Looking to God instead of food--fellow Believers out there?



  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    edited July 2017
    I usually let this sort of conversation pass by without comment, but this has been interesting. Santa is definitely useful to help believers and non-believers understand each other. As someone raised in a family that has been secular for generations, it was difficult for me to understand how faith worked in a religious context. I imagine it's also difficult for believers to understand how secular people can be satisfied without it. The Santa discussion works in both directions. Faith in Santa vs. evidence that Santa is pretend. We can all understand those concepts.

    I don't recall ever believing in Santa, so if I did, I figured it out before I started holding onto memories. I never taught my kids that Santa was real; they got that from their teachers and friends at school. I didn't actively dispute it, but would instead just ask what they thought was true. They'd figured it out by age 6 or so. Christmas was still plenty fun without it.

    Anyway, please continue with your quest for like-minded folks. :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Can I ask you all another question? (glad I've found a friendly lot that don't mind me asking stuff)

    Do you believe in everything the bible says?

    And what if you read something which deep down you disagree with?
    I can't think of an example as I don't read the bible but just curious.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    edited July 2017
    "He has answered my prayers. Healed my friend."

    I'm assume you a had a friend who was poorly which you prayed for an is now okay. (Even if I'm wrong let's just stick with that example)

    My question is, what if by a chance you didn't pray for your friend. You didn't ask for help, in fact NO ONE did and even your friend didn't pray to god to save himself and your friend still got well again.
    What would that be?

    I kind of think things will happen or they won't. And no God could change that.
    Because if your friend died, then he would of let you down right? How can you have faith in something that ultimately has the choice of whether something good or bad happens to you?

    Have you ever prayed for something or someone and it's not turned out how you hope? How do you feel then?

    I think this is where I get stuck.
    I have been thinking about having a read tbh but I'm not so sure..
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Also you say you have personally experienced Him.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask (don't know if it's too personal) but can I ask how? In what way?

    - Don't answer if that is a personal thing, I won't be offended, I struggle with what's acceptable to ask and not lol -
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    My husband and I are on our way out right now with the dog and will be back in a while-hang in there, I will come back and answer your questions. Thanks for your patience-the dog runs the house haha! she's all of three inches off the ground and 20 lbs tops-and if we break routine, we are in trouble :wink:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    blushenvy wrote: »
    My husband and I are on our way out right now with the dog and will be back in a while-hang in there, I will come back and answer your questions. Thanks for your patience-the dog runs the house haha! she's all of three inches off the ground and 20 lbs tops-and if we break routine, we are in trouble :wink:

    I feel your pain. Our dog is king of the house :sweat_smile:
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member

    I feel your pain. Our dog is king of the house :sweat_smile: [/quote]

    YES!!!! BOSS dog! haha

    OK, so your questions are deep and I will do my best to do my best :smile:

    Bex953172 wrote: »
    "He has answered my prayers. Healed my friend."

    I'm assume you a had a friend who was poorly which you prayed for an is now okay. (Even if I'm wrong let's just stick with that example)

    ---->>>Yes-this is what happened, though quite understated.

    My question is, what if by a chance you didn't pray for your friend. You didn't ask for help, in fact NO ONE did and even your friend didn't pray to god to save himself and your friend still got well again.
    What would that be?

    ---->>>But that isn't what happened. And to be honest, knowing that the laws of nature hold true unless interrupted by an outside force, how likely is this scenario?
    This is a super simple example, but take for instance gravity causing an apple to fall from a tree. It will keep falling until it hits the ground(or whatever is waiting below it), that is part of the law of nature. But let's say you step in and catch it on the way down. You didn't change the law, you-the outside force-altered it's course by stepping in and interrupting it.
    This is what God does. When we see something that does not fit into the laws that govern this world, we shrug our shoulders and say it's a fluke, or coincidence. Like my friend being healed. The way that it happened was no coincidence. And the human body does not naturally heal itself the way hers did in that short of an amount of time.
    This isn't the only time this has happened in my life btw-just one example of evidence that He is real. Maybe not to you, because you don't know her and have to take my word for it. But because I was there and am a witness of it, I know He is real. All I can do is tell you what I know.

