Beautiful Behaviors - July 2017



  • SuperDivvy
    SuperDivvy Posts: 7 Member
    Hello All. I feel was meant to find this thread as self care is exactly what I determined I need to focus on. I just turned 48 and weigh 230. I've played roller coaster with ten pounds for the last two years never reaching 200 and always going back up to where I am now.
    My goal for the rest of July is to:
    1-go get a mani pedi tomorrow and take care of my hands and feet for the rest of this month. I feel so homely when I'm dressed nice and my feet are ashen
    2- start using the little gym area I set up in June at least 3x week- if I could tighten up my upper arm I would feel better in summer clothes. If I did a few crunches on the ball I would feel more confident in my swimsuit.
    3-use the cute Hello Kitty water cup I got and drink some water so my skin will stay nice. I do have nice skin - and few wrinkles , one of the perks of the chub- but it might not last forever. The water will extend that

    Thank you for making this thread. Feel free to add me friends

    Take care
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    @SuperDivvy - in the same boat as you -- about to turn 47 and weighed in at 220 a couple of weeks ago. Just got a mani/pedi yesterday, it's the little "carrot" I'm using to help incent me to stay on track -- I can only get one once I've lost 5 lbs since the last salon visit. :)
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I had a pretty good weekend, I did a lot of relaxing and did some stupid things to my car. I did my first lake swim in 14 years and it was AMAZING! I forgot how much I love my lake swims! It was a 5K and I never really got tired or bored. It was two laps in this beautiful lake on a gorgeous morning. I got my goal time and kept getting faster throughout the lake swim (like I used to). I am built for distance swimming!

    I did have trouble finding the beach and ended up on a gravel road and hurt my car looking at the lake (these drain things under my car got knocked out and were dragging under my car after these deep holes in the road). A nice guy from my team ended up trying to tape them up after the swim (which didn't quite stay to the car collision center), but I did get them removed once I got there. Just more damage to fix, but no rush and I still have my car.

    And I do have a nice swimmer's itch rash all over my body (where my suit was covered). But I had a great time.

    Then I made myself a steak that afternoon and laid around and did a little vacuuming on Sunday.

    Welcome to all the new people. Taking care of yourself is more than just losing weight, it is about clearing your mind, resting, being with friends and people who care about you, loving yourself, eating well, taking care of your body (inside and out), and respecting yourself.

    I have two more weeks until I swim at our national masters swimming meet we are hosting here in Minnesota. I am seated slowest in two of my events. There are cutoff times for these events, so I shouldn't be too tough on myself. I am excited to see what times I can swim. I also have another lake swim in one month. Hopefully this rash clears up by then.

    Have a great week everyone! I am seeing my therapist later today. I haven't gone in a while, but I want to discuss all my stress about paying for my son's college education and my guilt. Time to move on...
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I've been doing a Daily Stoic challenge (based on the book of the same name). Yesterday's lesson was that no one can make you miserable without your consent. Being overwhelmed by work or life or worry is dependent on external sources, which have no direct link to our minds. We see the "overwhelmed" behavior pattern and repeat it, but it's not inevitable. Or, in Hamlet's terms, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @SuperDivvy and @MidModJenn - wow. I love the idea of having a reward for mindful, self-caring behavior! Perhaps a shopping day with my mom... I don't know. What else can be used like a reward? Pedicures and manicures of course. Hmmm.

    @nickiphillips1 -ouch! Car repairs! May your mechanic be joyful, alert, and low cost!! I love what you said about taking care of yourself. That's so true. I could make a meme of that. And a big loud "YES" to discovering what exercise you are made for!!! Mine is hiking, and I'm going to be bugging the lung doctor to get me back into it!

    Interesting @Kullerva ! Daily challenges can have a profound impact when we put an effort into them.

    Today, I am better than last week. My oxygen cord had a kink and I didn't know it. So, once I straightened that out, my O2 level went up, and I got out of bed. I even carried the trash out this morning!!

    Now, to get back to my food and exercise journey! Woooo.

    Love to all.

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello everyone! Im still hanging around. Glad to see @aleahurst is doing better. I am still doing the water challenge. Im doing pretty good. How are you doing with it?

    @Kullerva - love the line from Hamlet. I actually tell my family this a lot. Maybe one day they will listen. LOL

    I am back at it in the gym. Yesterday was cardio - run/walk. Today was legs. I will fill it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be cardio again and then arms on Thursday. Friday will be cardio because of softball then rest Saturday and Sunday to start all over next week again. We go on vacation starting Wednesday. Going to make next week's beautiful behavior to not over indulge and to continue the work outs even while on vacation.

