

  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    Started May 7 - 179

    6/22 - 170.8
    6/23- 172.0
    6/24- 171.6
    6/25 - 171.2
    6/26 -172... feeling like I need a break through
    6/27 -170.8
    6/28 - 170.6
    6/29 - 171.8...uh, ok...?
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,029 Member
    I'm gonna try this, again. I gained weight for my 1st Round which was Round 7.
    I still believe that I can do this, though. I am going to see what I can do this Round 8 -- my 2nd Round.

    I must be honest... I expect it to be higher on the first day of Round 8 (my 2nd round). But, after that... I'm hoping to be down by the end of the 10 days.

    Final Goal weight: maybe 98 lbs -- not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    4'11", female, 55 years old
    So, my 1st Round (R7) Start Weight: 156.4 lbs. End Weight 159.6 lbs.

    2nd Round (R8): Begin Weight: 160.2 2nd Round (R8) Goal Weight: 159.2

    6/22 160.2
    6/23 158.2 Wow, it really helps to follow my meal plan... duh. I've already surpassed my goal for this round, but let's see if I can stick it or get down below it.
    6/24 156.8 I was pleasantly surprised as I did have a package of M & M peanuts & a sm. pkg of honey roasted peanuts. I hope that I can stick at this or get lower.
    6/25 156.8 I stayed under in calories, yesterday, and am happy with being the same weight. I just don't want to go up (at this point).
    6/26 156.8 I either stayed right at 1200 calories or was below, yesterday. I mean, I stuck with my meal plan (which was less than 1200 calories), but had a few bites of my husband's baked potato that had chili on it..... I'm still happy with this weight, if I can at least keep it until the end of this 10 days. (I will have surpassed my goal for this 10 day's challenge).
    6/27 157.6 I'm still ok with this. I had to eat 2 of my meals very late last night. Didn't eat anything all day until after 6pm & then it was just a banana & an apple. A tough, stressful day. Then, a class... so, didn't eat more until after 11:30 at night.
    6/28 156.6 Stayed under in calories, yesterday, again. I am pleased with this weight for this challenge.
    6/29 156.6 Exactly the same as yesterday.
    7/01 No access to scale.

    Best wishes to all!
    Linda (Elbee1)
  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 694 Member
    SW 156
    GW 135

    6/24: 156
    6/25: 154.2
    6/26: 154.0
    6/27: 153.6
    6/28: 153.2
    6/29: 152.6
    6/30: 153.0
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    I'm in again! Hi, all. My goal, as always, is to lose 2# in 10 days = SW 147.6 Good luck and clean eating everyone!

    6/22 146.6 This is some kind of fluke as I'm down a pound from yesterday. I slept late and woke up really dry if you know what I mean. But by this I'm down 3.4 from the start of last round. My goal was 2#. Now, on to releasing the next 2.
    6/23 149.6 Seriously? up over 3#! Had lunch out yesterday: 1/2 a salad and 1/2 a sandwich. Maybe water weight somewhere. Gonna drink my share of lemon water today.
    6/24 147.8 Went to gym yesterday and did my routine. Delightfully sore. Today: walking track. I'm trying a new approach and entering meals, snacks, etc, for the entire day before I eat anything. If I need to change something, ok, but this gives me a plan for the day and when I get peckish I go for one of the snacks I planned on. Gives me more control over sticking to the macros.
    6/25 147.6 A .2 loss seemed so small until I realized it equals a loss of 1.4 a week. I'll take it. Did the elliptical yesterday and stuck below macros on everything. Off to plan today's menu. Happy losing everyone.
    6/26 147.2 Put in an hour on elliptical yesterday. Went at slower pace as I read that 60-70% of MHR is the zone where you lose weight. Today: gym. Going to go grunt. Wishing us all success.
    6/27 146.6 Yes! Did another hr on ellip as well as gym. Planning my day's menu in advance is so helpful for me. It helps me see the balance, or lack thereof, in my food choices. Today: aqua arthritis and elliptical.
    6/27 147 Big Sigh
    6/29 147.2 Too much family drama and stress and a Snickers and French lemonade. On the bright side, 50 min elliptical and 2 hours gardening. Planning menu and sticking with it today. Stress be damned.

    6/30 147.4 Good grief. I'm ending up where I started. Actually higher. Started cleaning spare/junk bedroom yesterday to make room for son and grandson moving back in. Lots of up and down basement steps. Today gym and maybe Aqua. Come on, body. Let's let some of this go.