    I kind of think things will happen or they won't. And no God could change that.

    ---->>> Well, let's take a look at the God you're asking about.
    By very nature of being God, He would have to be all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, never changing, never ending, completely unattainable by us because we are not and never could be even close to Him in power, ability, comprehension, nature or being.
    We on the other hand are completely limited by our humanity, death, disease etc. We have limits. God does not.

    Because if your friend died, then he would of let you down right?

    ---->>> I absolutely understand why you would come to that conclusion, but no. He would not have let me down. He's not a magic genie I keep in my pocket to grant me wishes whenever I desire. He's not just something I lean on in hard times. No, He's all seeing, and all knowing-which means He sees and knows what I do not. That means that my relationship with Him requires faith and trust in Him and His purpose and plan even if I don't understand what's going on. If He answers my prayers He is good, but even if He doesn't-He is still good.
    I trust Him because He is not a liar and He says He is good. I trust Him because He sees what I do not and He knows what I do not. I trust Him because He promises that "All things work together for the good of those who love Him".

    How can you have faith in something that ultimately has the choice of whether something good or bad happens to you?

    --->>>Whether I believe or I don't believe in God, things are going to happen. Following Jesus doesn't grant me a trouble free life-it grants me a firm foundation to stand on.

    Have you ever prayed for something or someone and it's not turned out how you hope? How do you feel then?

    --->>>Of course! All the time haha! But like I said before, I've known Him for a long time. Just like you mature(hopefully) as you get older, the same is true the longer you spend time with Jesus.
    My understanding of prayer and how it works is way different now than it was when I was younger. My trust in him is deeper than it was when I was younger. It is much easier to just let go and say "God, have Your way-I trust You".
    That's not the case when you are younger-you're too busy trying to get your own way lol.

    I think the question you should be asking is Why does He answer some prayers and not others?

    I think this is where I get stuck.
    I have been thinking about having a read tbh but I'm not so sure..

    ---->>>Matthew 13:44
    "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

    You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Pfff this is deep lol!!

    I'm not disputing your friend was seriously ill and has made a remarkable recovery! Just glad she's well! I'll take your word for it.

    I think I understand what you're saying... like ok if your friend had died. Okay it's not him letting you down because he didn't save her but he might be teaching you something else? Like how to be strong in such a situation? Is that right?

    Do you think God punishes some people?
    Like non believers?
    Or anyone for that matter?

    And what do you think of the roles of priests etc in churches?

  • skinnylady2014
    skinnylady2014 Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Pfff this is deep lol!!

    I'm not disputing your friend was seriously ill and has made a remarkable recovery! Just glad she's well! I'll take your word for it.

    I think I understand what you're saying... like ok if your friend had died. Okay it's not him letting you down because he didn't save her but he might be teaching you something else? Like how to be strong in such a situation? Is that right?

    Do you think God punishes some people?
    Like non believers?
    Or anyone for that matter?

    And what do you think of the roles of priests etc in churches?

    Oh my goodness lol
    I'm still trying to answer your other question haha! You aren't kidding this stuff is deep!

    Yes, that is kind of what I am saying. He knows what He's doing even if I don't.
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    PS, I didn't mean for the thing about my friend to sound snarky at all, sorry about that. I just meant I totally understand why anyone reading this would doubt what I'm saying about her being healed-and that's totally ok.
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Pfff this is deep lol!!

    I'm not disputing your friend was seriously ill and has made a remarkable recovery! Just glad she's well! I'll take your word for it.

    I think I understand what you're saying... like ok if your friend had died. Okay it's not him letting you down because he didn't save her but he might be teaching you something else? Like how to be strong in such a situation? Is that right?

    Do you think God punishes some people?
    Like non believers?
    Or anyone for that matter?

