How are these the same?



  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Corn allergies are fairly common from my understanding. That would be my guess that is only thing these foods have in common from my understanding.

    Thank you for your serious answer! I really appreciate it!!!

    The only thing is, If she has fresh corn on the cob, she has no problems with it. Its so weird.

    So she only had reactions to the Froot Loops and funnel cake?
  • yankeefamily05
    Corn allergies are fairly common from my understanding. That would be my guess that is only thing these foods have in common from my understanding.

    Thank you for your serious answer! I really appreciate it!!!

    The only thing is, If she has fresh corn on the cob, she has no problems with it. Its so weird.

    So she only had reactions to the Froot Loops and funnel cake?

    and canned corn.
  • yankeefamily05
    as a mom who has kids with food allergies, that's what it sounds like! Definitely call you practitioner. The difference with corn on the cob vs the other things is it isn't as concentrated (ie: corn syrup is boiled down!) Food allergies can be scary when they are young, but manageable.
    Good luck!

    She doesn't get hives or anything like that.
    she vomitts and has tummy issues.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    The weird thing is that if she was allergic to corn, she would be suffering a lot more... a LOT of processed foods if not all of them have corn in a way or another. What does she eat regularly? Someone else said carbs, It might have sounded annoying to you, but some people don't deal with carbs very well...

    Make a list of the things she eats all the time and that she has no reaction to (maybe they have as much corn as fruit loops and you haven't noticed). Then go and show it to a doctor...
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I have food sensitivities as well. Wheat, Cow dairy, Strawberries, peanuts, and a lot more. Sometimes I break out in hives, sometimes it's the tummy issues. Substitute and find what works best.

    But wait, was there butter on the corn? It could be the butter and not the corn. The cake probably has butter as well, and the fruit loops, well, all the food dyes, they could be the culprit, but did she have the cereal with milk? It could be the milk, cow dairy, just like me. You can't just look at the food all the time, sometimes you have to look at what's on or in the food.

    I use non-dairy butter, soy milk and/or goats milk, and I for baking, well that's near impossible without the wheat, but if wheat isn't an issue you could cook with the above as well.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    as a mom who has kids with food allergies, that's what it sounds like! Definitely call you practitioner. The difference with corn on the cob vs the other things is it isn't as concentrated (ie: corn syrup is boiled down!) Food allergies can be scary when they are young, but manageable.
    Good luck!

    She doesn't get hives or anything like that.
    she vomitts and has tummy issues.

    That's an allergic reaction too. I'm allerlgic to dust and I "only" sneeze...
  • yankeefamily05
    The weird thing is that if she was allergic to corn, she would be suffering a lot more... a LOT of processed foods if not all of them have corn in a way or another. What does she eat regularly? Someone else said carbs, It might have sounded annoying to you, but some people don't deal with carbs very well...

    Make a list of the things she eats all the time and that she has no reaction to (maybe they have as much corn as fruit loops and you haven't noticed). Then go and show it to a doctor...

    i wasn't annoyed. lol. I just realized I wasn't specific enough in what I was asking.
  • yankeefamily05
    I have food sensitivities as well. Wheat, Cow dairy, Strawberries, peanuts, and a lot more. Sometimes I break out in hives, sometimes it's the tummy issues. Substitute and find what works best.

    Im just going to start a food journal for her. Should I call the dr tomorrow or just start a journal than take it to him?.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Most of the corn crops are genetically modified to include a significantly higher level of a naturally occuring pesticide and scientists don't really know the full impact this could have on humans who consume it. The stated numbers are like 75%,of our corn crops are GMO, but honestly, corn pollenates via the wind, so there is no way to contain the GMO,even if you started with non-GMO plants and seeds. This is why I don't eat corn or anything with corn syrup or other derivatives.

    This article provides some good info... you can google for more.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    I have food sensitivities as well. Wheat, Cow dairy, Strawberries, peanuts, and a lot more. Sometimes I break out in hives, sometimes it's the tummy issues. Substitute and find what works best.

    Im just going to start a food journal for her. Should I call the dr tomorrow or just start a journal than take it to him?.

