
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6
    Round 7 - 140.6

    6/22 139.0 Lost 3lbs in round 7 by watching my carbs. Trying to stay around 20g.
    6/23 139.4 Had family over for dinner last night for Chinese food and drinks. I tried to stay mindful by not eating carb-filled fried rice, chow mein & General chicken. Skipped beer and opted for diet mixed drinks & wine.
    6/24 Out of town with no scale
    6/25 Out of town with no scale
    6/26 140.0 Weekend is over; time to get back at it.
    6/27 140.2
    6/28 139.0
    6/29 139.8 Too much sodium and snacking last night
    6/30 138.8 Whoosh! Thanks for the info @ck2d
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    I'm in.

    06/20 - 146.6
    06/22 - 146.6

    Day Weight Comments

    6/22 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/23 - 145.0 at 6:00 a.m.
    6/24 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/25 - 144.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/26 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/27 - 143.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    6/28 - 143.6 at 6:00 a.m.
    6/29 - 144.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/30 - 143.4 at 6:00 a.m.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    SW: 256
    Round 7: 240.4 [-2.4 lbs]

    6/22 - 239.6 New decade.
    6/23 - 239.6
    6/24 - 239.0
    6/25 - 241.2 - poor sleep, does it to me every time
    6/26 - 240.4
    6/27 - 240.6
    6/27 - 240.2
    6/29 - 237.4 - super stressful week - I think this is as much as a blip as the jumps are and I'll be back up tomorrow
    6/30 - 239.4
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/22: 169.8 - had a great work out last night, but it left me half dead today. haha.
    6/23: 170.0 - way over my sodium yesterday.
    6/24: 167.8! - killer workout last night.
    6/25: 168.2 - take out for dinner last night. Wasn't over calories, but prob was over sodium. Also, slept in.
    6/26: 167.4 - TOM is here and I feel like reheated death so that's a thing. Let's see if I can hold to 167 or below.
    6/27: 167.4 - holding steady.
    6/28: 167.4 - I guess at least my weight is steady?! Hoping to drop tomorrow.
    6/29: 167.2 - a small drop, but I'll take it. Been struggling to stay under calories so that's today's goal.
    6/30: 166.2 - was upset/sick yesterday. Seems to have done wonders for my weight at least.

    One day left everyone! We can do it!
  • AmasMomma
    AmasMomma Posts: 134 Member
    R8 SW 354.2
    This will be my first 10 day challenge. Goal is to log everything, drink more water and up my activity level.

    6/22 354.2
    6/23 355.8 ate 4 chick-fil-a cookies and some ice cream plus no exercise
    6/24 354.0 did some walking and drank lots of water
    6/25 355 I had fast food and did some late night snacking.
    6/26 353.8 better today, went walking
    6/27 353.4 did more walking today and plenty of water
    6/28 350.8 I'm anticipating Thursday thru Sunday; the days I usually fall off track. I need to make some plans to have some self control this weekend; there's a bday party on Sat. I will try not to eat out before then.
    6/29 349.2
    6/30 351.6 meh, midnight Taco Bell run for a double chalupa; it is what is.
  • FranSilvius62
    FranSilvius62 Posts: 54 Member
    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 273.6
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    Round 4 278.0
    Round 5 275.6
    Round 6 273.2
    Round 7 273.6

