Question for petite women dieters



  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    I never thought of calories this way. I'm on 5'. I also rarely make it past 1300 right now, and I'm 'supposed' to be eating 1430 a day.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    If you go to a maintenance calorie counter like on it tells you how many calories for maintenance, weight loss, etc. You can see that many petite females will calculate out at around 1000-1100 to lose half a pound a week if sedentary. I aim to eat half my exercise calories on average (some days I eat them, some I don't).

    An important thing to keep in mind is that the average person underestimates calories. A lot of petite females set at 1200 aren't losing cause they are really eating net 1400-1500 a day, which is too close to maintenance to see results
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    thank goodness for this topic. I am 5'1" and trying to lose about 15lb. i also have a small frame and small bones (although unusually large mum thought I was going to be taller, hahahaha).
    I work out quite a lot but havent lost any weight yet, I might aim for 1000 cals rather than 1200
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    5' 1" here and I hardly ever get to 1200 calories either. i still eat 5 times a day but I try to keep it healty. When I would eat the 1200 I wouldn't lose and would always feel stuffed so I just listen to my body. If I do eat 1200 calories that's a cheat day for me!! My workouts are intensive and I still have plenty of energy. I ride my bike 50-60 miles when the weather permits and when it doesn't I do at least an hour of cardio at the gym and I'm still ok!!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    An important thing to keep in mind is that the average person underestimates calories. A lot of petite females set at 1200 aren't losing cause they are really eating net 1400-1500 a day, which is too close to maintenance to see results
    This is SO true...and once you get down to the last few vanity pounds it gets REALLY tough if you're on the shorter side. Someone who is much taller gets to drop down to 1200 and gets a nice deficit, meanwhile when you're shorter eating 1200 gives you practically no deficit at all (especially once you factor in this margin of error)!

    I still target 1200 when trying to lose a few vanity pounds because I know over-restriction will only lead me to eventually overeat, but this has also meant that I've had to learn to be VERY patient.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    funny thing is i asked the forum almost the exact same question....i did 1000 to 1100 cals for one whole week but took one day off...i broke thru a plateau and lost 1.5 lbs but I would not recommend doing it all the time it is most likely unhealthy.
  • 107girl
    107girl Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm 5 ft and weight 115-117 lbs, trying to lose 10 lbs in 5 months. I've tried to stay close to 1200 calories a day but my body wouldn't budge. So I decided to go around 1,000 calories. I was worried about the same thing and I'm glad I came across this forum. Today is my first day on 1000 calories. I am doing also strength training. Let's see...
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    im 4'9.5" and i set my goal on here manually to 850...that way I can go up to 1,000 but will be unlikely to go above that since my goal is 850 :tongue:

    I asked this question before but the responses I got were really mean :grumble: i wonder why the responses are so supportive this time???
  • pickulz76
    pickulz76 Posts: 41
    I had been eating over 1200 calories (with eating my excercise calories back) and havent lost anything since I started which was in June...infact I have gained weight! And 1 inch from my waist and hips! I have had some bad days though...but for the most part have stayed on plan.

    So now Im thinking I will try limiting my intake to 1200 or less and not eating my excercise cals back! Though I think it might be hard since Im use to eating more.

    Any tips? Do you eat more protein? How do you stay full longer?
    And how much do you excercise? I use a HRM and typically burn 400-500 cals the days I workout...typically 4-5 days/week.

