Eating whatever within calorie limit?

Sooo I've read a LOT of Internet woo in the past and have believe a lot of it for a while till I got onto mfp and was totally taken aback!

There's one thing I just cannot seem to get my head around is that you can eat literally ANYTHING as long as you're in a deficit. I'm someone who absolutely lovessssss chocolate and feel like I need a bit every day. I'm so scared to save enough calories for a chocolate bar and have one every day. I feel like I'd gain sooo much weight!
Please someone tell me they have something bad everyday and have lost weight!!


  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    Sooo I've read a LOT of Internet woo in the past and have believe a lot of it for a while till I got onto mfp and was totally taken aback!

    There's one thing I just cannot seem to get my head around is that you can eat literally ANYTHING as long as you're in a deficit. I'm someone who absolutely lovessssss chocolate and feel like I need a bit every day. I'm so scared to save enough calories for a chocolate bar and have one every day. I feel like I'd gain sooo much weight!
    Please someone tell me they have something bad everyday and have lost weight!!

    Absolutely, Yes, it's true. But realize that fat loss is about the calorie deficit --- But PERFORMANCE and feeling good is about eating healthy and balanced protein/fat/carbs and fiber and nutrients - FOR SURE! If you want sustainability, go with mostly healthy and the macros MFP recommends is a great place to start!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    You can lose weight just fine while eating whatever the heck you want, as long as you're not exceeding your calorie goal.

    Nutrition is a whole other ballgame, of course, but just for weight loss? Pizza and ice cream and beer and whatever strikes your fancy! I've lost almost 60 pounds so far, and haven't cut a single thing out of my diet.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I have something sweet almost every day. I'm at maintenance now but I did this for weight loss as well. It's rarely a full chocolate bar though; to me it just wouldn't be worth the calories and I've discovered having a lot of sugar tends to trigger my reflux. What works for me is a smaller serving of high quality dark chocolate (I find it pretty satisfying and it doesn't trigger cravings for me), Halo Top or Carb Smart ice cream, or something else along those lines. Sometimes I do have a regular dessert, especially if it's a special occasion.
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    I previously lost 70 lbs eating pancakes on the weekends and enjoying a piece of candy almost every day. I still usually have something sweet daily and have been consistently losing since March. Just keep the portions small and don't go crazy. Good luck with your weight loss goals!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Sure. Eat a chocolate bar everyday. I personally could NOT because I'd need those calories to go toward something that fills me up. But we are all different.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    Sooo I've read a LOT of Internet woo in the past and have believe a lot of it for a while till I got onto mfp and was totally taken aback!

    There's one thing I just cannot seem to get my head around is that you can eat literally ANYTHING as long as you're in a deficit. I'm someone who absolutely lovessssss chocolate and feel like I need a bit every day. I'm so scared to save enough calories for a chocolate bar and have one every day. I feel like I'd gain sooo much weight!
    Please someone tell me they have something bad everyday and have lost weight!!

    The only "bad" food you can eat is the food that's over your calorie goal.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Chocolate isn't bad. Chocolate is your friend. If you think it's taking too many calories away from more filling, nutritious foods, you could try half a bar a day, fun-sized chocolates, or try having it less frequently. But it's up to you, and no, chocolate won't make you gain weight if you're within your calorie goal.
  • momofamadhouse
    momofamadhouse Posts: 197 Member
    I've lost 115 pounds and I haven't given up anything. In fact, I had a whopper meal for dinner and I still didn't break my deficit. It's all about moderation!
  • Bann554
    Bann554 Posts: 44 Member
    You can still be in your calorie goal and be unhealthy. It's not just about losing weight, it's about being healthy. Skinny people have diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. Make your goal eating healthy. Get your blood tested every 3 months, if possible. That'll tell the story as well as checking your fat mass, muscle, etc. Good luck on your journey. Choose health first!