    Oh and I am shooting my bow every day now so that is really helping with my upper body strength and conditioning. Yeah!!!

    I hope you all continue to stay on track. Me...out!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Works been super busy, but love it and thrive with so much to do.

    My sister, brother-in-law and myself hiked to an 83 foot waterfall and walked through a cave. Mind you we strayed from the path and followed a very rugged creek. So several miles were rock climbing, ducking under huge fallen trees, jumping stone to stone across the water, climbing over large boulders, climbing up side of partial canyon, and more. I was pooped! It was Beautiful! I can say my 2017 Summer of Adventure is still going strong!!!! B)<3 And.... My sister already texted me "where are we going this weekend?!" Whew!
    So hiked for 4 hours on Saturday, completed 35 minutes of HIIT cardio outside on my trail and did 83 minutes of shoulders lifting last night. I came home tonight and fell asleep, so took tonight off. But the bf went by himself.

    Thought for the day: Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life. *Even when you reach your goal weight or accomplish a look; you still need to move forward. I am maintaining but if I were to just eat over calories continually and stop exercising, I will be starting over. No one wants to lose their accomplishments, I'm still working toward activities and getting in more veggies. Besides I truly enjoy the gym and pushing myself. Happy fitjourney, folks.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    edited July 2017
    Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life. *Even when you reach your goal weight or accomplish a look; you still need to move forward.

    I love it!! Life is not a destination, it is a way of life. I think that is why people who get a lot of money or lose a lot of weight aren't happy for the long-term. You have to keep moving. I have found that swimming 6 days a week and eating healthy has been a great start. I do need to keep moving forward and finding new things!

    I had a great workout this morning and led my lane (we had two lanes). I kept up with the leader guy (who is normally faster than me) in the other lane. I felt good about my speed and people were not catching me. Granted, we weren't sprinting (I am not good at that). I felt great. I am finally under 170 lbs!! Yay!

    My swimmers' itch from the lake is awful, it has gotten worse and my friend from swimming says my skin looks like hamburger. I went to the dr yesterday and they gave me a topical steroid. I called today and should get an oral steroid. Argh! I love swimming in the lake, but my skin is so sensitive.

    Small victories. I also realized last night that I made it all the way through yesterday without my Adderall. I am dragging a little, so I need it for my fatigue, but am happy I can still work and swim without it.

    @aleahurst - you are very inspiring, pushing through your lung problems and hiking, thank you
    @Kullerva - love your thinking of choosing to be miserable
    @str8bowbabe - congrats on the water challenge

    I met with my therapist and she talked me through some stuff with my son and college. I have decided that I need to have a long talk with him tomorrow and set expectations with him. If he chooses not to meet those expectations, I don't have to co-sign loans in January for him. He does need to realize that even though he is 18 and going to college, he still needs to take his meds every day and stick to a schedule to get study help. If he makes bad choices, he will lose his scholarship that he worked very hard for. He will end up at community college not running. I am the only one who can help him right now with student loans and he needs to take that seriously. If he doesn't make it and doesn't pay me back, the most I will take out is $4-5K. I can take that loss. (I lost a lot more married to his father) His dad (who has squandered his money and his life) tried to make his wife feel guilty for not taking out a loan to help my son. I told her that it isn't her responsibility to help him. She has helped raise him, to which I will forever be grateful. My ex is a dick!

    Less stress...
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, all! i'm still here. I've been very bummed because my knee went out, and the doc says it's arthritis (most likely) as nothing has ripped etc. i'm on a cane, and haven't been to the gym for 3 weeks or so. I can barely walk around, which is wreaking havoc on my metabolism. I start PT this week, and am hoping this will help.

    i'm enjoying reading all your posts. keep up the good work!

  • DharmainHeels
    DharmainHeels Posts: 94 Member
    I live on a beach and now that the weather is nice I try to catch the sunset every night when my son doesn't have a baseball game. I bring my dog so he can run on the beach and then we take a long evening walk together!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    RELEASED!!! Yes I have been set free :D:D:s

    Okay. And by the way, @jessiquoi is very good at helping a person get decisions made...

    I am releasing myself from the July record your food accurately challenge. I'm not emotionally able to do it at this point.

    INSTEAD, I will turn off all distractions while I eat. TV, computer, tablet, phone will all be off and I will be mindful about eating.

