Post here if you want more friends!



  • thatnerdydude
    thatnerdydude Posts: 11 Member
    last post yielded some awesome FR's so here I am posting again.. Please by all means add me ! ( begins scanning previous posts in prep for friending spree)
  • luvinlyfe09
    luvinlyfe09 Posts: 4 Member
    Just starting out & would love the support & encouragement from others.
  • Landoficeandsnow
    Landoficeandsnow Posts: 139 Member
    Add me, comrades! :)
  • laurenlmt
    laurenlmt Posts: 141 Member
    Looking for more friends to help motivate each other!
  • _Stay_Hungry_
    _Stay_Hungry_ Posts: 58 Member
    Add away ... -65lb :) but wanting to lose more
  • lambeze12
    lambeze12 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel Free to add me.
  • kaideleigh
    kaideleigh Posts: 1 Member
    Yep, add me too. Need motivation and will give motivation as well. :)
  • squat_run_repeat
    squat_run_repeat Posts: 684 Member
    Always looking for new and motivating friends..
  • Heart_of_a_lion
    Heart_of_a_lion Posts: 32 Member
    Hello from Florida! Let's be friends! :)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi all, long time MFP member here. I've got a few great pals who have been with me from the start on here but looking for some new active friends as others have left.
    I'm at or around goal weight with a focus on strength training and rehabbing after injury. I know how I should eat and what works for me but don't always do it!!
    I log on pretty much every day and have an open diary. Happy for anyone to add me whether you're at a similar stage in your journey or are working towards different goals. It's all about being the best you can be, whatever that means to each of us.
    P.s. Juvenile sense of humour particularly welcome
  • RunningofftheEX
    RunningofftheEX Posts: 78 Member
    Always willing to add active people on here. Anyone who runs even better. 40 now and started running just over a year ago. Been an interesting ride as I have completed my first half marathon and eventually a full.

    Feel free to add
  • Khloris
    Khloris Posts: 117 Member
    Always looking for new, fun friends!! Add me :)
  • AKThomasArt
    AKThomasArt Posts: 22 Member
    Just started to get back at it after a 6 month hiatus. Looking for a good community of support. Feel free to add me
  • askhokhar66
    askhokhar66 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi .. good to see all of you here. Would love to be friends with nice people.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    I'm looking for new friends, trying to get serious about losing the weight once and for all, looking for support!!
  • GabsG97
    GabsG97 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been successful in losing 65 pounds since January 2nd!! Add me!! Always looking for friends and new inspiration!!
  • bluefairy1
    bluefairy1 Posts: 16 Member
    Looking for friends to help motivate each other and share frustrations
  • leslieparker861
    leslieparker861 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everybody :) It's my first time on MFP, I want to be lean and to eat healthier. Add me so we can support each other!
  • whydobirds
    whydobirds Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a cook looking for anyone to help motivate me! I know a lot about food (which is a good and bad thing), and I'm interested in FODMAP and keto, though I'm overwhelmed on where to begin. Any advice is welcome :smile:
  • Capergirl11
    Capergirl11 Posts: 28 Member
    Would love to make new friends ☺ add me