At how many pounds lost do you start seeing loose skin?



  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    I think genes play a major role (roll? Lol) I'm 5'2" my highest weight was 119 on the day I gave birth to my daughter. I've maintained 92-100 pounds all of my adult life and I've always had loose skin. Always. Came in handy when I was pregnant, no stretch marks. I asked a plastic surgeon about it once and he said there was really nothing I could do about it because of my size and my build. I have friends who have had multiple children, no loose skin.
    I bet you don't have to worry about loose skin. Congratulations on your weight loss.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I've lost 105 pounds and have quite a bit of loose skin, especially around my abdomen and thighs. It is very slowly tightening up, and it's better than having 105 extra pounds of fat on my body.
  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    I've lost 105 pounds and have quite a bit of loose skin, especially around my abdomen and thighs. It is very slowly tightening up, and it's better than having 105 extra pounds of fat on my body.

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think it depends . . . I started at 350, went down to 250 and have (unfortunately) recently gained 25 back but I don't have very much loose skin at all. I have another 100ish to lose so I might have some then, not too sure but it will definitely be worth it.

    I lost it slow, though so that probably plays a factor in how much loose skin I have.
  • womanisadevil
    womanisadevil Posts: 52 Member
    I've lost 22 since April and I have a small amount.
    Although my highest weight a few years back was 215lbs and I'm 163lbs now. Only 5"1'!
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    I dunno. I got loose skin from pregnancy. So I can't tell.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    I have some below and above my belly button...20lbs down...but I did have 3 children. I have a feeling this is their fault :D
  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    edited July 2017
    funny old place

    i completely agree. i'm one of those 'gee, if i'd only appreciated what i had then' types after finding an old old picture. aside from other factors i was just plain curious to get back to that mid-20's weight to see what my more-mature late-40's self would think of it now.i did get there, but i discovered you really can't step into the same river twice :wink:

    it wasn't [just] skin and years in my case though. i got obsessed with strength training at the same time, and i was disappointed to find that me with muscles didn't look the way me-without-muscles looked back in those days anyway. know i'm supposed to say 'delighted' but there were things about it i hadn't planned for.

    I'm so curious @canadianlbs, what were your disappointments?!

    I'm 54 lbs down and have loose skin below my belly button (I'm thinking my four children played a role for certain).... I can say that when I'm bloated it's not discernible.... Of course I won't gain weight back to fill in the loose skin as my stomach/ torso has gotten pretty darn small (when I'm not eating like mad and bloated) ....going to continue lifting and see what happens..... I also "had" loose skin on my arms (my old trouble spot) but it's very minuscule now... again I think the weights played/are playing a role in that... these things used to flap even when the rest of me was tiny! I hated it (!!)... I lost a bit more weight (making the rest of me smaller than I wanted to be) kept up the weights and VOILA... they are pretty decent now. :-)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Syneea wrote: »
    I'm so curious @canadianlbs, what were your disappointments?!

    we.e.e.e.lll . . . don't want to hijack from the op, but thanks for the opportunity to talk All About Me :tongue:

    - skin tone was a factor, yup. i didn't get actual folds, but i could see fine wrinkles in certain places (that bum dip when you clench your glutes]. and that fold-over thing at the top of the kneecaps? i have that and was really sad about that when i realised where it was from. never really expected this, but basically the boniest part of my whole anatomy became the part i was least comfortable with showing the world.
    - lol@this, but i realised that when i stamped my foot, the flesh on my thigh would wobble laterally. idk how to explain that but not posting a video :tongue: that was a surprise and it disappointed me.
    - and then having muscles themselves. please nobody start the 'women can have muscles' spiel because that is not what i mean. i like muscles. i wanted them and i worked to get them. but again idk how to explain . . with me, the muscles i got didn't look quite the way i had wanted them to. sort of a slabby brutalist look, like fascist architecture. i looked like if you tried to stick a spear into me it would bounce off.

    so basically, very very solid-looking muscle (too solid imo), under a layer of too-loose remaining fat. now that i'm thinking about it for this response, i think i was uncomfortable with what i felt was a really marked tone difference between fat and muscle. squishy overmobile body fat and solid undermobile muscle tissue.

    i more or less scrapped that first year and regained weight while still lifting and paying more attention to things like stretching and hydration and eating better. now i'm carefully re-losing weight at a super-slow pace, and still trying to manage that a bit better than the first time.

    idk if that explains anythign or just sounds like gibberish. but there you go.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I've lost 140 lb (over a third of my bodyweight) so far, and I'm starting to notice folds.

    There's a lot of loose skin under my upper arms, and believe me that is NOT a good look swinging back and forth on the elliptical trainer! My tummy gets wrinkles if I bend in certain ways. My upper thighs at the back and the inside are definitely getting droopy.

    There are also some wrinkles under my chin where my second chin used to be, but I've got no stretch marks there so I'm guessing that will tighten somewhat.

    Eh. Still a lot better than having fat there. And also, one day I may have a load of ugly folds but they will be signs of what I've achieved. And I'm PROUD of that.