

  • pattyperkins927
    pattyperkins927 Posts: 156 Member
    I'd like to join this group if you'll have me. I'm working on some weight-loss and am looking into starting Keto. I've just started a little bit of it the last week or 2, but looking to go more full fledged. Definitely on the low carb no sugar train right now. Nice to meet everyone :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Phatcat313 wrote: »
    Phatcat313 wrote: »
    Anyone doing low fat keto? Looking for accountability friends.

    You cant do low fat keto.. keto is low carb moderate protein and high fat

    Well, I am doing it. Lol

    Good luck with that. :)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I may be remembering wrong, but I thought high protein (which low carb and low fat would have to be) kicks you out of ketosis.

    What's considered "high protein" though? 2g protein? 200g? 120g? And why would it kick you out of ketosis?

    mmapags wrote: »
    Phatcat313 wrote: »
    Phatcat313 wrote: »
    Anyone doing low fat keto? Looking for accountability friends.

    You cant do low fat keto.. keto is low carb moderate protein and high fat

    Well, I am doing it. Lol

    Well, you may be doing it wrong. Lol Try doing a little quality research. Just sayin'.....

    How do you do a diet wrong if it works to lose body fat? Vegans aren't automatically healthy because they avoid red meat. They avoid processed garbage most of the time. Or at least they should until I see what they actually eat and just use veganism as an excuse to eat gluten free, high fat, high carb/sugar "vegan cupcakes" or other recreated processed food to fit the definition of vegan, which is why I also don't agree with them.

    Same with the "true keto is a high (dietary) fat diet" zealots who follow words without question and without context or research. We call them ketotards. On that note, people who push for the extreme in diets (vegan, keto, paleo, etc) and don't take into account the nuances of actual premise of their diet of choice, all fall into the same category: myopic zealotry.

    "True keto" is a metabolic state that naturally produces ketones as liver glycogen gets depleted and there's not enough oxaloacetate to interact with acetyl-coA to continue the citric acid cycle; therefore, producing ketone bodies as a by-product of fatty acid oxidation.

    There's nothing in that biochemical process that requires a high amount of incoming dietary fat. If anyone finds a published, peer-reviewed study that specifically states that ketone metabolism must absolutely require an influx of high dietary fat, please let me know because I'd be interested in reading that study.

    Otherwise, your body is perfectly fine using the "high fat" that's already abundantly stored in your love handles, belly, thighs, lower back, butt, etc. aka stored body fat. That is the "high fat" in keto. Ketones are a result - not the cause - of fat burning
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've been toying with the idea of doing something low carb since I'm so freaking hungry all the time and I'm not sure if it's low leptin that can be fixed with a refeed or if it's leptin resistance and I'm SO FREAKING HUNGRY ALWAYS. I personally wouldn't go AS high in fats as some of the hard core ketoers if (and this is a really big if lol) I were to slash carbs my macros would be 130P 80F 50C... based on my figures, how low fat would you consider low fat?

    This is similar to what I often do (accidentally, as my protein goal is more like 100-110 and my fat goal around 90-100 g). I'd still consider it high fat. My understanding of low fat is that it's under 30%, and low fat keto is absurd. (I think of myself as more like LCHF, as I'm not concerned with specifically being in ketosis, and so far I find that being around 100 g of carbs or under has a positive effect on my ability to keep a deficit, although trying to do around 50 g was an interesting experiment, even if I am not keeping it up while summer fruit is in season! I like it as a winter/spring thing, though.)

    Maybe OP means a protein-sparing modified fast, which would likely have you in ketosis due to low calories, but isn't really the same approach as what is normally mean by keto at all.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'd like to join this group if you'll have me. I'm working on some weight-loss and am looking into starting Keto. I've just started a little bit of it the last week or 2, but looking to go more full fledged. Definitely on the low carb no sugar train right now. Nice to meet everyone :)

    To find people experienced with keto and all forms of low carb, I'd recommend checking out this group:
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    And PSMF or RFL wouldn't have OP anywhere near the calories she says she's consuming. And it's pretty much no fat, not low fat. It's not solely to cut fat for people who do physique or builder comps as the leanness of those folks to begin with means they won't actually drop much fat. It's more about dumping water weight/glycogen depletion.

