Things To Accomolish.. other than the # on the scale...



  • jordandills
    jordandills Posts: 103 Member
    I want to run a 5K without walking breaks, and I want to run (or run for 75% of the time) a 10K next year.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I have a blue 50's style dress my husband bought me when we were dating. I'd give anything to get to wear it again.
    I'd also love to get in the single digits for jean sizes.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I want to be fit enough to do longer, harder hikes than what I'm currently able to do, and do them happily and confidently. I love hiking but right now it's much more physically exhausting/painful than it should be, and I'm too embarassed by that to hike with anyone other than my husband. And I want to lose enough weight to buy hiking pants from REI (which would help with making hiking more comfortable too).
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Two things! I want to fit into a dress I bought 3 months ago that was tight. I kept gaining more weight for three months more so I'm even more behind on that!

    Second I want to snowboard with my husband this winter without losing breath.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Half marathon in November!
  • The biggest for me is finally being able to look in the mirror and actually see myself. For most of, if not all, my life I have only looked when I needed too but never really lingered to actually look at me. Anytime I did, I became disgusted and gave up. I want to see myself and not feel gross.
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    One of my thoughts before this journey that I would like to fit in (Dutch) size 38 again. Currently I am 34/36 Just entered maintenance.

  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I want to be able to keep up with my kids more and to not get out of breath and have my heart racing after walking to my basement and back up the stairs doing laundry. I get worn out fast. I'm almost 49 and need to do this. And to think I'm only 40-50 lbs overweight right now! I feel bad that I even get out of breath so easily but I do.

    Don't feel bad! I'm 29 and still get winded on stairs!
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    I want to be able to do a muscle-up on rings, and a handstand, and a backflip, and to vault over a low wall, but most of all I want to be able to do a quad jump on ice :)
    Wow! That's amazing!
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    Alidecker wrote: »
    I do this every year. This year's challenge is to complete a 1.2 mile open water swim, last year was to swim a mile in a pool without stopping.

    The open water part of the swim scares's in a little over 3 weeks

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    I want to be able to do an obstacle course race :)

    Same here! I'm signed up for the Tough Mudder in VA next June and i'm working slowly towards that. First thing is the C25K and then I'll be hitting the weights at the gym.

    I have a lot of small goals - some are weight related but I have a lot of NSV to help push me along as well. I started writing them out last night and have listed some rewards (non-food related which is tough yo!)

    Today is 28 days of logging though so I'm feeling pretty good!

    Way to go! Congrats on Day 28! :)
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    kimirayray wrote: »
    Amanda - we have the same goal. just met the size 8 - my biggest achievement would be to get these "sauce arms" skinny and in shape as well as lose 30 more pounds. Feeling great that I lost 16 so far!

    Hey congrats! I need to work on my arms too :-/
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    I want to deadlift 375 lbs (specifically this Saturday at my competition :# )

    I want to do a muscle-up, too.

    Good luck this weekend!
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    I want to feel good again. I don't have a number in mind - the scale doesn't matter. But I hate feeling fluffy.

    Same! I'd like to "jiggle" less lol
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    I have signed up for a 5k in October and a half marathon in April (my birthday weekend actually) - I have 9 month of hard work ahead of me, but I want to get back into running like I used to.

    Good luck on the 5k! My bday is in April too! :)
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    goalpeace wrote: »
    Two things! I want to fit into a dress I bought 3 months ago that was tight. I kept gaining more weight for three months more so I'm even more behind on that!

    Second I want to snowboard with my husband this winter without losing breath.

    I've never snowboarded but I love skiing! You got this!
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I want to be able to look in the mirror and not feel disgusted with what i see.

    This is my goal too. I hate how I look.