Has anyone lost weight without going low carb?



  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    57lbs lost just restricting calories and trying to hit my protein goal. Otherwise I don't care where the balance lies but I usually am around 40-55% carbs daily. It's a lot but works for me.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I apologize for the confusion!!!! Guys I lost 30 pounds without restricting carbs and 25lbs (since the middle of may) with retricting carbs. Sorry I know the 'recent' confused you all. So the results have proven to be faster with restricting my carbs but its still unstainable for me. Thank you guys so much for your wonderful replies!I just wanted to clear that up. I give major props for those who can maintain keto and atkins!

    You didn't lose fat faster, you probably had a water weight whoosh which makes it appear faster. Over time it has been studied and proven you will lose the same calories being equal.

    I think you missed my post further up explaining the whole keto means you burn more fat.
    I think a lot of it is what kind of carbs you are eating... whether they are simple (like sugar, honey, candy, cookies) or complex (like beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, etc.) These contain a considerable amount of fiber. The fiber is not digested, so you can subtract your grams of fiber from your carb total for the "net carbs."
    I am vegetarian, so I eat more carbs than someone who gets their protein from meat. I often have 150 carbs total, but also have 50+ grams of fiber, so my net carbs are less than 100. This is still pretty low carb, but it is healthier than a diet of simple carbs.
    People say "A calorie is a calorie" but if 15-25% of your food is fiber that passes through and isn't digested, that doesn't really count like sugar or fat that is 100% digested. I'm not an expert, and there are opposing opinions about this - but this makes sense to me, so this is how I count it.
    I still count all the calories in the food, but as far as tracking the macros (carbs/protein/fat/fiber) I do deduct the fiber as a percentage of the whole.
    So, in practice, my daily goals look something like this: 1,200 calories. Carbs 135g (45%), Protein 60g (20%), Fat 47g (35%). I shoot for 40+ grams of fiber daily, so my net carbs are just under 100 per day. The fat content looks high, but I eat half an avocado every day, and that is a very heart healthy fat, and also contains about 5g of fiber, so it's a great addition to your diet - and better for you, and more filling than an equal calorie amount of butter or oils. My other fat grams usually come from raw nuts and seeds which also contain fiber.
    If I do my exercises and add a couple hundred more calories to my daily allowance, I still try to keep the percentages proportional, so you could do the same if you have a higher calorie allowance daily. I have a desk job so don't get a lot of activity in my day unless I purposely exercise. (I'm trying to get better at that.)
    For what it's worth, I hope this helps. Good luck!

    So much no. Calories. Start and end. Fibre is accounted for in those calories (though I think there's new studies on nuts that may change things but you'd have to be eating quite a lot of nuts for it to really matter).

    Everything you have explained in the wall of text is personal preference.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited July 2017
    @Nmarine1996 Not only have I lost as of today 102 lb in 17+ months without going low carb, my next meal is going to be a pizza of my own creation which will have a neapolitan style thin crust, cheese, vegetables, and meat. Your fitness instructor is defrauding you of your money.

    For dessert, I'm going to have ice cream. Premium ice cream. I've earned it with an exercise today.
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    @Nmarine1996 Not only have I lost as of today 102 lb in 17+ months without going low carb, my next meal is going to be a pizza of my own creation which will have a neapolitan style thin crust, cheese, vegetables, and meat. Your fitness instructor is defrauding you of your money.

    Sounds very promising, thank you!!!!
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    @Nmarine1996 Not only have I lost as of today 102 lb in 17+ months without going low carb, my next meal is going to be a pizza of my own creation which will have a neapolitan style thin crust, cheese, vegetables, and meat. Your fitness instructor is defrauding you of your money.

    For dessert, I'm going to have ice cream. Premium ice cream. I've earned it with an exercise today.