    ---->>> This stuff is deep and really hard, but the truth is the Bible says "He disciplined those He loves".
    That being said though, He is extremely patient and long suffering with us. He gives us every opportunity to get it right, correcting us in order to keep us. Just like you wouldn't let your kid do whatever they wanted because it can bring serious harm.
    As to non-believers, He says that all of us will stand before Him one day and give an account for what we've done.
    Which means that even if judgment is delayed, it's still coming. For instance, a murderer may get away with it seemingly because we didn't catch him/her, but it didn't escape God's eyes. That person will account for what they've done.
    So will I.

    And what do you think of the roles of priests etc in churches?

    ---->>> Not sure, can you be more specific?

  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Also you say you have personally experienced Him.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask (don't know if it's too personal) but can I ask how? In what way?

    - Don't answer if that is a personal thing, I won't be offended, I struggle with what's acceptable to ask and not lol -

    I want to try and answer this for you, but each person may have a different experience when they come to Jesus. I think that is partially because He knows and loves each of us individually.
    One of the first ways I experienced Him was how he gave me understanding of the Bible. That sounds silly, but when I would try to read it, it was like trying to look through a fog. I couldn't understand anything-it may as well have been in a language I didn't know.
    Again, prayer solved this for me. God opened my eyes, cleared the fog and gave me understanding.

    Another way is how He transforms a life. We as humans often have things we desperately want to change. The ugly stuff that hides down deep in our hearts. we are powerless to change them, but He is not. Sometimes it's a radical instantaneous change, sometimes it's over time as we keep giving it over to Him.

    Another way is in victory over circumstances. The best the world can promise me is that I might "survive" something. But God promises those who love Him that we are more than conquerors and victorious overcomers.
    He promises(like I mentioned before) that all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
    That doesn't mean that the situation changes. It means that I have changed in spite of it.
    I am no longer a victim, I am able to love and forgive-truly forgive some truly awful things. Circumstances that should by all human standards destroy me, do not have to.

    Tell me if I'm boring you, pleeeease!
    Otherwise, I'll keep going.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    edited July 2017
    blushenvy wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Also you say you have personally experienced Him.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask (don't know if it's too personal) but can I ask how? In what way?

    - Don't answer if that is a personal thing, I won't be offended, I struggle with what's acceptable to ask and not lol -

    I want to try and answer this for you, but each person may have a different experience when they come to Jesus. I think that is partially because He knows and loves each of us individually.
    One of the first ways I experienced Him was how he gave me understanding of the Bible. That sounds silly, but when I would try to read it, it was like trying to look through a fog. I couldn't understand anything-it may as well have been in a language I didn't know.
    Again, prayer solved this for me. God opened my eyes, cleared the fog and gave me understanding.

    Another way is how He transforms a life. We as humans often have things we desperately want to change. The ugly stuff that hides down deep in our hearts. we are powerless to change them, but He is not. Sometimes it's a radical instantaneous change, sometimes it's over time as we keep giving it over to Him.

    Another way is in victory over circumstances. The best the world can promise me is that I might "survive" something. But God promises those who love Him that we are more than conquerors and victorious overcomers.
    He promises(like I mentioned before) that all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
    That doesn't mean that the situation changes. It means that I have changed in spite of it.
    I am no longer a victim, I am able to love and forgive-truly forgive some truly awful things. Circumstances that should by all human standards destroy me, do not have to.

    Tell me if I'm boring you, pleeeease!
    Otherwise, I'll keep going.

    Haha no you're not boring me! I live in the UK so I went bed at 1am that's why I didn't reply for a while lol!

    Erm as for priests, their connection with God? For example I went to a Christening once and I was pregnant and he blessed me and my unborn baby for good health etc. Like full on hands on side of my head and praying to god to watch over me.

    I know what you mean about reading the bible. I got a bible app yesterday, just to have a read and see what I thought, started reading and was just like... what? It made no sense lol!
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member


    Haha no you're not boring me! I live in the UK so I went bed at 1am that's why I didn't reply for a while lol!

