


  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    rjel78 wrote: »
    I go over about once a week on average and it depends on what is happening that day, if I'm busy or not. MFP gave me 3,300 calories but I try to stick to 2,00 which is what my doctor gave me

    How much time between weighing yourself with that deficit? It is pretty aggressive so you should be seeing results if you are actually sticking to it. Remember that for every calorie you go over your goals you need to subtract that from your weekly target. A "cheat meal" could wipe out all of your progress if its a binge.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited July 2017
    everher wrote: »
    rjel78 wrote: »
    I am logging things properly but occasionally I will go over my calories. I gained 5 lbs since I last seen him 6 months ago. I've been trying to lose weight for years but I'm saying everyone is different so people may lose weight quicker than me, with doing what I'm doing. Between 2,000-2500 is what I aim for

    You asked for opinions and I will give you my honest opinion.

    The only way to lose the weight is to eat less calories than you burn on a consistent basis. Other people can't do that for you. Weight loss surgery and pills can't do that for you. Only you can control what you put into your mouth. Weight loss surgery and pills come with severe risks and side effects and either way it goes you have to restrict how much you eat. It's not a magic answer. There is no magic answer.

    If you really want to lose the weight you have to be committed to it. You can't "aim" between a certain range or go over your calories frequently or log haphazardly. I know you say (and think) you are logging everything accurately and perhaps you are, but if so then you know you are eating more than you should and that's why you've gained weight over the last six months and not lost anything. Gaining five pounds in six months means you are eating slightly above maintenance. You need to cut back by at least 500 calories a day just to see a slow, but steady loss.

    If you want to lose the weight either go by the calories MFP has given you or your doctor has given you and stick to them. Everyone has a bad day now and then, but going over your calories consistently will wipe out your deficit.

    As for your logging, make sure you are double checking entries in the MFP database to make sure they are showing the correct nutritional information. Log solids in grams not in ounces. Weigh meat before cooking. Make sure you are logging the oil and butter you use in your food and make sure you are weighing/measuring them as well.

    Log everything consistently and accurately and stay within your calories and you will lose weight.

    cutting out 500 calories will work if he eats the 3300 MFP gave him so that would give him 2800 calories. but being at his weight, if he only eats 2000 then that would bring him down to 1500 and that may be too aggressive for him. to lose a lb a week its 500 calories. less than your TDEE(maintenance).but I agree he either needs to eat what mfp gave him or what the dr stated and then go from there.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I disagree @kshama2001 - why would you suggest he eat more? 2000 was his doctor's recommendation and he can get plenty of nutrition on that. 3300 is just delaying the inevitable. The only reason to eat that much is as a step-down process. He's not exercising. He's more than 200 pounds over weight.

    From his other thread, 2,000 didn't sound sustainable for him. I frequently gross 2000 calories and I imagine I am at least 200 pounds less than him, older, and shorter. And female. I think overly aggressive calorie goals are a recipe for burnout and binging.

    Since he's struggling, I think he should shoot for losing two pounds per week even if he could safely lose faster.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    I would get that doctor to recommend you to a dietician. He/she may be able to help in the nutrition department better than your doctor.
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    Here's what you are missing.

    Even if you take drugs or have surgery you still have to change your habits, else you be right back here in 5-10 years. I can't speak to the drug but I can to surgery. It can be a successful part of a life change but the life change needs to be a full plan not just quick fix. So either way you need to learn how to manage CICO.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    rjel78 wrote: »
    I do not have endurance and am unemployed so I cannot afford surgery. I do have a good scale, log my food,etc. also he did briefly discuss the side effects but doctors say a lot of things so I want a non-doctors opinion on this. I have tried different things, including switching up foods and exercise and nothing is really working, or not as fast as I want it too. I only drink 2 diet sodas a week now, as everything else is either water or coffee. This is not like I did not make an attempt and was lazy, my body is different than others so what I did may have made others lose 40 lbs. I really want this weight off but I'm struggling right now.

    Why would you trust a stranger on the internet more than a doctor with medical training who has your medical history.

    It's hard to lose weight, it is. None of us are any different there. It's work. You need to figure out how to restrict your calories and stick to it. It takes dedication and willpower. A lot of willpower.

    I'm guessing your doctor wants you to lose some weight right now. That's what the meds are for.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Do you cook your own food or does your wife cook for you. Or, do you eat from the drive-thru?