Looking to God instead of food--fellow Believers out there?



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"
  • magster4isu
    magster4isu Posts: 632 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?
  • EllenECox
    EllenECox Posts: 10 Member
    Just got back from a beautiful inspiring Dr. J cruise to Alaska! Fantastic- but now it's time to work, and let GOD work in my life. Please add me to this group of Christ Followers...Ellen
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Haha yes of course!
    But obviously not now at the age of 25 :lol:
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Children believe in Santa Claus because their parents , who they trust to tell them the truth, tell them he exists. That's the only reason children believe in Santa Claus.
  • Don64V2
    Don64V2 Posts: 26 Member
    You can add me.
  • mydustyroad
    mydustyroad Posts: 14 Member
    jan4jesus2 wrote: »
    Hi, I'd love to be part of this group! Have you heard of the "Mase to Crave" book/study by Lisa Terkheurst? I was actually thinking about trying to start a group where we'd read that book together and have some discussion. That's exactly what the book is about.

    I have the book but haven't started it yet. Please let me know if you're going to do a group study with it. I'd love to join!
  • mydustyroad
    mydustyroad Posts: 14 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Looking for friends on the same journey!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,899 Member
    Sounds awesome. Bible says, don't be a glutton.

    This. Self control is a fruit of the spirit and gluttony is a sin. Pretty straight forward. Once I had that firmly in my head, I was able to finally lose weight. I knew all the verses about lifting everything up in prayer and being able to do anything through his strength, but those words weren't what I needed to hear. Then one day something just clicked for me, that this was one sin that I had to overcome. And from that day on it became easier. I've lost 90 pounds and feel like a different person. I just had to listen to the words that I didn't want to hear, instead of going to the verses that were comfortable, if that makes sense.
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Haha yes of course!
    But obviously not now at the age of 25 :lol:

    Lol. My point was you believed. You had faith. Although you didn't personally meet this person who susposedly comes in the middle of the night to bring gifts, you believed in him.

    Faith is believing in something you can't see with the naked eye. I accepted Christ as my savior. He died for my sins. I have faith in Him. I encourage you to research this and read scripture.

    I wish I could give you the exact answers you're needing. I'm still learning my own self.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Haha yes of course!
    But obviously not now at the age of 25 :lol:

    Lol. My point was you believed. You had faith. Although you didn't personally meet this person who susposedly comes in the middle of the night to bring gifts, you believed in him.

    Faith is believing in something you can't see with the naked eye. I accepted Christ as my savior. He died for my sins. I have faith in Him. I encourage you to research this and read scripture.

    I wish I could give you the exact answers you're needing. I'm still learning my own self.


    I'm not sure that Santa/God is a good comparison. Like a previous poster said it was my parents that told me something was real.

    Also, just because you believe something doesn't mean it's real (Santa) and obviously, he isn't real.
    But if at the age of 25 I thought Santa WAS real then you'd all think I'm deluded!!

    This is how I struggle to understand how you can have faith in something like God. Personally I don't feel I'll ever believe. I don't think I can lol
    But it certainly interests me into why others do.
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    PS, add me! Trying to get back on this wagon and get the weight back off and get in tip top shape!
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Haha yes of course!
    But obviously not now at the age of 25 :lol:

    Lol. My point was you believed. You had faith. Although you didn't personally meet this person who susposedly comes in the middle of the night to bring gifts, you believed in him.

    Faith is believing in something you can't see with the naked eye. I accepted Christ as my savior. He died for my sins. I have faith in Him. I encourage you to research this and read scripture.

    I wish I could give you the exact answers you're needing. I'm still learning my own self.


    I'm not sure that Santa/God is a good comparison. Like a previous poster said it was my parents that told me something was real.

    Also, just because you believe something doesn't mean it's real (Santa) and obviously, he isn't real.
    But if at the age of 25 I thought Santa WAS real then you'd all think I'm deluded!!

    This is how I struggle to understand how you can have faith in something like God. Personally I don't feel I'll ever believe. I don't think I can lol
    But it certainly interests me into why others do.

    I'm not sure I have the answer you're looking for. Maybe Santa wasn't best example. I apologize. In my own crazy way, I was trying to explain faith. I feel like your questions are valid. As a Christian it hurts my heart that I can't be a better witness to bring you close to God or salvation.

