sweat much???

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
lol, anyone else sweat A LOT when working out !?

I know sweat is just a way of cooling down the body, but when I work out on the elliptical (or any cardio, for example).. I will be drenched in sweat.. it looks like I went swimming!

I don't stink or anything, just dripping with sweat so much that beads of sweat are going to drown me! I know it's GOOD, but it's kind of annoying. I even wear workout shirts and everything! Of course, I wash my clothes so there isn't bacteria on them.. so that's why they don't smell! lol :)

*It didn't used to be like this when I worked out. even just a year ago, I could work just as hard (or even harder!) and barely break a sweat (jogging, elliptical, etc).. but now I am seriously drenched from head to toe....

So, why is it a problem now?? Any scientific explanation????


  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I am a SERIOUS sweater - but, I've always been, so I'm not sure why you went from virtually no sweat to drowning in it. Weird. I do notice that I sweat more when I've had a high sodium day the day before. It's SO annoying though! There is always a little puddle beneath my spin bike - gross.
  • prettyinpink246
    OMG I am the same way!!! I literally look like I just got out of the shower when I'm done on the treadmill. Its so discusting, haha and I don't know why I sweat so much either! I workout at home so it's not like I'm working out in a ton of clothes. Im thinking it has something to do with working out indoors. Typically when I run outside I don't get as sweaty, but it doesn't make any sense because when I run outside its a much harder workout then the treadmill?? Im glad im not the only one drenched after a workout ;) !!
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I started sweating more when I started drinking more water. Do you drink a lot?
  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm hearing you ladies......glad I run. That way people only get a quick glimpse :embarassed: And I have been told that our bodies have just become really effective at cooling itself. Blowing sunshine up my butt maybe but made me feel better none the less.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    I wasn't a sweater when I first started working out about two years ago but as I have gotten healtheir and in better shape the more I started to sweat. I don't know what it will be like when I get to my goal.
  • britt_fit
    britt_fit Posts: 169
    Ha yes!! I've always been a really bad sweater though. I can usually gauge how good of a work out I've had (or how hot it was) by how far the sweat ring goes down my shirt :P I definitely don't wear gray to the gym!! I'm in big trouble if I don't bring a towel when I'm doing cardio too. Sorry, I don't know why you would've started now. I've heard that if you're in better shape you sweat more, but this can't be true because I've always sweated a lot despite my changing fitness level throughout the years.
  • bryan02
    bryan02 Posts: 30
    Sounds like you are getting plenty of liquids! Are you drinking more then you used to, before or while you are working out?
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I am the same way!!! I've always been a sweater but since I started this lifestyle change its like my body turned on the faucet!!! I call it my own personal rain forest :bigsmile: I've noticed when I drink more water than normal, it makes me sweat even more...if that's possible.
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    since started exercising always sweated loads
  • geckoseven
    geckoseven Posts: 32
    Some people just sweat more than others I sweat more now that I'm heavier, but always have been sweater than others(lol). Its a good sign, means your really working your body, and you can be positive your muscles, cardio, and respiratory are really working. Its nothing but a positive sign :D good genetics :D Also its a sign that your body is more developed in cooling down, which is a sign your healthier.
  • JWALL101
    JWALL101 Posts: 60
    Me too! Sometimes on days when I do long cardio sessions like a spin class, I have to change shirt to finish working out or stretch or else I will slip and slide all over the place.

    J. Wall
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm hearing you ladies......glad I run. That way people only get a quick glimpse :embarassed: And I have been told that our bodies have just become really effective at cooling itself. Blowing sunshine up my butt maybe but made me feel better none the less.

    It would be nice it that was true! I have noticed that my sweat level has gone up with my fitness level....hmmm...something to ponder....
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    You're body is more efficient at cooling itself now!! I am the same way. When I'm in better shape I tend to sweat more. Just call me Sweaty Betty. It is important to drink a lot of fluids when you sweat a little more, because your body is getting rid of the fluid in your sweat. So, I always make sure to have a water bottle on hand. Some people genetically don't sweat very much, despite the fact they are in great shape. But, I wouldn't worry about it. Sweating is a good thing, it helps your body from becoming over-heated. :bigsmile:
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    yeah, i have heard that if you drink more water, you sweat more but I don't know if that if true or not! Just thought it was interesting how I sweat more now that I am more fit as opposed to before !

    I like the idea of the body has become more effective at cooling itself :):):)

    Nah, not worried about it! Just have been wondering ! :)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I sweat ridiculously. I have to clean the bottom of the treadmill because it's so gross. Again, not stinky, but that salty smell is there.

    I will even sweat after the workout for a loooooong time. If my workout was intense, it can take 2 hours to cool down and stop sweating. Even if I take a cold shower. Even if it is snowing outside. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIDICULOUS!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    yeah, i have heard that if you drink more water, you sweat more but I don't know if that if true or not! Just thought it was interesting how I sweat more now that I am more fit as opposed to before !

    I like the idea of the body has become more effective at cooling itself :):):)

    Nah, not worried about it! Just have been wondering ! :)

    That's good! I remember when I was in college (not that it was too long ago), but I was worried because all the gym models (you know the ones- who look flawless, and its totally not fair!) didn't seem to sweat a drop while their make-up was perfectly painted on. But, now I don't care either! :) I'm proud of my sweat, it shows how hard I've worked!!! In my kickboxing class I always tell my class that if they work hard enough, they can sweat just as much as I do! Haha...not completely true 'cause of genetics, but it gets them working harder! :)
  • wearystar
    wearystar Posts: 72 Member
    i sweat like crazy too. i always have a mall towel handy when i work out so i can at least keep the sweat out of my eyes lol. it's good for you, but can be uncomfortable. actually now that i think about it... if i don't sweat much i feel like i haven't worked hard enough~
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got home from my run at the same time my husband got out of the shower. I was a lot drippier. :sad: <-- Those aren't tears!!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    it's like a tap... once you really push yourself hard (which i never really did before) and you start sweating, it turns on a tap inside, and then you sweat hard whenever you push your body to that level.

    I like it when i sweat, and if i don't sweat, i feel like i haven't put enough effort in. the other day in my boxing class, i wore old faded blue tracksuit pants, and seriously looked as if i'd wet myself, i was wet through.
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    Oh yeah, I sweat like crazy. By the time I finish working out my hair is completely drenched. It would be nice if
    I didn't sweat that much because my company has a gym at work. I tried working out on my lunch break, but I sweat so much that I have to take a full shower (not just rinse off), wash my hair, and get ready for work again. My lunch hour isn't that long!