    I'm excited about my food and nutrition journey again! Yay!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    My first couple days of intentional eating were interesting. Stacy's pita chips are best eaten while perusing facebook. However, they left me bloated and vowing to never do that again!

    Today, I ate mindfully and really enjoyed the food. It is 8 a.m. and I have not yet gone over my calorie allotment! Yay!

    Love to all.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    It is 8 a.m. and I have not yet gone over my calorie allotment! Yay!


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I haven't checked in for a while - life has been stressful! I'm trying really hard to stay on top of things. The good news is that, fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong in the next two days, my mom's friend with the gorgeous house with the pool and hot tub wants me and my husband to housesit for her for the next week. She is a lovely lady and last time we did this for her she did things like stock the fridge, chill wine for us, and set out individually wrapped scented soaps and candles. It was like staying at an upscale b&b, only getting paid for the privilege. In return we have to keep company with her two elderly dogs, who are well behaved, sensible, dear little beings, and take them for walks in her lovely, walkable neighborhood.

    I'm praying my health, which has been dicey, holds out for the foreseeable future. If all goes well I will be completing my evolution into a pool-floatie based lifeform. We went over today to check in and make sure the dogs remembered who we were, and she has bought all new pool floaties just for our entertainment. My husband has promised to make frappe drinks and serve them to me poolside. I've added various strokes and pool related behavior to my frequent exercise list in preparation. How many calories does pool chair jousting with foam noodles burn?

    @aleahurst - thanks for the laugh! I hope you are doing better since you got your machine straightened out.
    @str8bowbabe - I don't think I've asked, how heavy a bow do you draw? I know my arms were much stronger when I used to shoot with a recurve regularly than they are now. Back in the day, my husband couldn't even draw my competition bow! I should get my light weight "starter bow" out of the back of the closet and set up a target range, my arms are my weakest link.
    @katadx - hope you enjoyed the fair! Our local fair is in September, and the last time I went I was too heavy for most of the rides, as well as being concerned about my heart and not able to walk far. This time around I want to enjoy myself.
    @DharmainHeels - a beach and a dog sounds beautiful, all right!
    @jessiquoi - I'm so sorry to hear about your knee! Not being able to exercise properly makes staying healthy so much harder. Are you able to stationary cycle without it hurting? That ended up being a lifesaver for my knees - my right knee has no acl and a habit of going in and out, but I can usually cycle when I can't do other activities. That whole walking up stairs thing in particular, not good for sore knees.
    @nickiphillips1 - Feeling for you with the situation with your son. As someone who spun out in college and lost a scholarship and ended up in state college, I wish I could reach back through time, grab my freshman self by the ears and give myself a good shake. The thing I would tell myself is "Ask for help when you need it!" There were so many people around me who would have been willing to help me succeed if I had only asked - my parents, professors who would have given extra time on assignments or let me drop classes, better friends than the ones I foolishly spent most of my time with. There's not much you can do other than what you're doing, trying to make it as easy for him to be his best self as possible.
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    Hi everyone, yes baby steps are where it's at! Or sometimes we develop a lot of small habits that are beneficial but only mildly effective, but then some life thing happens that causes a huge shift and all the pieces fall into place. This is all about self-care! <3
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @threecheers20 - I'm glad you realized that you judge yourself harshly. Realization is probably step one to turning yourself around. You may as well be satisfied with your lovely self. Love is so much nicer than criticism.

    @rheddmobile - well. That sounds like a great vacation... er "job". Get some rest. Cuddle some dogs. Try out water aerobics. Ahhh!

    @katadx - the new hours sound great. Yes. Try putting your laptop down before eating. I have discovered that I really don't like some foods I've been eating, mostly breads and pastries. Odd, huh? Why waste time and calories if you don't like it!

    @jessiquoi - silly. Yes. Keep a sense of humor about this journey! We all need it! Pamper that knee.

    The bloating from my Thursday-Friday splurge on pita chips is finally decreasing. Someone slap my fingers if I ever reach for those again! Goodness.

    @DharmainHeels - wow! I just love that description of where you live! Ahhh

    @nickiphillips1 - I have a small rash and it drives me right up a wall! God bless you! I will just have to say a prayer for you and me every time I itch.

    I like intentional or mindful eating. It's pleasant and I am keeping up with water too. Yay.

    Love to all.

  • finngirl61
    finngirl61 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi ladies, just checking in. Good to read all your posts. This isn't an easy journey is it? Each day is a challenge. Let's continue to hang tough, and be kind to ourselves.