  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    Your round 8, my round 2!! Hey y'all!
    SW: 269
    GW for R7/R2: 260
    Round 7/ My Round 1 : 263.2 [-5.8lbs]

    6/22 264.? [in prev post]
    6/23 261.2 [in prev post]
    6/24 262.2 [in prev post]
    6/25 264.? [in prev post]
    6/26 262.4 [in prev post]
    6/27 265.6 [in prev post]
    6/28 264.6 Went for a quick morning walk, since I won't be getting home until 7ish, I know I will have time for another decent walk. I thought I would be a little lighter [maybe 263 instead. . . .[longer post in last log]
    6/29 262.2 Did at least 40 minutes of 2.5 speed walking throughout the day! Extremely proud of myself. I logged every thing over 100 calories in, I had one snack that wouldn't make much of a difference if it was logged. Definitely excited to enter the 50's (favorite music era :blush: ) and even though I am kinda sad about not already being in the 50s, I did not give up. <-- something I would have done any other time I was trying to "lose weight". Haven't been in the 50s since March 28th! :open_mouth:
    6/30 262.2 Meh! I know what the problem is, it is me! When I get home from work I don't want to do annyyything :lol: I should be happy I stayed the same, I think my TOM is on its way, so I am going to be extremely careful the next couple of days! Got myself an iced coffee, a girl's still gotta spoil herself! :tongue:

    Total Weight Loss for June 2017: -6.8lbs
    :warning: Y'ALLLL the weekend is here!! Oh jeez! We got this! :warning: Happy Friday! :heart:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    6/23-203.0. I know at this point it is water weight. But I will take it
    6/24 202.6
    6/25 204.4. Had Chinese and pizza last night. Sodium water retention weight gain
    6/26 204.6

    6/27 202.4 Water retention from pizza and Chinese gone. Yea !!!! Oh and I have happy scale as well. I like it easy to use

    6/28. 202.6
    6/29. 201.4
    6/30 200.6
  • NasiiM4
    NasiiM4 Posts: 76 Member
    SW 259lbs
    GW 135lbs
    Next target 170lbs
    10 day goal 174lbs

    Day Weight Comments

    6/23- 176.2 lbs
    6/24- 174.6 lbs
    6/25- 174.0 lbs
    6/26- 173.8 lbs
    6/27- 175.0 lbs I ate out of my IF window yesterday.
    6/27- 174.4 lbs
    6/29- 173.6 lbs
    6/30- 171.2 lbs
    7/01- going out of town and won't have a scale.

    Will see you guys a couple of days late next round. Have a good holiday weekend.
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    GW for this round - 168
    Final GW - 140

    Coming in from Round 7 at 170 lbs

    6/22 - 169.6 - did really well yesterday, 40 min on elliptical and food intake was on point. Expected to see a bigger loss, but I'll take it!

    6/23 - 169.6 - No exercise today and pretty sedentary due to work but came in under calories.

    6/24 - 168.8 - Stayed close to calories despite a friend's wedding. No "exercise" but ran my tail off getting every thing ready so all in all, I'll call that a win.

    6/25 -170 - Darned scale...no exercise but nutritionally on point.

    6/26 - 169.4 - Stayed under calories and did 41 minutes on elliptical. I'm trying to increase my time by 1 minute every time I do it...but can't seem to make time to do it more than 3 or 4 times a week. I'm going to lock my office door and try doing some body weight resistance exercises like plank and pushups in my office to see if that helps.

    6/27 - 169.8 Went over calories slightly and no cardio yesterday. I did do my first plank in probably a year for 20 seconds and managed to squeeze out 10 pushups from my knees. Wow. I had no idea my upper body was so weak. Minimally sore but not so much I can't try again today. Already did the elliptical for 42 minutes this morning and will do my plank and pushups again when I get to work.

    6/28 - 170.6 - Grrrrr wrong direction...TOM must be coming. I'm at or under calories consistently and exercising more and more.

    6/29 - 169.8 - Stayed under calories and hit the elliptical for 40 minutes. I really felt crummy toward the end of that. I think I didn't have enough fuel...but later in the day I squeezed out another 10 pushups.

    6/30 - 170.2 - Well that sucks...I am doing everything right. The lbs seem to be gorilla glued on.

    7/1 -
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    ck2d wrote: »
    efie40 wrote: »
    Started May 7 - 179

    6/22 - 170.8
    6/23- 172.0
    6/24- 171.6
    6/25 - 171.2
    6/26 -172... feeling like I need a break through
    6/27 -170.8
    6/28 - 170.6
    6/29 - 171.8...uh, ok...?

    It's all good. Have you seen weight trend charts? They even out the spikes that happen for everyone. If seeing the ups are getting to you, give one of those charts a whirl.
    Also - you know about squishy fat and whooshes, right? If not, google it. It's an absolutely fascinating look at why there are daily ups and downs with weight loss.

    Thank you for this. I'd never heard of it and it describes what goes on with me perfectly. Reading about it made me feel more positive.
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2lbs
    CW:199.4 (6/21)
    R8 GW: 196lbs

    6/22: 199.0 still trending down :) I have a hectic day ahead and wont be able to workout so I'll make this my rest day instead of Sunday.

    6/23: 200.6 yeah....not only did I not workout yesterday, I was out travelling, scared to drinking too much water, and I ate this ziti pizza slice that made me feel so heavy. I also got home at around 1am which also made me groggy this morning. Not really happy with my choices right now.

    6/24: 199

    6/25: 197!! Out of the house all day yesterday walking the city. Woke up and had to weigh myself again I was so surprised. This week hasn't been great for my workout schedule but I was able to fill my off days with lots of activity.

