New vegetarian intermittent faster


I'm new, well actually a returner who is determined this time :)

Did really well a couple of years ago but gradually the pounds have returned :(

Never thought I'd regain the weight, but as soon as I stopped concentrating on weight loss and fitness, the old habits came back.

I'm now over 200 pounds again and realise I have to focus and concentrate on my weight loss.

Last time I lost weight it was by intermittent fasting and calorie counting.

I used to eat two meals between 12 noon and 6 pm and found it easy once I'd got into the routine.

I'm vegetarian, trying to go fully plant based.

Anyone with similar goals, I'd love some friends to help motivate me.



  • Mbrown343
    Mbrown343 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning I am not vegetarian, but have had great luck with IF. 12/8. I, too have to focus on my food and fitness, I lost 80 pounds, but have gained back 26...I would love to be your distance fitness/motivational/nutrition/idea partner..
  • Trooper15bl
    Trooper15bl Posts: 2 Member
    Like you I've lost before on a vegan diet, since Xmas put back on so am here to get motivated to stick with it.