How do y'll keep the exercise FUN?



  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    I agree with the classes - loud music and a group of people is much more motivating to me than working out by myself. Plus, there's an end once I walk in, I know I'm committed to an hour (or 30 min or whatever) and can't just leave because I feel like it. I go super-early in the morning, so there are usually only a handful of people in the class anyway and it's often the same group of us...kind of a quasi-camaraderie.
  • TarahByte
    TarahByte Posts: 125 Member
    I hate being around people and workout DVDs. You may be more of a social person than I am but sometimes I watch Netflix on my phone while I'm on the treadmill if I'm just walking. When I'm running or lifting weights I like music that makes me want to punch someone. Getting hopped up on caffeine and loud music makes everything fun, for me at least. Also my dogs like when I put on my old fake Uggs and dance around and let them try to grab the boots off my feet. If you have big dogs, just wrestling with them will wear you out.

    All that works for me so I'm suggesting it but I guess you just find what you like to do.
  • xylia1225
    xylia1225 Posts: 15 Member
    Maybe try some sort of fitness class? You can make friends there, and then have the social and accountability aspects you're missing, since your current friends aren't fans of exercise. One of my main sources of exercise is that I take dance classes and am in a dance troupe.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Definitely switching it up I get so bored doing the same thing. I go between running, walking, elliptical, yoga, roller blading etc. I also find it helps finding a really good show or movie or podcast that I ONLY let myself listen to during workouts so I look forward to them lol. I love story podcasts because I can really zone out and end up working out way longer than intended just because it's so enjoyable lol.

    Also when I workout outside I always switch up my route. Sometimes I go to the park sometime I go to the ocean, checkout old part of town with beautiful houses etc.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Would you be into doing something like Yes Fit? It hosts virtual races that you can complete and log over time. They have a couple free ones so you could test it out. They do t-shirts or race medals as well for a fee (usually $20) so those make it fun and are a great reminder of how many miles you're logging!
  • OnthatStuff
    OnthatStuff Posts: 141 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    The vast majority of my exercise is recreational activity...
    TR0berts wrote: »
    I found something I like, so that I'm likely to do it.

    This helps me as well. I found that I like to skate and bike. Both let me move around and can be done anywhere. Being able to do what I like while mixing in recreational activity helps keep me motivated.

  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Do something where you learn a skill and can see improvement, or train for an event like a charity walk or run. A dance, martial art, team sport, weightlifting... people get very motivated by seeing progress and accomplishment and feeling part of something.
  • Voodoochile65
    Voodoochile65 Posts: 5 Member
    Options rides races etc....Last weekend I did a 49mi ride for a Children's Hospital..Good cause..great exercise and I got to EAT afterward
  • Debra2011
    Debra2011 Posts: 5 Member
    I moved into an apartment that has a pool, so I looked up "aqua exercises" on the internet. There's so many exercises that you can do in a pool with an inexpensive foam noodle. The best part is it's been so hot lately that I look forward to the end of my work day so that I can get in the pool. Super fun!! If you don't have a pool -- find a community center or a gym that does. Some gyms offer aqua aerobic classes.
  • blh202
    blh202 Posts: 31 Member
    Find a friend to walk and distress with. You will walk a mile before you know it or pop in some earbuds and rock out on a walk enjoying the scenery.

    I am also a lover of fitness classes (Zumba, Cardio, Strength), anything that gets me moving and is fun. These classes come with an added bonus of accountability as your new class mates will ask about you when you miss.

