I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    Hi and congrats on the weight loss!

    Sorry if this has been asked before but how fast is too fast for weight loss? Or is this too slow?

    I am down 24lbs in 2 months. So right now I am averaging 3lbs a week (I am 250lbs at the moment down from 274lbs) I don't eat under 1200 that much (like maybe 2 days out of the week). In fact, on average I am usually over 1500-1600 cals. I just do a lot of cardio...averaging 450-500 minutes a week.

    Also, if I start strength training now, will that impact my rate of loss?

    I noticed in your post you mentioning you wish you had started early on and I have read articles on the benefits of starting out with cardio as well as strength training as you lose weight. I am just afraid of the weight loss slowing down a bit once I start but more afraid to have a lot of loose skin by the time I reach maintenance phase.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Thanks so much for this thread! It's been super helpful. I know you said you wish you had started with lifting heavy rather than smaller weights with more reps and I was wondering about that? The trainer I talked to at the gym (who suggested lifting as soon as I said I was trying to lose weight so I was pleased about that ) suggested slightly smaller weights (it's still hard) for more reps (3x15) while I was trying to lose weight and then shifting to something more like 5x5 as my goals shift to building strength. Right now I'm just concerned with getting the weight off and not losing muscle mass. Eventually I want to build some strength but getting the weight off is definitely my primary goal.

    Also any thoughts on what I'm doing in general would be appreciated. I'm a woman, 5'8" and 235lbs (I've lost 60). I'm at 1390 calories if I've done a lot I might go to 1800 (I haven't figured out macros yet, should I worry about that?).

    I alternate running (weirdest part of my fitness journey is figuring out I like running) and gym days so my week looks like this:
    1. Running (5k)
    2. Legs/Abs
    3. Running/walk whatever I feel like
    4. Chest/back
    5. Running (intervals)
    6. arms/shoulders
    7. Running (8k ish at the moment)

    I don't really agree with your trainer. Lifting less weight for higher reps doesn't help lose fat or preserve muscle any better than something like a 5x5. I believe most people trying to lose weight should do the same type of lifting as someone trying to gain muscle just with less overall volume and frequency. Something maybe like a 3x5 when in a deficit and a 5x5 when at maintenance or in a surplus. Your split is also very sub-optimal. If this also comes from your trainer then it's time to find a new trainer. These are basic concepts they are getting wrong. Ideally, naturals (people not using steroids) should try and work each body part 2-3 times per week in a good lifting program. You are only hitting each body part once a week. A 3x a week total body routine would probably be best if you want to lift 3 days a week. I also would advise at least one day a week of total rest, no running or lifting. If you must run 4 days then double up on a day. I would also try to start paying attention to macros if maintaining muscle mass is important to you. It's not hard to do. You just make sure that by the time you reach your calorie goal you have gotten in enough protein and fat to meet minimum requirements. A general rule of thumb is for protein 0.6-0.8 grams per lb you weigh and for fat 0.3 grams per lb you weigh. These are the minimums, you can exceed them if you wish just make sure by the time you hit your calories you've also hit those minimums.
    jmkim196 wrote: »
    Congrats, trying to accomplish the same thing myself.

    What is an average workout like?
    Is Cardio still a big part of your workout?
    What was your most common meal during your journey?
    My workouts for the most part revolve around the big 3 lifts (bench, squat, and deadlift). I have had some injuries throughout the years so I have made adaptations along the way but I'm currently back to a very basic barbell program doing those 3 lifts along with some accessory work. I do not do any formal cardio but I enjoy walking/hiking. I don't have a walking "routine" or a set day/time that I do it. I just do it for leisure and it has the added benefit of burning some calories. Some days more than others. I wouldn't say I really had a "most common meal". I eat a lot of lean meats and vegetables ( pretty much every day) but my diet is pretty varied. My diary is open if you want to look.

  • xproofx
    xproofx Posts: 43 Member
    How tall are you?
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,572 Member
    edited July 2017
    xproofx wrote: »
    How tall are you?
    I have read this thread multiple times learning things from it, that I happen to know the answer: he is 6'1"
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Hi and congrats on the weight loss!

    Sorry if this has been asked before but how fast is too fast for weight loss? Or is this too slow?

    I am down 24lbs in 2 months. So right now I am averaging 3lbs a week (I am 250lbs at the moment down from 274lbs) I don't eat under 1200 that much (like maybe 2 days out of the week). In fact, on average I am usually over 1500-1600 cals. I just do a lot of cardio...averaging 450-500 minutes a week.

    Also, if I start strength training now, will that impact my rate of loss?

    I noticed in your post you mentioning you wish you had started early on and I have read articles on the benefits of starting out with cardio as well as strength training as you lose weight. I am just afraid of the weight loss slowing down a bit once I start but more afraid to have a lot of loose skin by the time I reach maintenance phase.
    Lifting weights will not affect the rate of your fat loss at all. It might cause you to retain water which will slow your weight loss but that's not really important. Fat is what we want to lose, not water. Plus it's only a temporary thing and losses will resume. I will caution that losing 3 lbs a week is not going to be sustainable anyways as you lose more weight so be prepared for that too. Normally 1-2 lbs of loss per week is a good goal. If you have a lot to lose, 2-3 is fine but just know as you lose more and more and become smaller, your rate of loss is going to decrease.

