
I love to sit/lay around and read. I love it even more if I'm eating popcorn/chips/cheese/crackers or drinking wine.

I am not inclined to get up and exercise. I DO get up and exercise (just about every day), but that's not my inclination.

Anyone else out there enjoy laziness?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes, and then I realised I also loved running so they kind of balance eachother out
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I keep intending to enjoy walking/running/exercising more than being lazy, but to no avail.
    Hiking and skiing are the exceptions for me, but that's about it.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Yes, and then I realised I also loved running so they kind of balance eachother out

    This. Ying and yang. The exercise makes the laziness so much more satisfying.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I enjoy laziness and hanging out on my patio with a cold beer and a cigar while I grill up some burgers...I also enjoy cycling and rock climbing quite a bit. I get the best of both worlds...
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    I read whilst I use my exercise bike, it's the only time except at night in bed that I let myself read my books that way I am more likely to keep reading, I use an app on my mobile called Wattpad so many good stories on there to keep myself entertained and exercise :)
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    As a member of the Church of the SubGenius, I "Seek Slack" every day! I wake up with the goal to extend the least amount of effort possible in every thing I do. SubGenius members seek to acquire "Slack" and I believe that "Slack" will allow me access to a free, comfortable life (without hard work or responsibility) to which I am entitled. ”Kittens” and the avoidance of work are the two key ways I gain "Slack". "Slack" is the ability to effortlessly achieve my goals. No walking or running for me...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    As a member of the Church of the SubGenius, I "Seek Slack" every day! I wake up with the goal to extend the least amount of effort possible in every thing I do. SubGenius members seek to acquire "Slack" and I believe that "Slack" will allow me access to a free, comfortable life (without hard work or responsibility) to which I am entitled. ”Kittens” and the avoidance of work are the two key ways I gain "Slack". "Slack" is the ability to effortlessly achieve my goals. No walking or running for me...

    I read that twice and I still don't have the slightest clue...
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Left to my own devices I would not exercise. I love nothing more than lying on the couch reading or watching a film while stuffing my face with yummy food.

    I have been very fat and very lazy in the past, now I am somewhat fat and somewhat lazy.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    edited August 2017
    yep i love being lazy, and i love being lazy without any guilt because i work so hard in the gym .
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    Anyone else out there enjoy laziness?

    Not I. Cabin fever won't let me enjoy it. Right now there air is so smokey I can't see downtown from a mile and a half away, so I'm going through some forced laziness. Have a perfectly good bike hanging up on the wall, too. :disappointed:
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I mix the two. I love running, hiking, biking, etc. When I'm not doing that, I love sitting in a comfortable chair with a good book and listening to music. There's time for both. (Obviously, I have no kids.)
  • 1Wildthang
    1Wildthang Posts: 2,660 Member
    If we weren't lazy or bored we wouldn't be on these chat things. It's nature to feel s little lazy from time to time.
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    I get lazy sometimes. But since quitting alcohol (even the moderate amounts I was drinking) I've gotten way less lazy. But yeah, entire years go by that I don't see the inside of my gym shoes...
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    As a member of the Church of the SubGenius, I "Seek Slack" every day! I wake up with the goal to extend the least amount of effort possible in every thing I do. SubGenius members seek to acquire "Slack" and I believe that "Slack" will allow me access to a free, comfortable life (without hard work or responsibility) to which I am entitled. ”Kittens” and the avoidance of work are the two key ways I gain "Slack". "Slack" is the ability to effortlessly achieve my goals. No walking or running for me...

    I read that twice and I still don't have the slightest clue...

    I'm with you.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    Anyone else out there enjoy laziness?

    Not I. Cabin fever won't let me enjoy it. Right now there air is so smokey I can't see downtown from a mile and a half away, so I'm going through some forced laziness. Have a perfectly good bike hanging up on the wall, too. :disappointed:

    Sounds like we're in the same city. I cancelled my hiking plan because of all the smoke. Wound up sneezing a lot on my in-city walk today instead.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    I love to sit/lay around and read. I love it even more if I'm eating popcorn/chips/cheese/crackers or drinking wine.

    I am not inclined to get up and exercise. I DO get up and exercise (just about every day), but that's not my inclination.

    Anyone else out there enjoy laziness?

    Of course. Loads of people on here feel that way. That's how the body achieves and maintains a high body weight. When people go on about "I have a low metabolism", that's what's really going on - their body wants to conserve energy, so it makes then disinclined to move. I'm afraid it's part and parcel of being someone who puts on weight. To keep weight off, I reckon I'll always have to fight that lazy impulse.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I honestly can't stand it anymore. Even now, when I am cutting hard and SHOULD be keeping my activity low, I just have issues with being idle now. I tried playing some of my favorite PC games this cut, just to keep my mind occupied, but I ended up switching to my Vita, because I can walk around while playing it.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I honestly can't stand it anymore. Even now, when I am cutting hard and SHOULD be keeping my activity low, I just have issues with being idle now. I tried playing some of my favorite PC games this cut, just to keep my mind occupied, but I ended up switching to my Vita, because I can walk around while playing it.

    I have a dear friend like you -- she HATES sitting around. We joke about how different we are. It's not that I dislike being outside and being active, but I have to persuade myself to get up and out there. She has to persuade herself to rest.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    I love to sit/lay around and read. I love it even more if I'm eating popcorn/chips/cheese/crackers or drinking wine.

    I am not inclined to get up and exercise. I DO get up and exercise (just about every day), but that's not my inclination.

    Anyone else out there enjoy laziness?

    Of course. Loads of people on here feel that way. That's how the body achieves and maintains a high body weight. When people go on about "I have a low metabolism", that's what's really going on - their body wants to conserve energy, so it makes then disinclined to move. I'm afraid it's part and parcel of being someone who puts on weight. To keep weight off, I reckon I'll always have to fight that lazy impulse.

    I also believe that, for me, it is a habit. I have times of day when I habitually sit around and read. Other times the habit is to sit around and read and also eat -- that's nighttime for me.

    I could use more info about habits -- forming them, breaking them, why it is so hard to break them, etc.