating to have them all with me and unbelievable how easy it is for my 9 year old! We finished at just under 6 min/km. I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow's 20 min. straight run!