Keto Diet & Weighing In.....



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I weighed in every day (still do for the most part) and use an app like Libra or Happy Scale to record the trends.
    I didn't constantly readjust my macro ratios. I kept them the same until after I lost the 20-some lbs, and then experimented a bit once I reached maintenance.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Great information and those are some really good points. I do suffer from both of those medical conditions as well, however, I really need to jump start my weight loss again. I have lost 38 lbs (over a very long period of time) but I still need to lose another 66-76 pounds. Because of your information, I will definitely be monitoring my BP's more closely and making sure that I drink half of my body weight in H20 to try to prevent another bout with kidney stones. Thanks.

    keto is a way of eating. its not a jump start to weight will still have to eat in a deficit to lose weight with keto.keto is not sustainable for some people though. you have to ask yourself,do you plan on doing keto the rest of your life? if not then its probably not for you.

    once you incorporate carbs back into your diet you will gain weight, most of it will be water and glycogen and your body will have to start burning carbs again for fuel. keto doesnt use fat stores for energy that is a myth. you lose fat in a deficit no matter how you eat. what keto does do is uses your dietary fat as fuel instead of carbs. you can only burn so much fat at a time no matter what way of eating you do..If you are doing it just to lose weight you can do that with a deficit and eat any way you like.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    @HeatherCSamps17 it sounds like you are off to a good start. It is hard for me to remember a lot of details from when I started keto in 2014 because my health was crashing in a very bad way.

    The good thing one can make a lot of eating mistakes in first 12 months and still make good progress.

    Today Smart Fat by Steven Masley, M.D. and Jonny Bowden, PH.D. 2016 came today from Amazon and after reading the first to chapters tonight I can recommend it to all wanting to grasp the basics of Keto. The cool part it was only $12.04 to the door USA. It does have meal plans but all may not be keto.

    Staying in nutritional ketosis is now automatic and requires no counting. My serious craving of 40 years started to fade fast just 15 days after I cut out food with added sugar and any form of any grain.

    Best of success to all. False starts do happen but just stick with it. DO NOT just try to copy the way of eating of others because we all can be very different. In time you will find your own Way Of Eating.

    I'd like to add another positive comment for the Smart Fat book. It's one of the most nutrition focused low carb books I've read. Heck, it's one of the most nutrition focused diet books I've read.
  • HappyMielle
    HappyMielle Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2017
    I've been keto for a month, dropped 7 lbs the 2nd week but then started a new job and threw myself off eating things I shouldn't have too many days in a row. I weigh pretty much every day, and I've changed my macros 3 times. I started 60F/20P/20C, went down to 70F/20P/10C and then switched this morning to 70F/25P/5C. I had about 5 days of eating carbs when I started my job, newbie lunches and all that, and I felt like hell. Definitely wasn't worth it. I'm 3 days into being strict again and I'm down 3lbs.
  • alexandriashannon
    alexandriashannon Posts: 5 Member
    I started Keto yesterday! I haven't really thought about recalculating macros, but probably once a week or every other week!
  • Vanessaloya84
    Vanessaloya84 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    I also tried the Keto Connect Macro Calculator and the calories it is giving me for weight loss seems like way to much. Anyone out there using the Keto connect macro calculator and having positive results?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited January 2018
    I also tried the Keto Connect Macro Calculator and the calories it is giving me for weight loss seems like way to much. Anyone out there using the Keto connect macro calculator and having positive results?

    How much are you gaining weekly eating the way it recommends?
  • camocutie1990
    camocutie1990 Posts: 8 Member
    Today is my first day back to keto. I have done it in the past. But I usually go down to 20 net carbs a day and then use ketone strips to see if I've reached ketosis. Then, following the atkin's plan, when I am close to my goal weight, I start adding 5 grams to my total daily each week until I have hit a plateau.