    6/26 Wasn't home. No weigh-in

    6/27: 197.6 Up from Sunday, but I have really been slacking on working out for these last few days :/ Getting back on the grind today.

    6/28: 197.4 going back down. Did Insanity Fit Test yesterday and saw some good improvements, went up five reps for some of the exercises :)

    6/29: 198.4 :( A whole pound over night. Not happy about that, but I worked out yesterday evening and just took a walk for lunch. Trying to make a push for these last few days, especially since I'll be traveling on Sunday and unable to workout at all.

    6/30: 197.6 At least I'm back on 97. I had did Insanity and took a walk yesterday. One more day. We can do this!

  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    SW on 6/21 141.4
    GW for 7/1 138

    Day Weight Comments

    6/22 140.8 I was pleased with this – officially 5lbs down since I started weighing myself daily on 6/12. I took 2 half-hour walks yesterday and was below my calorie count for the day

    6/23 140.2 Did a 45 minute bootcamp class last night that kicked my butt! Came in well under my calories for the day, happy to see a loss

    6/24 140.2 No change in the scale, I didn’t get in any exercise yesterday so that may explain it

    6/25 139.4 Reached my first mini goal, to be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Had a good day yesterday – resisted pizza and brownies at a family get together

    6/26 140 A little surprised I’m up today, I had a good day yesterday... less water intake, maybe that affected it. Oh well, it’s a new week!

    6/27 140.4 Not happy, the scale is going the wrong way.. and after a good day!

    6/28 140 Pleased with seeing a loss today, I think my sodium intake has been too high this week, which is causing me to gain/stall out compared to the previous weeks

    6/29 139.4 Yes! Back down to my lowest so far during this weight loss journey.. just in time for the weekend to screw things up! I have a wedding this weekend + it’s a long holiday weekend, it’s going to be a tough one!

    6/30 139.2 A small loss, but a loss! Sooo close to my goal for these 10 days, let’s see what tomorrow brings. I was under my calories yesterday, even with enjoying a piece of pizza.. didn’t get in as much exercise as I would have liked, but that’s ok

  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    SW from R7: 215

    6/22: 216.8 -- Boo.
    6/23: 215.8 -- Better, esp. considering I judged a taco contest last night.
    6/24: 214.8 -- zumba and music festival today. I expect this won't last.
    6/25: 214.8 -- stayed under my calories yesterday, a minor miracle.
    6/26: 214.8 -- Yesterday was a damn mess. I expect the scale will react over the next couple days.
    6/27: 218 -- dear god. Stayed under calories yesterday, worked out, and had a good walk.

    6/28: 217.2 -- At this point I'll be happy to be back where I ended R7 at by the end of this round. Maintaining isn't the end of the world, but...I have to step it up if I want to get anywhere. Under calories, stretched (very sore) and walked yesterday.

    6/29: 215 -- *sigh of relief* well under calories and worked out yesterday.
    6/30: 215 -- under calories, zumba yesterday
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,029 Member
    I'm gonna try this, again. I gained weight for my 1st Round which was Round 7.
    I still believe that I can do this, though. I am going to see what I can do this Round 8 -- my 2nd Round.

    I must be honest... I expect it to be higher on the first day of Round 8 (my 2nd round). But, after that... I'm hoping to be down by the end of the 10 days.

    Final Goal weight: maybe 98 lbs -- not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    4'11", female, 55 years old
    So, my 1st Round (R7) Start Weight: 156.4 lbs. End Weight 159.6 lbs.

    2nd Round (R8): Begin Weight: 160.2 2nd Round (R8) Goal Weight: 159.2

    6/22 160.2
    6/23 158.2 Wow, it really helps to follow my meal plan... duh. I've already surpassed my goal for this round, but let's see if I can stick it or get down below it.
    6/24 156.8 I was pleasantly surprised as I did have a package of M & M peanuts & a sm. pkg of honey roasted peanuts. I hope that I can stick at this or get lower.
    6/25 156.8 I stayed under in calories, yesterday, and am happy with being the same weight. I just don't want to go up (at this point).
    6/26 156.8 I either stayed right at 1200 calories or was below, yesterday. I mean, I stuck with my meal plan (which was less than 1200 calories), but had a few bites of my husband's baked potato that had chili on it..... I'm still happy with this weight, if I can at least keep it until the end of this 10 days. (I will have surpassed my goal for this 10 day's challenge).
    6/27 157.6 I'm still ok with this. I had to eat 2 of my meals very late last night. Didn't eat anything all day until after 6pm & then it was just a banana & an apple. A tough, stressful day. Then, a class... so, didn't eat more until after 11:30 at night.
    6/28 156.6 Stayed under in calories, yesterday, again. I am pleased with this weight for this challenge.
    6/29 156.6 Exactly the same as yesterday.
    6/30 156.0 I am so happy about this, but hope that I can stick with it throughout the holiday weekend. I will tell y'all that because of this challenge...I resisted a Hostess Cupcake!!! That was hard!
    7/01 No access to scale.

    I surpassed my goal for this challenge round! I am so thrilled! (but nervous about the holiday weekend...)

    Best wishes to all!
    Linda (Elbee1)