    6/21 273,6 Husband went into hospital on the 19th for colostomy and port. I stayed the week with him.
    6/26 272.2 First day home and first day of chemo for husband. Surprised I lost any weight at all in last week.
    Now to get back on track.
    6/27 272.0
    6/28 272.2
    6/29 272.3
    6/30 273.0 guessing the stress of having to move and husbands cancer is trying to take over. Will take extra time for a walk and bring the emotional eating under control.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    SW: 283
    6/21/17 weight: 270.4 lbs.
    6/22 SW 270.4 -- Goal for 10 days: be in the 260s.
    6/23 274 --yes the scale is still giving somewhat random numbers but most of that +4 (!) pounds is Chinese Take Out and the extra bottle of water I drank with it. Gonna buy a new scale today so who knows what tomorrow will bring.
    6/24 271.0 -- new scale and still getting rid of the water weight from that Chinese Take Out. Going to try starting a little exercise today.
    6/25 272.8 -- THEM THAT PLAYS PAYS! Okay so how about unsalted tortilla chips upon which I sprinkled salt ... and then that dill harvarti binge late at night? So at least I recorded the binge with breakfast today and will stay within calorie limits even including that extra cheese! Tonight, I go to bed rather than munch late at night!
    6/26 270.8 -- almost back where I started. Phew. Behave right, Heidi, and there's still hope of reaching the 260s in this challenge!
    6/27 270.2 -- Contented sigh.
    6/28 269.8 --New second digit. 2-seven-0 turns into 2-six-9. Must hold on with grasping fingers as it struggles to get away! Epic battle to ensue!
    6/29 270.4

    6/30 271.2 -- Chinese takeout again. This does not bode well for the six being back for tomorrow but at least I saw it!

  • sonya_laan
    sonya_laan Posts: 131 Member
    SW: 234 lbs (June 19, 2017)
    GW1: 199
    GW2: 160
    Round 8 goal: 4 lbs (I always lose weight super fast when I first start eating healthy so thinking 4 lbs is reasonable)

    June 21: 230.2 lbs

    Day Weight Comments
    6/22 - 229.4 lbs
    6/23 - 228 lbs.
    6/24 - 228 lbs
    6/25 - 227.6 lbs.
    6/26 - 227.6 lbs
    6/27 - 227.2 lbs - slow and steady. Also been eating over sodium so that's probably not helping.
    6/28 - 226.4 lbs - stayed within cals last night but was sooo hungry all day until i ate a massive meal at night. :neutral:
    6/29 - 225.2 lbs - my scale died yesterday morning and i figured the drop i saw yesterday was to fix the results I was seeing for the few days before that. NOPE. A nice big drop this morning. Officially lost 20 lbs today from my starting weight set 2 years ago.
    6/30 - 223.8 lbs - soooo another huge drop. not sure why. I eat 1500 cal...I know my new job is very physical and I may have to consider upping my MFP from sedentary to active to help slow the loss down if it continues like this.
  • sonya_laan
    sonya_laan Posts: 131 Member
    I am also in for another round (round 9)! Found this really helped with accountability and I enjoyed coming in to post.
  • clarestorm1886
    clarestorm1886 Posts: 165 Member
    6/21/17 weight: 136.6 lbs
    GW: 132 lbs to start with
    Ultimate goal 120 lbs

    6/22: 134.4 lbs I was pretty excited this morning, my scale hadn't moved for quite a while before today!
    6/23: 134.2 lbs Still going in the right direction. Ate well yesterday, but didn't have time to exercise, it was a busy
    6/24: 133.2 lbs Getting closer, the trick will be to keep it that way
    6/25: 133.2 lbs
    6/26: 133.2 lbs
    6/27: 133.2 lbs I seem to be in a holding pattern. Time to get a work out in!
    6/27: 134 lbs jinxed myself :(
    6/29: 133.8 lbs
    6/30: 133.8 lbs another holding pattern...
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Round 7: 172.3
    First goal: 170

    6/22 - 171.9 > Well this was a surprise this morning!! Made the kid walk up the steepest hill in town with me.
    6/23 - 172.1 < Huge after dinner hike and a Berry Protein Smoothie for dessert. Was a good day.
    6/24 - 170.9 > Getting so close. Had a nice walk and (2) glasses of wine. Great evening and SO is home ❤️
    6/25 - 172.0 <
    6/26 - 172.4 < Ugghh a busy weekend with Wine and BBQ salads etc on both days!! I'm getting back on track and SO is away for at least 21 days ... I do amazing with my calories when he's gone. lol Hoovering above my 170 mark would like to hit this soon.
    6/27 - 172.7 > Huh? Well this is the wrong direction. Thought I cut some cals and although felt lazy crawled off the couch and went for a long walk. Tomorrow is my weigh-in day lets hope this is a sodium build up. (fingers crossed lol)
    6/28 - 172.2 < Working out all the weekend fun, sadly the weekend is just around the corner again. 20,000 steps last night of the biggest hills in town and hot out too!!
    6/29 - 171.4 < I even had a cupcake!! BBQ tomorrow and I work in the morning so I doubt I'll fit in a long walk, Saturday I'll have to make up for it. Hope I can limit my calories and try and stay away from overly salty foods (Not a hope)

