I'm a big nerd, and made a graph.

Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
And I thought I'd share it with MFP for no particular reason....


You can see that my weight loss a few weeks back seems to have little correlation with my average weekly net calorie intake. Interesting.

I repeat. I'm a big nerd. Thanks.


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    thats cool, ive been keeping a chart on my weight since 2009....... lol
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    Is that on Excel?
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    You aren't the only nerd, don't worry! I have done similar using excel and then I have even gone so far as to use forecasting models to see where I will be 1 month, 2 months, 3 months out based on the past 6 weeks trend of net calories. Just a little regression analysis and forecasting for ya! You may be a bigger nerd though just because you shared yours...haha j/k!! :happy:
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    Nerds unite! :)
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    Is anyone willing to share their spreadsheet with me? This is impressive!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Is that on Excel?

  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Girls who make weight loss graphs are HAWT.
  • JessicaMarie9382
    That's awesome! And SUCH a good idea!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Is anyone willing to share their spreadsheet with me? This is impressive!

    Sure! PM me your email address.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I've tried to do that, but can't figure out how to get the data out of MFP in a format that I can easily copy into Excel. How did you do it?
  • OlibecaMom
    OlibecaMom Posts: 78
    As an accountant, one of the most frustrating things about losing weight is that, in the end, it's a mathmatical equation. Right? It's just that darn variable - metabolism - that is challenging to forecast/predict. Love that there are other "nerds" out there who think like me and use excel with their own journey!
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    Awesome..You're the best! :flowerforyou: [

    Is anyone willing to share their spreadsheet with me? This is impressive!

    Sure! PM me your email address.
  • satimmons
    satimmons Posts: 9
    I'm a nerd too. I think your graph is terrific. Have graphed your weight loss and then added a trend line through it?
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm with ya on the graphing. :bigsmile:

    I've a spreadsheet (with graphs) at home that I use to track calories burned, calories eaten, percentages of macros (daily & weekly), sugar, fiber, sodium, potassium, sodium/potassium ratios, sleep, energy levels, weight loss, weight loss vs. calculated loss, body fat % loss, and lean body mass.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have one too. :smile: Ok, I have a graph for every month, plus one for the entire ytd. :laugh:

    I also have an analysis of where my deficit MUST be based on my weight loss (to try to figure out how far off my calories are).

    Love my graphs!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I've tried to do that, but can't figure out how to get the data out of MFP in a format that I can easily copy into Excel. How did you do it?

    I've just been entering my totals in excel by hand. I started tracking using DailyPlate and it annoyed me to lose everything when I switched so I made the excel spreadsheet. Plus I don't like MFP's plots as much as DailyPlates so I made my own.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    Girls who make weight loss graphs are HAWT.

    Agreed but HAWTer when they graph lifting statistics :)
  • 707janette
    707janette Posts: 77 Member
    I like it, I made one too.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Hmmm...this nerd may have to do that too. The MFP report output leaves me wanting more options. Thanks!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Rach, it's data mining at it's finest, you need to expand the data to a larger sample size and I'll bet you see more correlations. One month is a pretty small sample size for this kind of thing, trend analysis should take into account 2 or 3 months at a minimum. But it's a very cool graph, what'd you use? Pivot tables? I could get you some even better stuff if you let me throw it into a sql server OLAP cube, could get some very cool numbers in that situation. You think YOU'RE a nerd? I've been a SQL dba for the last 12 years, that's the nerd that nerds think are dorky.