How do y'll keep the exercise FUN?



  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Most of what I was going to recommend has been posted, so I'll just contribute two words:

    Zombies Run.

    It's a couch to 5k app with a zombie storyline.
  • rtogetfit93
    rtogetfit93 Posts: 109 Member
    It may sound funny, but I like to do workouts that make me feel like a badass, basically.

    Boxing, lifting- anything where afterwards I go "I am getting stronger!". It makes it feel less like effort, and more like I'm pushing towards being a better person- someone who is tough, and strong, and can fight for themselves.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Most of what I was going to recommend has been posted, so I'll just contribute two words:

    Zombies Run.

    It's a couch to 5k app with a zombie storyline.

    I second this - great app. Several others out there as well.

    I look at exercise as a gateway. The increased fitness level enables me to hit off the road destinations and go further off trail. You just need to find a goal to work toward to make the exercise more meaningful.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    I most enjoy walking and hiking. We have a dog, so walks are a daily part of my life. I go out with my husband and dog twice a day and it is a good time for talking and just enjoying being together. Because I can't hike as often as I would like, I took up running. It isn't always fun, but I enjoy racing and training is essential to doing well at races so I work hard at staying fit and improving my running. I really enjoy getting age group awards in the races I do. I have also found that although I don't always look forward to my runs, after I'm done I always feel physically and mentally better.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm an Equinox member. We have new classes all the time.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    How do y'll keep the exercise FUN? :D

    I look at a road bike and knees feel weak. As a kid I used to wish I could fly, rising a bike is the closest I've ever come to fulfilling that childhood dream.

    I've tried indoor exercise but I can't.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    classes and sports!! i hate running and walking as its boring but ill run round a sports field because i love it. gym classes are also a great way to motivate you and push you to doing your best as other people are around lol
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Hey everybody, I hope y'll are doing fantastic.

    I am struggling with creating a exercise plan, I have always hated exercise and I still do, 1 min of exercise seems to take just as long as 8 hours of work. Okay maybe that's a little overdone hahaha but I just don't enjoy it.

    Now I could lower my calorie levels what I don't have any problems with, but exercising is not just to lose the weight it is also to be more healthy right? So I really need to get into it. I do some jogging in place and I have an exercise ball and resistance bands. I also have some walking dvd's.

    The jogging in place is just to get some quick steps but not sure if it is really effective and if I can count it as exercise. I wish I had some friends who would do exercise so we could go together but my friends are not into exercise either and they don't even want to consider it haha

    How do y'll keep the exercise FUN? :D

    I think about what I can do as the result of exercise, like hike the Swiss Alps like I just did!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm not always that enthusiastic about exercising (particularly when it means running at 5am) but I reassure myself that (a) it's good for me and (b) I'll feel better afterwards. It's always true no matter how tired and grumpy I was to start with.

    That part.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    How to keep exercise fun?

    In summary, do fun exercise...
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Like so many others have already said, experiment until you find something you enjoy doing that doesn't feel like exercise. That would be rule #1.

    Rule #2 would be experiment with nuances to keep it interesting - like if you find running to be the "go to exercise" and you always run on a treadmill, try running on a trail, or running on a track, or running tempo, fartlek, intervals, weighted vest... or you could focus on increased distance or speed per mile to create mini goals. Overall, I find the nuanced part to be what makes the fitness goals I have "sticky" and likely to be what I will continue to do for years to come without getting bored with it all.

    Good luck!
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    It's all about finding something you like to do. And might help to do it with someone. Joining a gym sometimes means you find a community of like-minded people and that helps. I, too, have friends who hate to exercise, but the gym has given me new people who talk about it and actually DO it. Exercise is about health more than weight maintenance, although that's certainly part of the equation. So much research shows that exercise leads to prevention of many diseases and a longer, better life. If you can find someone to do it with and if you can think of it that way, that might help.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Treadmill and Netflix, honestly. I keep telling myself I need to do more strength training but I really hate it, so I don't bother. I like walking too so I try to walk at least 2 miles outside every day (ideally 4, but it's just too hot right now).

    If I could afford it I would probably check out the local kickboxing places though... that does look fun.

    Same I always do treadmill or elliptical and netflix. I always say "oh maybe I'll do some weights after" but I just get bored so easily lol.