Mum of bride



  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    I use our a lot our wedding our big day lol I come from more north than Manchester I was born in Glasgow my daughters real dad was from Cheshire so our is used lots I currently live south east if England
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    At 352 lbs/160kg, you'll easily drop 3 dress sizes by the day. =) Just keep logging and don't fall for any diet fads. MFP will get you to your goals =)

    Don't be discouraged by the people saying 'No ones going to have their eyes on you or your size, only you will". Yes this is the bride and grooms day but there's nothing wrong with your wanting to lose some weight. If this is a step to motivate you to lose weight, I honestly say, go for it. Just make sure you go about it in a way that Is safe and sustainable and who knows, you might be so happy with the weight loss and the lessons you've learn on here that you may continue to lose after the Wedding =) and over time you may get to a healthy weight! =D

    I know heaps of people that had short term goals and continued their journey after the goal because they saw how easy weight loss was when you change your mindset and lifestyle.

  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not discouraged yes it's about the happy couple but we all want to look our best in our child's big day pictures it's a huge deal I'm motivated focused if I slip over back up back on track it's not a option to fail it's just not just the wedding it's my life I want to be the best version of me for me and my family
  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    So been back at work since Wednesday lost what I gained on my week off plus one more kg being busy rushing around helps the boredom snacking and temptation
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Gaun yersel hen, you're daein braw.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    That was a right good mouthful @CattOfTheGarage. h :)
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Maybe I'm missing something. Is there any reasons that you can't actually, you know, order a dress that fits, and then have it altered if necessary -- and then *stay* at that size?

    Poor fitting clothes will photograph loads worse than you carrying an extra stone or two.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Poor fitting clothes will photograph loads worse than you carrying an extra stone or two.

    (S)he's right, you know.
  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    I can order any time once iv decided on colour got two lovely choices also I'm in no rush
  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    It's being made do will fit perfectly
  • Firstcomeslove
    Firstcomeslove Posts: 21 Member
    You seem so motivated - best of luck! Logging your food and tracking your progress will be a great help to you I'm sure.

    As for the regional thing... where I'm from we use "our baby" to refer to the children of close relatives or close friends ... so talking to someone about their child sometimes I'll slip and say - so how's our son? And get blank looks back
  • andi545
    andi545 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes our is a figure of speech all areas have their own
    I'm driven totally I slip over I get back up job done