Will I have Extra Skin?!?

ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
edited 11:29AM in Motivation and Support
So I wasn't exactly sure where to post this under if it needed to go under another message board or this one but I think here cause I feel like I need a little support and motivation. Ok sooooo last night my fiance who we will call P (his name is Patrick) picked up my phone and noticed that as my screen saver and background I have a picture of Aubrey O'Day in her bathing suit. He said "Why do you have this on here?" I said "I did it to help motivate me since I am on my phone a lot and this is the body I want to have it will help keep me going" He said " I am sorry to say but your stomach will probably never look like that beacuse your going to have extra skin". So he hasn't been OVERLY supportive of this whole weight loss/ MFP thing to begin with which I am not sure why so now the question is: Will I really have a bunch of extra skin??? I am 5'6 208.6 my goal is 145. I have had 2 kids an 8 year old and a 2 year old and yes I have those awful stretch marks and my last baby was by c-section. My first weigh in yesterday I lost 4.2 pounds. I realize it's not going to be like that every week and I am hoping for a 1-2 pound loss each week. So is extra skin in my future? The thought of that makes me think that it wouldn't even be worth losing all of the weight if I was going to have a bunch of extra skin! I can't afford a tummy tuck.. thoughts, advice all appreciated :)


  • I do not know the answer on extra skin.

    But, I have to ask, not for myself but for you:

    If he can not be more supportive of something that is important to you, is he really someone you want to marry?

    Don't settle! My partner is SO amazingly supportive of anything I care about doing.

  • neffle75
    neffle75 Posts: 22
    I really don't have the answer to this but I am curious as to what people say. I have lost 30 lbs and I have the saggy skin and stretch marks. People tell me that the skin will get better but will never be the same as before kids. Don't give up because you will be doing it to get healthy as well as look good. I figure that I have 2 beautiful kids to show for that skin and it hides well under clothes (smaller size clothes as well). Don't give up!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    You may or you may not...it's genetic too.

    Not the answer you want to see/hear, but it's a toss up, really.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Given your age, the amount of weight you have to lose, the fact that you've had children and that you had abdominal surgery I'd say that there is a good chance though it's not 100% certain. Slow weight loss and lots of muscle toning and sculpting will help. Also it may take a year after your weight loss before your skin recovers if it does at all.

    Having said that, you're going to get it anyhow with age and you have the choice, extra skin or diabetes. extra skin or high blood pressure, extra skin or a shortened life span? Your call.
  • vibrant80
    vibrant80 Posts: 42 Member
    My friend Ruth is in her thirties, has four children, and went from 200+ to 145 in 6 months...I've seen her progress pics (in her skivvies, even) and if she's got extra skin, *I* can't see it. I just hope and pray that my midsection looks as good as hers does when I get that close to my goal!
  • Everyone handles weight loss differently. It all depends on your skin's elasticity, the exercises you're doing, the way your c-section was performed, and how much weight you're going to lose.

    While I know we all have our thinspirations, be proud of achieving your weight loss goals, and less about if you can or can not afford plastic surgery. From what I can see, you are a beautiful woman, and you will feel so much better getting the weight off. The best thing you can do to help achieve that goal is to make sure you are incorporating toning exercises in your routine, to keep up with your losses. Good luck.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    My mom was a size 14, and is now in a 4. She had massive stretch marks and lose skin, but working out with a personal trainer has allowed her to look FANTASTIC in a bikini. Don't get discouraged!
  • SarahFrankel
    SarahFrankel Posts: 42 Member
    It is a possibility but not something that should deter you from losing weight. I am 5'5" and I've lost 70 or so lbs and since most of it was in my stomach, I do have some extra skin hanging on. They say it usually only happens to people who lose weight really fast, but it took me over a year.

    It was a frustrating realization at first, but I have gotten used to it and I still do ab exercises which help me hold it in better than if I didn't. But I will never have a flat stomach and I am okay with that -- it was still worth it to lose the weight because I am healthier and happier now :)
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    You're young - it is very possible that it could bounce back without surgery or problems. Young skin has a lot of elasticity. If you were older, you'd have a lot higher chance of the skin not "bouncing back".
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    No way to know for sure, but.. Why would you make that deter you from losing the weight??