    6/30 - 170.1 < ..... (.1) from my goal (.1)!!! BBQ's and fun all weekend so holding on to this is going to be rough... But I want it!! So we will see what happens.

  • FAR_from_FAT
    FAR_from_FAT Posts: 100 Member
    Day Weight Comments
    6/24-166.0/ I was reading and seen someone mention there scale was acting winky and needed new batteries, so I thought maybe mine is too. I weighed 164 then 166 today.... So I will see tomorrow what the difference is.
    6/25-166.4/ I guess the batteries were good, still hanging on to the same number. Better then going up on a weekend.
    6/26-166.6/ I think I need a new scale it gave me 4 random numbers so I picked the one that was similar to other days ugh. I had an awesome moment I fit into a size 9/10 and I haven't been in that size since 8th grade and I'm not 32 woohoo
    6/27-165.2 woohoo
    6/28-164.8 finally back down to where I was a last tuesday! Going in the right direction.
    6/29-165.4 ice cream Sunday and carne asada tacos but it was yummy
    6/30-165.4 completely impressed! My steps were low dinner at a Mexican restaurant and stone cold ice cream afterwards. Wowzers.... I'm liking the squishy fat and woosh theory.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2017
    Looks like a great group.. looking forward to joining Round 9.

    * Will that start the 1st or 2nd?
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    @cyranda63 I assume you will be starting round 9 on the 2nd?

    I'm looking forward to it. I need the accountability. Especially with the holiday coming up
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    @everher and @azsundancer I emailed Hillcrestbaby, who normally does the 10 days, as she is on vacation. If she doesn't respond I will post it tomorrow sometime. One of us will have a new round before July 2nd.
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    This is my 4th block of 10 days. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. That, plus seeing how others are doing, is motivating for me. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP approximately 10 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in the first 10 day challenge. I did better in the second 10 days. I derailed a bit in the third. The Father's Day weekend-long party didn't help. I am resolved to do better this time.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/21 287 lbs. My weight at the end of the last challenge

    06/22 286 lbs. Good to see it going down a lb.
    06/23 285 lbs. A pleasant surprise 2 days in a row with another lb.
    06/24 284 lbs. Yes! The damage from the Father's Day weekend-long food & booze festival is behind me.
    06/25 284 lbs. Considering things I ate yesterday no change is OK.
    06/26 284.5 lbs. Weekend gain.
    06/27 284 lbs Back to the grind on Monday.
    06/28 283.5 lbs. My measurements (taken weekly) are down too.
    06/29 283 lbs. Liking this round for sure!
    06/30 283 lbs. No change.


    My net loss over 3 previous consecutive 10 day challenges: 2 lbs.
    Loss so far this 10 day challenge: 4 lbs.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    @everher and @azsundancer I emailed Hillcrestbaby, who normally does the 10 days, as she is on vacation. If she doesn't respond I will post it tomorrow sometime. One of us will have a new round before July 2nd.

    Thank you!
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 170 Member
    Day Weight Comments
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    6/24 185.5
    6/25 185.5
    6/26 184.0
    6/27 183.0
    6/28 183.0
    6/29 182.0 I can't believe it! I never lose weight like this. But this is also the first time I'm weighing and measuring EVERYTHING consistently. I think in the past when I've tried to lose weight I had the mentality of, 'it's just an apple, it's just an extra bite, it's just another scoop, etc.' Well all those extra 'it's justs' add up! Lol
    6/30 182.0