    But I can pray for you. ❤️

    Take care. I truly wish you the best.
  • determinedtolivefree
    determinedtolivefree Posts: 23 Member
    I love this !
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I really don't mean to offend anyone
    This is a genuine question

    "Looking to god instead of food" .. why can't you just do it for yourself? Why do you need god to help you with this journey?

    I'm intrigued.

    I know there's a lot of different answers out there from a lot of different people, but here's how I see it:

    Why do we need God to lead us? Because without Him, we wouldn't have a body in the first place! No one knows the human body better than God. He's the one who designed it! Our body is a temporary gift, and that's an awesome motivation to take care of it.

    What I'm saying is, if we can't create ourselves, how can we expect to improve ourselves all on our own? We're dependent on God for life. He knows how everything works, including our food cravings and weight loss processes. No human completely understands how all that works!

    Okay that explains it quite well!

    Another question if you don't mind.. (again this is not to "challenge" or cause offence..

    I personally don't believe in god. But I can still achieve my goals, do you ever think of it like that?

    I am totally respectful of peoples faiths I was just wondering that's all!

    They probably don't think about you or your goals. As they probably never heard of you before and they don't know you. You just showed up on this thread obviously champing at the bit to tell them you don't believe in God.

    Wind your neck in.
    I've stated my reasons. I've been extremely polite.

    I could of jumped on the thread and said "you're all effing insane believing in something like that"

    But I didn't, because I'm respectful of different beliefs.

    If you've got some sort of problem.. well.. just get over it because It's just boring. You're just trying to have a go over nothing. It's ridiculous.

    I personally think you've been very polite and curious which is totally cool. God loves us. He loves us no matter what. He died for our sins, even the non believers.

    To answer your question, yes you can lose weight without turning to God. In my personal opinion, I need God in everything I do. Each decision I make should be made with a Christian heart. Do I always present a Christian attitude? No not at all. I'm human. As a human, I still fail.

    Speaking for myself, when I feel weak, instead of going to food for comfort, I pray. I read scripture. Faith is hard for some but when you accept Christ as your savior, it comes more easy. God knows all of our weaknesses. He knew us before anyone else did. I find comfort in calling on Him when I am weak. When I replaced my bad habits with Godly ones, I've had more peace and success.

    Hugs to you and ask any questions you see fit.

    Thank you for that, I'm glad you don't think I'm disrespectful.

    But Can you explain more? For example say you're posed with a dilemma and you turn to God, how do you do that? Do you ask Him for help? And how does He give you that help?
    How does He pick you up when you're weak?
    I mean at what point do you think "yes that's what I should do?"
    Or does it not quite work like that?
    Do the scriptures help more than praying?
    Is praying almost like the term "a problem shared is a problem halved?"

    When you was a child, did you believe in Santa Clause?

    Haha yes of course!
    But obviously not now at the age of 25 :lol:

    Lol. My point was you believed. You had faith. Although you didn't personally meet this person who susposedly comes in the middle of the night to bring gifts, you believed in him.

    Faith is believing in something you can't see with the naked eye. I accepted Christ as my savior. He died for my sins. I have faith in Him. I encourage you to research this and read scripture.

    I wish I could give you the exact answers you're needing. I'm still learning my own self.


    I'm not sure that Santa/God is a good comparison. Like a previous poster said it was my parents that told me something was real.

    Also, just because you believe something doesn't mean it's real (Santa) and obviously, he isn't real.
    But if at the age of 25 I thought Santa WAS real then you'd all think I'm deluded!!

    This is how I struggle to understand how you can have faith in something like God. Personally I don't feel I'll ever believe. I don't think I can lol
    But it certainly interests me into why others do.

    I'm not sure I have the answer you're looking for. Maybe Santa wasn't best example. I apologize. In my own crazy way, I was trying to explain faith. I feel like your questions are valid. As a Christian it hurts my heart that I can't be a better witness to bring you close to God or salvation.

    But I can pray for you. ❤️

    Take care. I truly wish you the best.

    Oh no don't apologise! Nothing to apologise for! I've heard that comparison used many times! It does explain faith well but Santa isn't quite on the same level as God lol!!
    Don't feel bad, I'm pretty set in my ways!