    Erm as for priests, their connection with God? For example I went to a Christening once and I was pregnant and he blessed me and my unborn baby for good health etc. Like full on hands on side of my head and praying to god to watch over me.

    I know what you mean about reading the bible. I got a bible app yesterday, just to have a read and see what I thought, started reading and was just like... what? It made no sense lol![/quote]

    Oh good!
    Hmmm priests. Ok, so if I haven't already offended every person who's been silently reading this thread, then this is probably where it happens lol. Please just bear with me, I'm just telling you what the Bible says-you can read it for yourself and argue with Him. This is a very rough explanation-I'm sorry!

    The Bible is divided into two large sections(which contain smaller sections), the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old is pre-Jesus, the New is during Jesus and after.
    The Old Testament is the history of creation, the people of Israel and the God that led them. It is God's promise to them to send them a Messiah-a Savior.
    Because of sin, we are separated from God-we couldn't get to Him, unless He made a way for us to do so. That way would ultimately be Jesus, but first in the Old T. God gave them priests. The priests would pray for the people sins etc.
    So here's the thing about the Old T. Everything in it pointed towards Jesus coming. When He came, He would make a way for you to go directly to God because He(Jesus) became our High Priest.
    (HEB 4:14) Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.
    It means that we can go directly to God in the name of Jesus and He hears us. It means you can read scripture for yourself and He will help you understand it. It means you can directly have a relationship with the God who created you and knit you together in your mother's womb. The One who knows every hair on your head-He knows you that well. That's an incredible thing.
    It means that the position of Priest has been filled and fulfilled. No need for any new ones.

    The Bible does state offices or "positions" for within the church(those who follow Christ). Pastor, teacher, elder, deacon are generally those positions.
    I do believe in laying hands on a person and praying-it is scriptural. It is what we as a Church did for my friend who was healed. But it's not always needed.
    I do believe in asking God for His blessing on someone's life(scriptural), but not that a priest has any power of His own to give one. Based on Jesus now being our Priest and that position being filled.

    I really hope that is somewhat understandable, I am so sorry! I would just encourage anyone reading this to search scriptures for yourself and see for yourself that what I'm saying is true. It's in there. You won't find it by flipping a page, it takes really reading the whole thing-again and again. It also takes Him giving you understanding, because it is an intimidating Book to read! So ask Him for understanding. Ask Him to open your eyes and show you-and mean it! He will.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    blushenvy wrote: »

    Haha no you're not boring me! I live in the UK so I went bed at 1am that's why I didn't reply for a while lol!

    Erm as for priests, their connection with God? For example I went to a Christening once and I was pregnant and he blessed me and my unborn baby for good health etc. Like full on hands on side of my head and praying to god to watch over me.

    I know what you mean about reading the bible. I got a bible app yesterday, just to have a read and see what I thought, started reading and was just like... what? It made no sense lol![/quote]

    Oh good!
    Hmmm priests. Ok, so if I haven't already offended every person who's been silently reading this thread, then this is probably where it happens lol. Please just bear with me, I'm just telling you what the Bible says-you can read it for yourself and argue with Him. This is a very rough explanation-I'm sorry!

    The Bible is divided into two large sections(which contain smaller sections), the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old is pre-Jesus, the New is during Jesus and after.
    The Old Testament is the history of creation, the people of Israel and the God that led them. It is God's promise to them to send them a Messiah-a Savior.
    Because of sin, we are separated from God-we couldn't get to Him, unless He made a way for us to do so. That way would ultimately be Jesus, but first in the Old T. God gave them priests. The priests would pray for the people sins etc.
    So here's the thing about the Old T. Everything in it pointed towards Jesus coming. When He came, He would make a way for you to go directly to God because He(Jesus) became our High Priest.
    (HEB 4:14) Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.
    It means that we can go directly to God in the name of Jesus and He hears us. It means you can read scripture for yourself and He will help you understand it. It means you can directly have a relationship with the God who created you and knit you together in your mother's womb. The One who knows every hair on your head-He knows you that well. That's an incredible thing.
    It means that the position of Priest has been filled and fulfilled. No need for any new ones.