    Hey, that was my idea, lol!
    I'd say start the diary first, just because tummy issues seem to be avoidable so far... a month's worth?
  • Nancyhusanu
    as a mom who has kids with food allergies, that's what it sounds like! Definitely call you practitioner. The difference with corn on the cob vs the other things is it isn't as concentrated (ie: corn syrup is boiled down!) Food allergies can be scary when they are young, but manageable.
    Good luck!

    She doesn't get hives or anything like that.
    she vomitts and has tummy issues.

    Allergies can show up in LOTS of different forms! One of my kids threw up continuously! (allergy to rice of all things!!) Allergies can also present as Diarrhea, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, swelling on different body parts among others.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Corn allergies are fairly common from my understanding. That would be my guess that is only thing these foods have in common from my understanding.

    Thank you for your serious answer! I really appreciate it!!!

    The only thing is, If she has fresh corn on the cob, she has no problems with it. Its so weird.
    so what type of corn is it? Canned? Creamed? I think the corn source would have to be the easiest to get a whole list of ingredients for...I would eliminate all of the ingredients, and then introduce them back into her diet one at a time. When you give her the ingredient, she will have the reaction and you will know....
    or go to the allergist...
  • yankeefamily05
    Corn allergies are fairly common from my understanding. That would be my guess that is only thing these foods have in common from my understanding.

    Thank you for your serious answer! I really appreciate it!!!

    The only thing is, If she has fresh corn on the cob, she has no problems with it. Its so weird.
    so what type of corn is it? Canned? Creamed? I think the corn source would have to be the easiest to get a whole list of ingredients for...I would eliminate all of the ingredients, and then introduce them back into her diet one at a time. When you give her the ingredient, she will have the reaction and you will know....
    or go to the allergist...

    Canned Corn.
  • yankeefamily05
    I have food sensitivities as well. Wheat, Cow dairy, Strawberries, peanuts, and a lot more. Sometimes I break out in hives, sometimes it's the tummy issues. Substitute and find what works best.

    But wait, was there butter on the corn? It could be the butter and not the corn. The cake probably has butter as well, and the fruit loops, well, all the food dyes, they could be the culprit, but did she have the cereal with milk? It could be the milk, cow dairy, just like me. You can't just look at the food all the time, sometimes you have to look at what's on or in the food.

    I use non-dairy butter, soy milk and/or goats milk, and I for baking, well that's near impossible without the wheat, but if wheat isn't an issue you could cook with the above as well.

    The butter, Yes I have thought of that. I have been a stickler since she started eating solids- When I cook veggies, I dont put butter on them. We were at a service the one day and at my moms the other day. The butter did have me wondering. The milk: She drinks around 4 oz of milk a day with her 1 cookie, she never has any problems with it. BUT, She has been breastfed her whole life, so the milk allergy thing, I really don't know. But she has had milk since she was 1 year and has had no problems with it. The dyes: For sure.
  • Alyx128
    Alyx128 Posts: 92 Member
    Since is was canned corn and not fresh it might also be some other additive that all three have in common. I would take her to a doctor as soon as possible, and have allergy tests done. However, it might be an intolerance (a la lactose intolerance) rather than an allergy. Most allergies tend to cause some sort of an immune system reaction like hives or swelling. GI issues tend to be caused by an intolerance, but not always. I believe that intolerance is a bit harder to diagnose. Also I would have her tested for celiacs disease just in case ( gluten intolerance). While it is unlikely, because she would probably react to many other foods, it is a simple blood test that is covered by insurance. If it was celiacs it is better to get it diagnosed at a young age. I doubt it is anything that severe, but always better to play it on the safe side.

    Good luck, figuring this out.
  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    my guess would be CELIAC disease my son has the same reaction to these.....and he has a condition called celiac....he cannot eat anything with wheat in it.....just a guess tho he had to have a blood now he cant have any bread or items that have wheat in them
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    my guess would be CELIAC disease my son has the same reaction to these.....and he has a condition called celiac....he cannot eat anything with wheat in it.....just a guess tho he had to have a blood now he cant have any bread

    Yes - Celiac is one of the most under-diagnosed diseases/conditions... and wheat is in a lot of food that you don't even realize. She should be tested to confirm or rule out. You can also just start reading labels and exclude wheat from your child's diet for a while and see if symptoms improve.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    There is a free movie on about corn.