Any breastfeeding mommies want to be friends?



  • lindamerrick1121
    lindamerrick1121 Posts: 2 Member
    New to my fitness pal ! Want to add some mom
    Friends who are also breastfeeding
  • Idil1989
    Idil1989 Posts: 5 Member
    Just had my son in May. I gained 50 pnds I need to get rid of. I find that I feel I'm gaining more weight now breastfeeding when what I've been told is people lose crazy weight breastfeeding :|
  • Amethystwolf
    Amethystwolf Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I am nursing my 5 week old and would love some more friends! I have a lot of weight to lose and I feel like I'm finally ready to lose it for me :). Please add me!
  • syc811
    syc811 Posts: 1 Member
    11 weeks post partum with my second and breastfeeding. I've added some calories to my goal since I'm BFing (aiming for 1830) but had a small supply dip today. But desperately wanting to lose 22 pounds, ideally 30 by 2018. Any others in the same boat?
  • juliaarndt
    juliaarndt Posts: 5 Member
    Me :) my son will be 9 months tomorrow and still ebf
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    I've got 30 more pounds to lose I gained almost 60:( im almost 3 months post partum and it's so hard and going very slow lol but keep positive and we'll get there lol
  • mrsodonnell1985
    mrsodonnell1985 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, glad to find this thread. I'm ebf my almost 5 month old. Add me please as safety in numbers and all that. Just started to try to loose weight now. Want to do it slowly and keep it off. Afraid of having a dip in supply so need to be careful.
  • lexiehtown
    lexiehtown Posts: 30 Member
    Hey! Congrats on all the babies, mamas! I EBF my 3 month old! I'm in no major rush to lose this weight, as I'm still ravenously hungry all the time and want him to get all the glorious liquid gold as possible. Most diets scare me because I'm afraid of losing my supply!
  • mommakmfp
    mommakmfp Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! I have a 3 week old :) I am wondering if there is a breast feeding setting in goals or how are you all deciding how many calories to eat?
  • MissAries83
    MissAries83 Posts: 1 Member
    Breastfeeding my 3erd and last little one. Im wanting to drop 20 or more lbs. I would love for u to add me.
  • LizzyCheck
    LizzyCheck Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a first time mom, breastfeeding my almost 4 week old! I want to lose more weight but I'm scared of losing my milk supply! I've already lost 25 pounds, and I still have 20 to go
  • artellsguitar
    artellsguitar Posts: 3 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 9 week old baby. I have 15 pounds left to go. Also trying to not lose my milk supply. Would love to have another mommy to follow!
    Add me. artellsguitar
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I've added everyone I'm so excited to have friends we can all motivate each other .... as for calorie goals for breastfeeding I added 400 because I read that somewhere and so far it has been working for me very well hope this helps
  • backbendy223
    backbendy223 Posts: 12 Member
    Breastfeeding my 1 month old baby boy. This was my 3rd and final csection. I am down 23 pounds and I have 28 pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight . I also am trying to be careful not to mess up my milk supply .
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi! Breastfeeding my 3 week old daughter. I'd live to be friends with any mommies out there!
  • backbendy223
    backbendy223 Posts: 12 Member
    How do you add people Or follow people?
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    You click on their picture and click on it again and it'll take you to add friend
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    Hey there! I've been a breastfeeding momma for 2yrs now (and am probably ending the end of this journey soon).

    It takes ~20 calories to produce 1 ounce of milk. Most people will recommend eating an extra 500 calories a day, but it varies a lot depending on demand (I BF my 2yr old, so I factor +300 as she eats mostly solids).

    P.S. I've noticed eating oats increases supply and, of course, drinking plenty of water.
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow congrats on the two years that is great!!! Thank you for the information very helpful I sent a friends request
  • imelzagates
    imelzagates Posts: 8 Member
    Yes please add me! I'm nursing my 6 week old and just started thinking about losing weight. I still have about ten pounds to get to my pre pregnancy weight (and another twenty to go to my goal weight ha!)