what was the last straw for you...



  • harm30
    harm30 Posts: 5 Member
    Hmmm....where to begin! Lol!

    1) Always being the 'big' person in group pics.

    2) bumping into someone from high school who told me i haven't changed a bit......i'm 30yrs old now?!

    3) Getting out of breath when playing with my kids.

    and the main thing 4) seeing myself wearing a grey maxi dress in pictures from our holiday in Tenerife in May 2011. I looked huuuge!!

    So everytime i think that i can't do any more exercise or feel that i want to eat a doughnut I think of that picture. It's a great motivator :)
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Here are a few last straws --- Always being the big chunky girl... seeing pictures of myself as I went from 180, to 200, to 220, etc... buying bigger and bigger clothes... on a plane and barely fitting in the coach class seat and almost having to extend the seat belt out all the way.... being nervous about breaking the wooden chair at my parent's house last Thanksgiving... and the MAIN reason I'm doing this (other than for myself) --- my dad telling me he is worried about my weight and it being hard on my heart. That was only 1 month ago. He said it out of love and he has always been my #1 supporter. Those are the reasons why I'm here!!!!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    When my sister was getting married, I ordered a size bigger than I thought I was and the day of her wedding I could barely fit it. I had to get the best girdle I could find, not drink or eat anything and I remember walking down the aisle ready to burst into tears because all I could think about was "What does everyone think of me who hasn't seen me in years?!" I hated that feeling!
  • bogoli
    bogoli Posts: 15
    I used figure skate competitively, but then I started college, and just didn't have time for it any more. I lost my flexibility, started gaining weight like crazy (hello, freshman 30!). I tried to do a backbend one day, and I couldn't because I had fat rolls on my back that smushed together. Ow.
  • snowman8wa
    snowman8wa Posts: 12 Member
    Had a physical, peaked at 257.9lbs, BP 147/90, CHO was 273 and the Dr. said "medications" I'm 52.............THAT WAS MY "Last Straw".....................for me this is "the rest of my life", it is not a DIEt
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    for me I guess it was - i was tired of seeing myself the way I was.
    being surrounded by gorgeous people and being twice the size I wanted to be. believe it or not.
    i hated how i looked, hated how i felt, hated everything about myself - no self confidence. knew i needed to make a change and finally did something about it.
    edited for:

    oh and for me there's no going back. I'm all about being healthy and living this lifestyle I've dedicated myself to. I love how i feel, look forward to working out. :)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    having a doctor tell me i'm borderline pre-diabetic; hating the way I looked in my wedding pictures; realizing I have to get healthy before I get pregnant; the list goes on and on!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I saw a pic of myself where I looked like a walrus. Not a trim walrus either,,, I mean the walrus that all the other walruses call "lard tusks". That did it.

    Really - take a look, my pic in the brown shirt. 270 pounds, and I'm 5'8" tall. Wow.
    thanks for that Walrus comment I literally choked on my iced tea and it shot right out the ol nose! LOL
    Then my work here is done. :-)
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    I got fed up of my grandfather saying "oh you have lost yourself a bit" or "better get rid of that extra baggage" so I thought I'm not going to do it for him, I'm going to do it for myself! I used to love the way I looked and had no idea why I got to this point in my weight! So far in the last 2 weeks I have lost 6lbs and I am so determined to go back to where I used to be and actually be the slimmest in my family!
  • nrtenagrl
    nrtenagrl Posts: 138 Member
    I used to love taking pictures and get all dressed up and now,.. six years later I avoid pictures, and if they are taken..I have to approve them, and I hardly get dressed up now. I wear black tights with long shirts most of the time just because they are more comfortable than jeans. However,. I really think the last straw for me was when I was playing with my three year old daughter and she said to me,." you're fat... a fat mommy" That just broke my heart.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I was sick of being referred to as CUTE, i want to be HOT, it may be shallow, but im ok with it. :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i had to quit my job because they got new staff shirts and the biggest size was a men's XL. i was a definite 2XL, and there was NO WAY i was going to fit into that XL. i put in my 2 weeks that day. luckily it was still winter, so i was able to wear the staff sweatshirt that came in a 2XL for the rest of the time. so sad....i loved that job =(
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    My soon to be ex hubby told me he didn't find me attractive anymore & he wanted a divorce. I was 5'6 & 165lbs. I am down to 130 now :)

    wow, what an *kitten*, bet he regreats that now!

    lol I hope so he sent me a text the other night & I ignored it. I don't want to be fat but I want to be loved for being me!
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    My soon to be ex hubby told me he didn't find me attractive anymore & he wanted a divorce. I was 5'6 & 165lbs. I am down to 130 now :)

    wow, what an *kitten*, bet he regreats that now!

    No doubt and its not like 165lbs was even huge? Not that matters anyway! go check out my good friend Lori_Menorahlover she busted her rear and she looks amazing! You two would love each other!

    Thanks :) I will. By the my soon to be ex's name is Gary lol
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i went to the lake with my family and there was a woman in a bikini...a hot woman in a bikini, she walked right past us and my husband literally turned around and watched her walk away. i was so heartbroken because i look nothing like that. i will though, i swear i will!
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    A little over 2 months ago I went to go buy some new shorts or capris for summer, since all my old ones from before I had my daughter (3 years ago...) didn't fit. I already was selecting a size bigger than I wanted to wear, and in the fitting room they either looked AWFUL or just plain didn't fit. I couldn't bear even the thought of going up another size and left the store very upset. That same afternoon I signed up for MFP, and these last 2 months I've felt happier with my body than I have in years :)
  • deadliftdavie1918
    deadliftdavie1918 Posts: 60 Member
    students at work (i have taught middle and high school) asking if i was pregnant - i wasn't
    wearing dresses all the time because i couldnt fit into pants unless they came from the plus size section
    realizing i weighed exactly as much as i did the day my first child was born. ridiculous.
  • casdls
    casdls Posts: 8 Member
    I now weigh as much as I did when I gave birth. I look horrible in pictures. I can't find any clothes that fit and look nice.
  • lilsnowbird
    lilsnowbird Posts: 112
    My soon to be ex hubby told me he didn't find me attractive anymore & he wanted a divorce. I was 5'6 & 165lbs. I am down to 130 now :)

    in response to Runner328.........and now you can flaunt that beautiful body in front of your ex and tell me "this is what your missing!!!!"......
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    My soon to be ex hubby told me he didn't find me attractive anymore & he wanted a divorce. I was 5'6 & 165lbs. I am down to 130 now :)

    in response to Runner328.........and now you can flaunt that beautiful body in front of your ex and tell me "this is what your missing!!!!"......

    haha thanks. I fully plan to!!!