Runners- music or podcast



  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Books.....Iove to listen to books
  • rgl536
    rgl536 Posts: 25 Member
    Music in the morning runs, a hard rock playlist on races and audiobooks on long run day to slow my pace.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Depends on the run. I do both. If I want to focus on something besides running, I'll listen to a podcast.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited July 2017
    Music so I can dance and sing along as I run
  • reginakarl
    reginakarl Posts: 68 Member
    Tabbycat00 wrote: »
    Podcasts all the way. Or audio books.
    kimtober wrote: »
    I've been doing podcasts lately and I'm really enjoying it! I think they distract me a little more and my runs seem to go by faster.

    Is there any specific "running" podcast you ladies listen too? I've tried to find a good podcast but I'm new to the podcast scene so not sure what's good and what's not.

    Run, selfie, repeat is a good podcast.
  • asianolikeyou
    asianolikeyou Posts: 393 Member
    Music or an audiobook when running
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    None. I enjoy the nature around me. But as I prefer to run in the dark I might wear dark sunglasses on summer evenings.
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    The only sounds I listen to while running are the sounds of nature. Tried running once to music but just found it too distracting.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I always do hip hop music. The beats are great. I've never tried podcasts or audio books though, and have been curious about how that would work for me.
  • Waddellfitness
    Waddellfitness Posts: 46 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    I always do hip hop music. The beats are great. I've never tried podcasts or audio books though, and have been curious about how that would work for me.

    Same here might give it a try on my next long run
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    I have different music for different exercises. For running it needs to be something upbeat to keep me going.

    I've never thought about listening to a podcast so will check some of these out.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    For most runs I really enjoy listening to the TED radio podcasts (TED Radio Hour, TED Talks Audio) as well as "Stuff You Should Know", "Freakonomics Radio", "Tell Me Something I Don't Know", "Science Vs." etc.
    But some days I just want to veg out and listen to some good classic rock.
  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    I used to run with music, I now run without anything in my ears. I actually find it more pleasant that way.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    edited July 2017
    Music for shorter/tempo runs (generally under 5 miles) and podcasts for long runs where I want to keep my speed down. Music sometimes makes me go too fast.

    ETA: only when running track or trails, and always turned low enough to hear ambient noise.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Even on recreational paths away from cars I prefer to run without music, I like to hear bikes & other runners etc approaching and I find music distracting when I'm running. I am also extremely fortunate to live close to path that run alongside a river and there are lots of birds etc so I listen to what Mother Nature provides.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    Music! I listen to an upbeat, long-playing Latin workout set. I don't understand most of the words because I don't speak Spanish. Sometimes I try to make it English in my head and laugh... "Soup in the raina" Hey! it works for me! :smiley:
  • pacingoamy
    pacingoamy Posts: 78 Member
    Shorter runs I listen to music, longer I tend to do podcasts. I am a sports fanatic so I listen to the Tony Kornheiser show and the Vertical with woj.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    edited July 2017
    Tabbycat00 wrote: »
    Podcasts all the way. Or audio books.
    kimtober wrote: »
    I've been doing podcasts lately and I'm really enjoying it! I think they distract me a little more and my runs seem to go by faster.

    Is there any specific "running" podcast you ladies listen too? I've tried to find a good podcast but I'm new to the podcast scene so not sure what's good and what's not.

    I run to music but I adore Radiolab and Joe Rogans podcast. Also, You Are Not So Smart. Savage Love. I like Sam Harris but it's a bit eggheady.

  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I do either depending on mood. I like podcasts for longer runs to keep me distracted. I run on a track around a lake, so there's no street traffic and I use a single earbud, so I can hear what's going on with my surroundings.

    I've been listening to Lore and Mysterious Radio. I like unsolved mystery/supernatural stuff because it's interesting but still light (I feel like I should say here that it's an interest, not a set of beliefs). The Black Tapes is pretty good as an ongoing story set up like a Serial-style public radio documentary (it's fiction).
  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    Podcasts here. This American Life, Radiolab, The Daily, Serial.