    Im 5'1' and 147 pounds today. Feeling blah this weight isnt coming off!
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    I joind mfp a while ago, but only really started 2 months ago.
    The 1st month I lost 14lbs by eating 1200 cals & not eating back my exercise cals (600 4-5 times a week), then i hit a 3 week plateau. So for the past 3 days I have been eating 1200 & eating my exercise calories, I have lost 1lb.
    I have read lots of threads on this & it seems everyone is different, so its a case of experimenting until you find what works for you.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I'm so glad to find this post - thanks for starting it. I'm 54, 5"3". I've always said that I can't eat as much as others and lose weight. When I was on WW if I ate all my points I'd gain instead of lose. Now I've eaten bad for so long I'm struggling to stay below 1200 calories but am right at the line. However, I haven't lost and I'm thinking I need to eat less. I havent' been starving myself - if I'm hungry I eat, but I try to watch what I eat. I'd be interested in seeing what you are all eating.
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    So, I am 5' 1" and would be happy to weigh 115, which is on the middle/higher weight end for my height..I have struggled btwn 122-127lbs..I definitely lose weight if I manage to stay at 1200 net calories (I always eat back my calories, or most)..I lost 30 lbs...Problem is I have trouble relating to those of you who say that they "can't" eat the 1200 cals because they are not hungry!! I am really hungry when I try to stick to 1200 cals..I would rather exercise more so I can eat..I have always had a healthy appetite and love food...losing 30 lbs was a struggle, but I did it..I really want to lose the last 10-15 lbs, but not sure if I can eat 1200 cals or less a day to do so...Is there any other "petite" person out there who is hungry at 1200? Any suggestions on what to eat that will fill me up? I am going to be 50 in 6 months and want to achieve this goal before then!
  • dewpetals
    dewpetals Posts: 68 Member
    Wow! I had no idea there were so many people like me :) 4'10 1/2" (u know that 1/2 in. is important).

    I was wondering about eating back the exercise calories. I have been and haven't been hungry at all the couple of weeks I've been using MFP. In fact I really don't ever remember being hungry, ever. I'm a grazer and I suppose that's why I'm in the predicament I'm in.

    So, now I'm going to take a cue from my gut. I will eat my 1200 calories and see if I get hungry. I wonder if I'll even recognize it? Its been a long time, LOL.

    BTW, I NEED more friends. Oh, I hate to sound needy but I do enjoy having the support.
  • BeanieB21
    BeanieB21 Posts: 31
    oh how i wish i had this problem :( im around 5' and could easily eat asmuch as any 6' man :S
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 5'1" and weigh 115 lbs. I take in 1300-1450 calories (depending on the amount of calories I burn from my workout ) to get a daily deficit of 400-500 cals. This allows me to lose 0.7-0.8 lbs a week. When I take my rest days, I take in 1200 cals. Anything less leaves me hungry, and I end up overeating the next day.

    TBH, it gets on my nerves when users on this site think that you must net 1200 cals and eat back all of your exercise cals. I did just that and gained 2 lbs. o-o
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, I also don't go up to 1200, if i do, i just dont loose any weight, or i do but only about 0.5lb a week, which just isnt enough for my time frame and patience, lol. so i stick with a net calorie of between 1000-1100, not panicking if i am under or over by around 30 cals either way. thats, if i do no exercise i consume that amount, if i do exercise, i eat that plus most of what i burn off through exercise, otherwise i also don't loose weight. I am 5' 4" with a pretty small frame but a tendency to put weight on around my tummy making me look preggers when im not :-(

    hope this helps?
  • Sway
    Sway Posts: 100 Member
    Wonderful thank you!! I just reset my goals!!
  • BUMP
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    im 5ft3 and im wondering if i should eat my exercise calories back or just stick to 1200 calories eaten in total. im not seeing any weight loss.... its disheartening
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    5'2'' here!

    I only eat back exercise calories when I'm hungry. I just listen to my body. I talked to my doctor about weight loss, and she said that as long as I'm eating when I feel hungry, I should be fine. I'm not starving myself and my body lets me know when I'm hungry.

    I did the math out myself and for me to lose 1lb. per week, I'd have to net 900 calories a day. Its not always possible, especially on days I don't exercise. So I've just accepted that these last few vanity pounds are going to take a while. I'm okay with that. I made this healthy switch as a lifestyle change, so it doesn't bother me to wait a little longer.