What do you do to be happy



  • Jonathanak6
    Jonathanak6 Posts: 73 Member
    I guess im too depressed to do any of your suggestions, ill have to wait for my medication to take full effect before considering anything, i literally have no interest in anything anymore and im a huge pessimist
  • Jonathanak6
    Jonathanak6 Posts: 73 Member
    idk why i even try to get help when i still think i can be helped, im pretty much a lost cause, sorry people but i cant even help myself
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Everything is a choice.


  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    I guess im too depressed to do any of your suggestions, ill have to wait for my medication to take full effect before considering anything, i literally have no interest in anything anymore and im a huge pessimist

    Well.. sorry you're feeling like this. I hope you get some relief soon.


  • lichn
    lichn Posts: 36 Member
    I guess im too depressed to do any of your suggestions, ill have to wait for my medication to take full effect before considering anything, i literally have no interest in anything anymore and im a huge pessimist

    It's ok man, it's bad enough to already feel this way without also having to beat yourself up because you can't bring yourself to have the "right attitude" people think you should have. Just try to remember that this is temporary, it really will pass, I promise you that. You aren't "stuck" this way forever. It really sucks and you really will come out the other side of it. It's hardest when you're a bit adrift, waiting for the next big phase of your life, like you are with college. Take it a day, or even a moment, at a time. There are gonna be moments where you'll realize you'd rather do a thing than not do a thing, then the trick is to notice that feeling then let it surface and ask what you could do to follow through on it, saying no for now to habits that want to slam on the brakes.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,835 Member
    Wake up everyday Grateful for another day, Recognize the Positive Blessings in my life and leave the Bullshyte that surrounds me at the door. I try to live every single day finding happiness for myself and me not just living for my family.
    Find Beauty in everything around you, be Compassionate & Love!!!

    Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
    Isn't that what this thing we call Life is all about? :blush:
  • grayblackmfp
    grayblackmfp Posts: 140 Member
    I'm pretty introverted. When I don't feel like doing much I enjoy the community here. And YouTube, there's bound to be something on there for your interests.
    It sounds like you're lonely. Have you got any family members you can spend time with or friends from high school that might be home and at a lost end too?
    Maybe try picking a really small thing that you can do to socialise to keep yourself going until you feel better.
  • BrendanMcGroarty
    BrendanMcGroarty Posts: 945 Member
    Coffee and fabulous are both right. The two keys are to have gratitude for what you have and to realize everything is a choice, even your mood. You don't have to do anything difficult. Just smile at people. A smile will make someone's day.
  • npbgrace5396
    npbgrace5396 Posts: 13 Member
    any ideas from introverts?

    Hiking! Going to a coffee shop and reading.. sometime just being around other people can help
  • Kintsugi_Haikyo
    Kintsugi_Haikyo Posts: 361 Member
    Have you tried running down the street nekid? I'm an introvert and I've found running down the street nekid really perks me up. But, you have to pick the right street.
  • HooperDrivesTheBoatChief
  • pigheaded
    pigheaded Posts: 3,083 Member
    I have a billion hobbies. Woodworking, model building, puzzles, reading, working out is a big one. There are tons of ways to find your happiness or at least keep yourself occupied until fall classes start.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited July 2017
    I bought a leather bound notebook and made a bucket list. Even something as small as breaking stuff for the hell of it is on there, (I collected old vases and pottery to use as bowling pins). Or as Big as a trip to Quito Ecuador. Anything you want really. I enjoy crossing things off that list. It makes me happy and it's something I can look back at.
  • LaraG777
    LaraG777 Posts: 1 Member
    i eat hahaha
  • TarahByte
    TarahByte Posts: 125 Member
    edited July 2017
    I hate people and I love being alone so I always do stuff around the house. Paint a room, plant some flowers, turn the music on loud and have dog dance parties (I jump around and they chase my feet). Also I like going to thrift stores and finding random things to repurpose. I painted my ceiling in my bedroom on 4th of July. Most people think that stuff is lame but I get excited about it and I also get a workout. Arms and back were sore for days. Will be working my way down the walls this weekend. We just got a house that needs a little work though so I always feel like I have something to do. Long as I have on loud music, I'm pretty content doing anything.