    The Bible does state offices or "positions" for within the church(those who follow Christ). Pastor, teacher, elder, deacon are generally those positions.
    I do believe in laying hands on a person and praying-it is scriptural. It is what we as a Church did for my friend who was healed. But it's not always needed.
    I do believe in asking God for His blessing on someone's life(scriptural), but not that a priest has any power of His own to give one. Based on Jesus now being our Priest and that position being filled.

    I really hope that is somewhat understandable, I am so sorry! I would just encourage anyone reading this to search scriptures for yourself and see for yourself that what I'm saying is true. It's in there. You won't find it by flipping a page, it takes really reading the whole thing-again and again. It also takes Him giving you understanding, because it is an intimidating Book to read! So ask Him for understanding. Ask Him to open your eyes and show you-and mean it! He will.


    Yep I get that.
    It makes sense, he doesn't have any powers but he's personally asking God to bless me, so doing it on my behalf?

    Now I've told you that happened, do you believe God would of heard that prayer for me to be blessed etc? Does he hear every prayer even if he doesn't answer them all (Bruce Almighty just sprung to mind :lol:)
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member

    Yep I get that.
    It makes sense, he doesn't have any powers but he's personally asking God to bless me, so doing it on my behalf?

    --->>That should be how it works, all blessings come from God. Now whether or not your priest was asking God or thinks he has the power all on his own, I do not know.

    Now I've told you that happened, do you believe God would of heard that prayer for me to be blessed etc?

    --->> I know this. God created you and knows you-your thoughts, your fears, your heart, your hopes, your needs. I know that He(God) HAS blessed you with this child-whether healthy or not. A child is an amazing thing! My mom got pregnant with me when she was 16. She tells me I saved her life. God gave me to her to take her eyes off of herself and change her heart. My mom is an amazing lady! I love her dearly and am grateful every day for the blessing she is in my life. She knows God intimately from walking a tough life and having to press into Him and Him alone for every part of her life. He answers her prayers.
    He is not unaware of our struggles. He's also already blessed you with a million blessings you probably have just taken for granted and assumed they just came with life. You are blessed my dear, you just don't know it yet.

    Does he hear every prayer even if he doesn't answer them all (Bruce Almighty just sprung to mind )
    --->>HA! Brauce Almighty-yes!

    I'm posting you a quote from elsewhere that explains this better than I can-because while He sees and knows every single things, our prayers can be hindered. Here goes~

    God sees, hears and knows everything—including our prayers. Nothing escapes his attention. Why then did God say he would not listen to the people’s cries for help? There are several possible reasons.
    In this case, God did not respond because judgment was unavoidable. Judah had disobeyed God’s laws and ignored his pleas for so long that judgment was, in effect, already on the way. Their cries were too little, too late. God even told Jeremiah not to pray for the people (see Isa 14:11–12)—that not even Moses and Samuel could have persuaded him to offer further compassion to them (see Isa 15:1).
    It’s also possible that people sometimes sabotage their own prayers. The Bible mentions several attitudes and actions that can short-circuit our prayers: sin (see Ps 66:18; Isa 59:2; Jer 14:10–12), disobedience (see Pr 28:9), hypocrisy and insincerity (see Isa 29:13; Mal 1:7–9), wrong motives (see Mt 6:5–6; Lk 18:11–14; Jas 4:3), lack of faith (Heb 11:6; Jas 1:6) and even marital problems (see 1Pe 3:7).
    Finally, what sometimes appears to be no answer to prayer may actually be a delayed answer (see Da 10:12–13). Other times God may deny our request in order to give us something better than what we knew to ask for. — “When Does God Refuse to Hear Our Prayers?, from the Questions Answered devotional