    Good luck finding your very own FUN!
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    I tried many types of exercise to see what fit me. I'm not that into organized exercise, and I don't like gyms... so tried using online exercise programs, videos, etc. But I found what I really enjoy doing is walking. I'm lucky enough to live in FL, and in an area with 5 wildlife management areas, a few State parks, and a 46 mile "rails to trails" system, so instead of working out with weights, or going to the gym, I grab my two dogs and I hike. 7 days a week, every morning, without fail! LOVE IT! We only get in 5-7 miles a day in the summer, it's too hot for the dogs, but come winter, we hike farther into the parks and get to see more. LOVE being that close to nature, so it works really well for me. ;)
  • Helika18
    Helika18 Posts: 3 Member
    I like to try HIIT. You can go on the Body Rock TV website and they have some quick 20-30 min amazing work outs. I can't exercise for extended periods of time because I get bored. I need short bursts that includes strength training and it does the trick.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    Besides hiking and walking for fun, I also try to run errands on foot, instead of driving. A 10-minute walk to the library or post office is 20 minutes of exercise.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    My favourite is riding my horse where I get most of my cardio. All other exercise I do is to make me a better rider. So I do weight/interval training and yoga. I found a friend who wanted to check out my trainer so we go twice a week. It is in her home gym so no big public gym full of people which I found kinda depressing. Just the two of us and our trainer. Ditto with yoga. Tried many different instructors until I found my current one. Again a good friend loves this class too so we always go together. Also a small class - no more than 8 people but usually about 6. I don't like exercise but I really enjoy the benefits. Good luck.

    This sounds familiar. I also ride and I LOVE cross-training! I have found that my aerial arts classes increase my upper body and core strength so I am becoming a better rider. And I lift weights to make me stronger for the aerial arts training!

    I agree with everyone who said find something you like to do! Working out for the sake of working out can get old, but if you find an activity you enjoy you are more likely to keep doing it.

    Yep me too! I took up a martial art specifically looking for improvement in my riding.

    While I do have a job that burns a lot of calories I also get great exercise with just doing things that I enjoy. Riding my horse, martial arts and more recently taking a weekly hike in the park with a friend and her dog. My dogs are quite old now and just can't go for long walks anymore. I just picked up a set of ski-walking poles which make the hills easier to manage while adding an upper body workout to my walk.

    I am a firm believer that getting exercise should go along with having fun. The fact that it is fun is motivation to do it when you are too tired to move.
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    I jump on the stationary bike when I'm watching Netflix or playing video games. Currently I can only go about 15 minutes at a time before my lumbar starts compressing, but it's better than sitting on that couch. :)
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member

    I don't exercise. I have a bad knee so I walk on my treadmill at home so I can control it. I love to listen to my music while walking :)
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    There are SOOOO many options out there. I am super cheap so I don't pay for a gym or attend classes at this time. For outside running/jogging I really enjoy the Zombies, Run! app. Its a story to entertain you while you work out.
    You Tube is a great source also, a ton of videos, programs, and communities I am sure that you could find one that works for you. I have enjoyed the 12 week Ideal Shape challenge(no purchase needed) and Yoga with Adrienne is one of my favs, highly entertaining.
    Remember to ease in so you don't overwhelm yourself and fall off the wagon.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Treadmill and Netflix, honestly. I keep telling myself I need to do more strength training but I really hate it, so I don't bother. I like walking too so I try to walk at least 2 miles outside every day (ideally 4, but it's just too hot right now).

    If I could afford it I would probably check out the local kickboxing places though... that does look fun.
  • EHollander89
    EHollander89 Posts: 169 Member
    I love being outside, so I love to go running or take a long walk at a nearby park. Just being outside makes the time go by so much faster for me than using a treadmill. Having great upbeat music helps, too. I also am a member at a boxing gym - great stress relief and tons of fun while doing a full body workout. This may sound ridiculous, but I'm also a member at my local community center. They have tons of exercise machines, equipment, a pool, sauna, fitness classes, and personal training. I like having lots of options, and the price is fairly low.

    I'd suggest looking on GroupOn or Living Social to find a deal on something that peaks your interest. That is how I started going to my boxing gym. I drove past it every day and then saw it on GroupOn. Tried it out and liked it! I've also bought fitness related ones that I did not enjoy, but it's a cheap way to try out a few new options. I've seen everything from boot camp classes, boxing gyms, personal training, cycling classes, pole dancing, yoga, etc. Once you find something fun, the exercise won't seem like such a chore. Best of luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm getting a new mountain bike soon...I mostly ride road, but we have some awesome trails here in the mountains of NM that I want to make use of...probably end up being a roadie during the week and hitting the trails on a Saturday or Sunday...