    I agree, his advice does seem very strange.
  • DustyRoseAZ
    DustyRoseAZ Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do. Nmarine1996 asked what other people are doing, and I was simply explaining what I do.
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    I apologize for the confusion!!!! Guys I lost 30 pounds without restricting carbs and 25lbs (since the middle of may) with retricting carbs. Sorry I know the 'recent' confused you all. So the results have proven to be faster with restricting my carbs but its still unstainable for me. Thank you guys so much for your wonderful replies!I just wanted to clear that up. I give major props for those who can maintain keto and atkins!

    You didn't lose fat faster, you probably had a water weight whoosh which makes it appear faster. Over time it has been studied and proven you will lose the same calories being equal.

    I think you missed my post further up explaining the whole keto means you burn more fat.
    I think a lot of it is what kind of carbs you are eating... whether they are simple (like sugar, honey, candy, cookies) or complex (like beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, etc.) These contain a considerable amount of fiber. The fiber is not digested, so you can subtract your grams of fiber from your carb total for the "net carbs."
    I am vegetarian, so I eat more carbs than someone who gets their protein from meat. I often have 150 carbs total, but also have 50+ grams of fiber, so my net carbs are less than 100. This is still pretty low carb, but it is healthier than a diet of simple carbs.
    People say "A calorie is a calorie" but if 15-25% of your food is fiber that passes through and isn't digested, that doesn't really count like sugar or fat that is 100% digested. I'm not an expert, and there are opposing opinions about this - but this makes sense to me, so this is how I count it.
    I still count all the calories in the food, but as far as tracking the macros (carbs/protein/fat/fiber) I do deduct the fiber as a percentage of the whole.
    So, in practice, my daily goals look something like this: 1,200 calories. Carbs 135g (45%), Protein 60g (20%), Fat 47g (35%). I shoot for 40+ grams of fiber daily, so my net carbs are just under 100 per day. The fat content looks high, but I eat half an avocado every day, and that is a very heart healthy fat, and also contains about 5g of fiber, so it's a great addition to your diet - and better for you, and more filling than an equal calorie amount of butter or oils. My other fat grams usually come from raw nuts and seeds which also contain fiber.
    If I do my exercises and add a couple hundred more calories to my daily allowance, I still try to keep the percentages proportional, so you could do the same if you have a higher calorie allowance daily. I have a desk job so don't get a lot of activity in my day unless I purposely exercise. (I'm trying to get better at that.)
    For what it's worth, I hope this helps. Good luck!

    So much no. Calories. Start and end. Fibre is accounted for in those calories (though I think there's new studies on nuts that may change things but you'd have to be eating quite a lot of nuts for it to really matter).

    Everything you have explained in the wall of text is personal preference.

    My apologies for missing your post.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I apologize for the confusion!!!! Guys I lost 30 pounds without restricting carbs and 25lbs (since the middle of may) with retricting carbs. Sorry I know the 'recent' confused you all. So the results have proven to be faster with restricting my carbs but its still unstainable for me. Thank you guys so much for your wonderful replies!I just wanted to clear that up. I give major props for those who can maintain keto and atkins!

    You didn't lose fat faster, you probably had a water weight whoosh which makes it appear faster. Over time it has been studied and proven you will lose the same calories being equal.

    I think you missed my post further up explaining the whole keto means you burn more fat.
    I think a lot of it is what kind of carbs you are eating... whether they are simple (like sugar, honey, candy, cookies) or complex (like beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, etc.) These contain a considerable amount of fiber. The fiber is not digested, so you can subtract your grams of fiber from your carb total for the "net carbs."
    I am vegetarian, so I eat more carbs than someone who gets their protein from meat. I often have 150 carbs total, but also have 50+ grams of fiber, so my net carbs are less than 100. This is still pretty low carb, but it is healthier than a diet of simple carbs.
    People say "A calorie is a calorie" but if 15-25% of your food is fiber that passes through and isn't digested, that doesn't really count like sugar or fat that is 100% digested. I'm not an expert, and there are opposing opinions about this - but this makes sense to me, so this is how I count it.
    I still count all the calories in the food, but as far as tracking the macros (carbs/protein/fat/fiber) I do deduct the fiber as a percentage of the whole.
    So, in practice, my daily goals look something like this: 1,200 calories. Carbs 135g (45%), Protein 60g (20%), Fat 47g (35%). I shoot for 40+ grams of fiber daily, so my net carbs are just under 100 per day. The fat content looks high, but I eat half an avocado every day, and that is a very heart healthy fat, and also contains about 5g of fiber, so it's a great addition to your diet - and better for you, and more filling than an equal calorie amount of butter or oils. My other fat grams usually come from raw nuts and seeds which also contain fiber.
    If I do my exercises and add a couple hundred more calories to my daily allowance, I still try to keep the percentages proportional, so you could do the same if you have a higher calorie allowance daily. I have a desk job so don't get a lot of activity in my day unless I purposely exercise. (I'm trying to get better at that.)
    For what it's worth, I hope this helps. Good luck!