    Ive lost over 200 lbs and have a lot of loose skin and it is an issue, but would I trade that for going back to being almost 500lbs, NEVER!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey hun, I've lost 24lbs so far, I have stretch marks and saggy belly-skin still on my lower abdomen from my LO (she's 7 months now) but even though it's still a bit flabby and jellified, and the stretch marks are still there, it looks SOOO SO much better since I've lost weight. Look at my pics to see for yourself. Yeah, it'll probably never be as perfect as hers, but it'll be lots better and you'll feel better about yourself. It's definitely still worth it... You might have a bit of extra skin but it won't be like...a pouch or anything, prob just slightly flabby, but still an improvement! !Like I say my LO is only 7 months so for all I know it might go completely eventually! Wouldn't surprise me the improvement I've had already. Plus you can't even see your belly when you're wearing clothes, so it's deffo worth it! Plus, you'll be healthier!

    Stretch marks however...those bee-atches are there forever :(:(
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    Umm....yeah...most likely. HOWEVER ~The benefits far out weigh any loose skin and you can always have it removed later.
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    If you're exercising you shouldn't have "extra skin". The C-Section might mean that you'll have a little "tummy" after all of this. (I had a C Section and can't get rid of that area for the life of me, but it is going down.)
    Secondly, what a total BOOB your boyfriend is for pointing that out to you. Men are idiots and insecure boys who don't want their partner to change because it means they might have to change too.
    Don't let one moron's comment sabotage your efforts. Do this for YOU.. for the health benefits of losing weight and for your children who'll need their mom around.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Age and the amount you need to lose, along with genetics will determine whether you will have extra skin. Plus the baby belly may never go away, I only had one and had a very flat belly up until I got pregnant with him, 23 years later I still have a small pooch. Nothing I can't live with.

    I am pretty sure that P is feeling threatened by your weight loss. If you get thin, then you'll be more attractive to other men and he might lose you. So it's better to discourage you now in his mind.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    I lost 89 pounds. Did it slowly (16 months). Worked out (cardio and strength training) the whole time. I have extra skin. Not a lot, but just enough that I can't wear a bikini. My "flap" is just above my belly button. Sigh.

    There's no predictable answer as to whether you'll have it or not. But it's very very possible.
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
    I defeinetly have stretch marks, but it doesn't bother me (although i use vitamin E oil daily), I call them my battle scars, it just reminds me to never turn back to my old ways. As far as the saggy skin, you have to incorporate weight lifting into your workout regimens, it will help. But overall it all depends on genetics and then thekinds of food you eat also plays a part definetly.
    Good Luck.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    If you're exercising you shouldn't have "extra skin".

    Not true across the board. One can exercise while losing weight and still have skin flaps.
  • dianne3642
    dianne3642 Posts: 6 Member
    I believe that the majority of your skin will tighten up and "fit" your body - if you exercise along with your diet. Don't take shortcuts with diet pills, because that won't help your skin tighten. You might have a little extra skin, but probably not anything excessive. I've had 3 huge babies, and so I have a little too. However, when my weight is undercontrol and I am exercising, my muscle tone is good and my skin looks much better.
    I'm sorry your guy wasn't super super supportive, but be sure you are doing this for you. He will probably get on board when he sees your great results and your fabulous new attitude. If not - - then you still did it for you!!
  • cghiggins518
    cghiggins518 Posts: 48 Member
    I have the same concern except on the male side of it. I lost 63 pounds and I still have a little bit of a belly. I have been working like crazy for the past few months and I cant seem to lose it.

    sort of depressing that all that hard work and we might not be able to fully get rid of all the extra weight.

    very interested if anyone else has been able to get rid of it.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Curious to read responses.... I started at 238, down to 228 now and goal is 138.. I've had 1 child (2 yrs old now) and my stomach looks like a road map of Texas... I have stretch marks all over my body. I've accepted I will never wear a bikini because of them, but I'm ok with that... I'm here to get myself healthier and look good, even if it is with shorts a t-shirt on. I have a feeling I will have loose skin as well.
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