  • madass007
    madass007 Posts: 1 Member
    calories sugar and protein per day to lose weight ??
  • ravergirl1992
    ravergirl1992 Posts: 39 Member
    at what point did your mind adjust to the weight you had lost? i am losing well but i still have days where i look in the mirror and think i look exactly the same..it's like my mind is playing tricks on me!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    madass007 wrote: »
    calories sugar and protein per day to lose weight ??
    Not sure if you mean for me or for you. Sugar per day isn't something that needs to be tracked in order to lose weight, and technically neither is protein. Weight loss is all about calories. Eating a sufficient amount of protein whilst losing weight helps preserve lean mass so while it isn't necessary for weight loss it is still important for body composition.
    at what point did your mind adjust to the weight you had lost? i am losing well but i still have days where i look in the mirror and think i look exactly the same..it's like my mind is playing tricks on me!
    I feel like at first the differences showed up pretty quickly but as I lost more and more it took longer and longer to notice. These days it takes a good couple months before I really notice any difference. Progress pictures help tremendously with this. You see yourself everyday so gradual changes are tough to notice but progress pictures a few months apart usually reveal the progress made.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited August 2017
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    THANK YOU!!!!! I will look into those brands (hopefully they have ladies pants). I am almost to the point of having to buy everything made with 50% spandex to fit my *kitten* (literally) and waist. I have no problem with spending more to actually get jeans that fit. Dress trousers and fitted dresses (I have a tailor - there's no way around that). And thank goodness that women can wear tank top styles and still look classy, biceps and sleeves don't mix.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    Can I jump on your thread, @vismal? Barbell Apparel has jeans for lifters. They're spendy, $150, but they're supposed to fit. Haven't tried them yet, because I can still fit into anything with some Lycra. Hoping I'll need them someday. ;)
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    Can I jump on your thread, @vismal? Barbell Apparel has jeans for lifters. They're spendy, $150, but they're supposed to fit. Haven't tried them yet, because I can still fit into anything with some Lycra. Hoping I'll need them someday. ;)

    Again, I don't mind spending extra to not look funny because my jeans are super tight on my quads, but I can smuggle a small child in the extra room on the waist. $150 for a good pair, that fits right isn't that expensive.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    Can I jump on your thread, @vismal? Barbell Apparel has jeans for lifters. They're spendy, $150, but they're supposed to fit. Haven't tried them yet, because I can still fit into anything with some Lycra. Hoping I'll need them someday. ;)

    Again, I don't mind spending extra to not look funny because my jeans are super tight on my quads, but I can smuggle a small child in the extra room on the waist. $150 for a good pair, that fits right isn't that expensive.

    If you buy some, please let us know how you like them!
  • TatianaCamaro
    TatianaCamaro Posts: 19 Member
    Damn that's a huge achievement! I m sure it was a difficult journey but as you accomplished that, nothing can stop you!!
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    Can I jump on your thread, @vismal? Barbell Apparel has jeans for lifters. They're spendy, $150, but they're supposed to fit. Haven't tried them yet, because I can still fit into anything with some Lycra. Hoping I'll need them someday. ;)

    Again, I don't mind spending extra to not look funny because my jeans are super tight on my quads, but I can smuggle a small child in the extra room on the waist. $150 for a good pair, that fits right isn't that expensive.

    If you buy some, please let us know how you like them!

    Will, do. Looked them up, turns out my waist size must be really popular. When I order a pair I'll let you know how they fit.
  • PeteLincolnmfp
    PeteLincolnmfp Posts: 12 Member
    Fantastic. Added you as i need all the motivation i can get
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I have a strong "meh" feeling about barbell apparel. I think they are up-charging on a gimmick. I find plenty of jeans in the 80-100 dollar range that will fit but aren't specifically marketed to "fit" people. I really think they tack on an extra 50 bucks for that.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Where do you find jeans that fit your waist and quads??? Seriously, I'm starting to have this issue.
    Annoyingly enough I usually have to buy expensive jeans. Things like Bigstar, Buffalo, Buckle and the like make so many different styles and sizes that you eventually find one that has a small waist with room for your legs. I wear a 31 or 32 waist and if I try on a pair of most jeans I can't get it past my quads.

    Can I jump on your thread, @vismal? Barbell Apparel has jeans for lifters. They're spendy, $150, but they're supposed to fit. Haven't tried them yet, because I can still fit into anything with some Lycra. Hoping I'll need them someday. ;)

    Again, I don't mind spending extra to not look funny because my jeans are super tight on my quads, but I can smuggle a small child in the extra room on the waist. $150 for a good pair, that fits right isn't that expensive.

    If you buy some, please let us know how you like them!

    @quiksylver296 Better solution:. Turns out barbell apparel are made with Lycra. Might as well buy jeggings. Now, one of my neighbors is a lovely lady in her 90's. I was pulling weeds and we got to talking: she told me how to get 100% cotton demins to form (before spandex was in everything, this is how they got fitted jeans). Buy 100% cotton demins about 2 sizes too big (Levi's 501's are 100% cotton). On a hot sunny day: take a warm shower in them, then go outside in the sun & heat to let them dry. It takes 2 or 3 times doing this, but they'll shrink where you need them to and form nicely to the rest of your body. If you want them to shrink faster on a certain area, blow dry that area while you wear them.

    Now this I am definitely going to try. Levi's are much better priced too! But, this only works with 100% cotton jeans.
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