    Disclaimer: I am not promoting following either of the above protocols, they are brutal and only for the well educated within that whole dietary arena.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What's considered "high protein" though? 2g protein? 200g? 120g? And why would it kick you out of ketosis?
    I don't know the exact ratios because I'm not a Keto dieter but protein is also insulinogenic and converts to glucose through gluconeogenesis. If that happens in sufficient enough amount it will stop ketosis.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I've been toying with the idea of doing something low carb since I'm so freaking hungry all the time and I'm not sure if it's low leptin that can be fixed with a refeed or if it's leptin resistance and I'm SO FREAKING HUNGRY ALWAYS. I personally wouldn't go AS high in fats as some of the hard core ketoers if (and this is a really big if lol) I were to slash carbs my macros would be 130P 80F 50C... based on my figures, how low fat would you consider low fat?

    This is similar to what I often do (accidentally, as my protein goal is more like 100-110 and my fat goal around 90-100 g). I'd still consider it high fat. My understanding of low fat is that it's under 30%, and low fat keto is absurd. (I think of myself as more like LCHF, as I'm not concerned with specifically being in ketosis, and so far I find that being around 100 g of carbs or under has a positive effect on my ability to keep a deficit, although trying to do around 50 g was an interesting experiment, even if I am not keeping it up while summer fruit is in season! I like it as a winter/spring thing, though.)

    Maybe OP means a protein-sparing modified fast, which would likely have you in ketosis due to low calories, but isn't really the same approach as what is normally mean by keto at all.

    I tried this over the weekend and my fats were way high 120g(whoops lol) protein around 100-120 And carbs around 75-80 because I am okay with cantaloupe and tomatoes lol. The hunger seems to be a lot better but I also ate 1850 calories as I was super active. Going to keep playing around with these macros since I'm not married to a particular split and I have a solid understanding of thermodynamics etc. I kind of like the fats but I'm active enough I can have more carbs so I'm going to aim for being active enough to fit 100f 100p and 80ish carbs
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I've been toying with the idea of doing something low carb since I'm so freaking hungry all the time and I'm not sure if it's low leptin that can be fixed with a refeed or if it's leptin resistance and I'm SO FREAKING HUNGRY ALWAYS. I personally wouldn't go AS high in fats as some of the hard core ketoers if (and this is a really big if lol) I were to slash carbs my macros would be 130P 80F 50C... based on my figures, how low fat would you consider low fat?

    This is similar to what I often do (accidentally, as my protein goal is more like 100-110 and my fat goal around 90-100 g). I'd still consider it high fat. My understanding of low fat is that it's under 30%, and low fat keto is absurd. (I think of myself as more like LCHF, as I'm not concerned with specifically being in ketosis, and so far I find that being around 100 g of carbs or under has a positive effect on my ability to keep a deficit, although trying to do around 50 g was an interesting experiment, even if I am not keeping it up while summer fruit is in season! I like it as a winter/spring thing, though.)

    Maybe OP means a protein-sparing modified fast, which would likely have you in ketosis due to low calories, but isn't really the same approach as what is normally mean by keto at all.

    I tried this over the weekend and my fats were way high 120g(whoops lol) protein around 100-120 And carbs around 75-80 because I am okay with cantaloupe and tomatoes lol. The hunger seems to be a lot better but I also ate 1850 calories as I was super active. Going to keep playing around with these macros since I'm not married to a particular split and I have a solid understanding of thermodynamics etc. I kind of like the fats but I'm active enough I can have more carbs so I'm going to aim for being active enough to fit 100f 100p and 80ish carbs

    That sounds really good.

    I think playing with it is a good idea too. Doing that helped me realize that keeping carbs around 100 g (and fats up accordingly, protein was the same) just caused me to be more satisfied and less likely to be interested in random food that appears (or unplanned food in general). So I tried going down to 50 g, which was interesting, but didn't actually feel much different (other than a brief need to adapt to it during exercise--I was sluggish for a week or two), and now there's all the local in-season delicious fruit available, so I'm probably going to have numbers more similar to the ones you mention (running a lot anyway).