    So much no. Calories. Start and end. Fibre is accounted for in those calories (though I think there's new studies on nuts that may change things but you'd have to be eating quite a lot of nuts for it to really matter).

    Everything you have explained in the wall of text is personal preference.

    My apologies for missing your post.

    Don't apologise! It happens when people reply at the same time. It was so you could go back.
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    ZoneFive wrote: »
    I do low carb. Actually, I keep an eye on my sugars and starches because I have a diagnosis of diabetes -- which I'm fighting with all my strength -- and I don't want to eat what I know will raise my blood sugar. The weight's coming off, I'm happy eating this way, I feel terrific, and I'm excited to see my new bloodwork for a change, rather than dreading it.

    It works for me. But there is no good reason why anyone should do low carb other than their own choice. If you're not happy with it, if it's not something that you feel like you can or even want to sustain, then by all means find a plan that does. If you can't live with it, what's the point?

    Yes! Low carb is definitely something you have to really want to do or else you'll be miserable like me lol. How low carb are you?
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    50gm carbs can definitely be harder to maintain but anything under 150 gm carbs/day can be considered low carb. Your idea to try increasing your carbs somewhat and see how it goes makes sense but like the others said, just see what works best for you. I ate keto to lose weight and plan to eat LCHF long-term but that's because it's what works best for me; everyone's different and you just have to figure out what you're happiest with.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I would die on low carb. I have lost weight even with going more than 2x over my mfp sugar limit for the day. Lol.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    65.8 gone to date. Haven't cut carbs appreciably, though I don't really pay much attention, so some days I might have more than others.
  • thomasegbert09
    thomasegbert09 Posts: 59 Member
    It all comes down to moderation personally. I watch my sugar and count my calories.
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    BabyBear76 wrote: »
    Yes. I just started eating properly and added weight lifting. Fat has been literally melting off. I started at 350+ (scale only went to 350). I am now at 188lbs with a 30.5" waist (in less than 2 years). I went from men's 2XL t-shirts to women's medium. I now only weigh myself once a month because I increased my weight lifting, muscle weighing more than fat for the same volume means the scale isn't very accurate. I just go by my measurements and how clothes fit. Message me and I'll give you my full breakdown of how I did this from help from and MD/nutritionist and now a personal trainer/nutritionist.

    Holy crap!!!! Congrats on everything! I don't even know you and I am proud of you!
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    Ok. Here's the deal on low carb: it was invented for professional body builders to cut the last bits of fat off their bodies in the last few weeks before competition. It was not intended to be used more than a few weeks.
    For those going "keto," it works great to burn fat in the short term, but in the long run, keto has some poor effects on the body including nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and weakness.
    Studies show that low carb generally doesn't hold as a weight loss plan for more than 12 months, though some people get up to 24 out of it. Which means that as a long term strategy (rest of your life) it generally isn't a great plan.
    Now, all that said, a few years ago I lost about 25 pounds not restricting carbs. But I was very picky about them: whole grains, beans, and veg. I had little fruit besides apples and any berries. I had one entire 24 hour period each Friday night to Saturday night when I ate whatever I wanted. That's when the fruit came in with pie and ice cream! I used no artificial sweeteners, no bars or meal replacements. I ate all real food. And I hadn't taken up running yet. My exercise was chasing my young son around.
    Good for you for your great work!