Dr.OZ Total 10 as a guideline not the rule

"The plan is simple, and it allows for a lot of versatility. From a daily smoothie to delicious veggie dishes, you will be satisfied with your meals, all while getting the nutrition your body needs.

The basic principles of the plan are easy. Your daily menu will have protein packed meals, such as these protein bowls, a delicious smoothie, veggie broth and unlimited low-glycemic veggies. "

I see no problem here. It worked for me one summer two years ago to lose substantially and fell off track because of other stresses in my life not diet related.

It helps me keep my nutrition goals in check while using MFP. I use the Breakfast Berry Smoothie with protein. I take multivitamin and fiber capsules. It keeps me reminded of lean and green with non-starchy vegetables and small healthy snacks.

I track what I eat, use a Misfit and linked apps to track my steps and walks/exercises. So far I have lost about 9 pounds in almost 2 months which I have been told is a sustainable weight loss.

Any suggestions as to what I should be doing differently? I've noticed that I'm usually below goal on Carbs. I've never been a bread and pasta eater to begin with not to mention it hikes up my calories. Would anyone be willing to review my food tracking with me or share theirs with me for more ideas to keep my diet balanced?

P.S. - I also have a bathroom scale now so I can actually track my progress. I was going to do body measurements this weekend.


  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    did Dr oz go to upstairs hollywood medical school?
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2017
    LOL what's wrong with the plan exactly if it follows what most people recommend anyways?

    And could someone actually offer a more insightful answer rather than be Oz bashing?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you haven't actually said what your problem is? you are losing weight at approx. 1lb a week
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Carbs. What do you do to meet carb goal without jacking up your calorie intake? Suggestions? Best practice? That question was at the end of my post.
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Suzanne that was towards Deanna not you. Not an argument just a reading comprehension thing and probably too much detail on my part. Judgement free zone? Deficit is nice but what about the carbs. I dont eat bread, pasta, or rice normally. Is there another food I don't know about?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Fruit, dairy and vegetables has carbs. But you don't have to up your carbs.

    If you decide to let go of the notion of "everybody's bashing", you can actually learn something!
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Kommo - My favorite foods on a normal scale would not fill me up. While milk. Sour cream. Sandwiches loaded with mayo and cheese. I have a flare for dairy it seems. I have maybe 1 cup of whole milk occasionally now but I'm better off leaving the other stuff alone. It's really not that restrictive it's just getting the habits in place. What is "healthy people"? Low fat yogurt is fine. Nuts are fine. Warm lemon water in the morning. Lean protein and greens. What about that is complicated? Other people who have been at this long time maybe share your food tracking with me to get an idea of what you are doing differently that would be better for me to integrate in the long run. Berry smoothies are good. I'm a creature of habit. I dont like complicated or excessive prep times. Single full time working mom here. Why knock something that someone took the time to plan and lay it out? Looking for suggestions. Jordan was very helpful, thank you.
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Kommo- The first two comments were absolutely Oz bashing.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    Carbs. What do you do to meet carb goal without jacking up your calorie intake? Suggestions? Best practice? That question was at the end of my post.

    well I'm probably not the person to ask about that - because I do 300+ g of carbs most days of the week - with white bread, rice, potatos etc
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Good suggestions all :) thanks
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Curious to know why you're looking to suggestions on things you should be doing differently?
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Just because the diet changes came from his website people immediately think they aren't worth looking at. Interesting. I sit at a computer and research all day. It's a popularity thing I guess.