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Curing severe acid reflux with diet



  • rwheelin2017
    rwheelin2017 Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2017
    Please Read!!

    I had a stomach ulcer when I was 14! I'm now 20. I had sever acid reflux and lost a ton of weight due to not being able to eat from reflux and horrdible pain. My doctor prescribed be some stupid drug which did nothing, and told me to cut out those same foods. Cutting out acidic foods and such did help a little but not much. My mother and I decided to take it into our own hands since it was taking over my life. Cutting out dairy helped a lot more(which many doctors don't suggest). But I owe my whole life to Apple cider vinegar. Take about 1-2 table spoons with water every morning or when you feel symptoms. The acidicness counter acts with the acids in your stomach which helps to settle it. Whenever my stomach feels sick to this day and I remeber ACV, I take a shot and instantly feel less sick or nauseous. Some people say ACV can hurt your esophagus and stomach lining but taking it with water and 20 min before food or after food you should be just fine! :)

    My boyfriend has severe GERD. He also has a bad habit of eating trigger foods at night before bed. He says, "I took my medicine. I should be fine." And every time I tell him, "No you won't". He ends up being up half the night choking and gurgling. Neither one of us sleeps and he ends up on the couch sleeping upright. On a whim he decided to try the apple cider vinegar. He would have two swigs in the morning every morning. They recommend 2 tablespoons but he can't measure anything without spilling it everywhere LOL. I never would have believed it and his doctor didn't believe it but it worked like a charm and we BOTH get sleep!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Please Read!!

    I had a stomach ulcer when I was 14! I'm now 20. I had sever acid reflux and lost a ton of weight due to not being able to eat from reflux and horrdible pain. My doctor prescribed be some stupid drug which did nothing, and told me to cut out those same foods. Cutting out acidic foods and such did help a little but not much. My mother and I decided to take it into our own hands since it was taking over my life. Cutting out dairy helped a lot more(which many doctors don't suggest). But I owe my whole life to Apple cider vinegar. Take about 1-2 table spoons with water every morning or when you feel symptoms. The acidicness counter acts with the acids in your stomach which helps to settle it. Whenever my stomach feels sick to this day and I remeber ACV, I take a shot and instantly feel less sick or nauseous. Some people say ACV can hurt your esophagus and stomach lining but taking it with water and 20 min before food or after food you should be just fine! :)

    For those with LOW stomach acid
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am on ppis and yes,like all medication they carry risks but my chronic gastritis also carries risks. Mine was diagnosed when I became severely anaemic and it was found to be due to upper GI bleeding. The OP 's doctor will have prescribed them for a good reason and in the short term they'll do no harm.
    I find I still have to avoid trigger foods. Medication on its own isn't always sufficient.
    Edit to add : please be careful with avc. I have found it makes me far worse!
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 234 Member
    The benefit of apple cider vinegar is that, like a lot of fermented foods, it supports healthy flora in your gut. Acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) is a probiotic and promotes a healthier flora in your digestive system. It sounds counterintuitive to "fight acid with acid" but this is something that has been proven by scientific studies. Other options to think about cutting out of your diet include switching from coffee to tea and cutting out all alcohol. Those two things were the key for me.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The benefit of apple cider vinegar is that, like a lot of fermented foods, it supports healthy flora in your gut. Acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) is a probiotic and promotes a healthier flora in your digestive system. It sounds counterintuitive to "fight acid with acid" but this is something that has been proven by scientific studies. Other options to think about cutting out of your diet include switching from coffee to tea and cutting out all alcohol. Those two things were the key for me.

    show me the studies that prove ACV works for stomach acid. some people it makes it worse especially those who have ulcers or gastritis .


    The fight acid with acid information is decades old.

    There are reflux sufferers with LOW stomach acid. Drinking acid with a meal (I have a co-worker who drinks lemonade) helps digestion.....this is not a way of reducing acid.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    The benefit of apple cider vinegar is that, like a lot of fermented foods, it supports healthy flora in your gut. Acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) is a probiotic and promotes a healthier flora in your digestive system. It sounds counterintuitive to "fight acid with acid" but this is something that has been proven by scientific studies. Other options to think about cutting out of your diet include switching from coffee to tea and cutting out all alcohol. Those two things were the key for me.

    show me the studies that prove ACV works for stomach acid. some people it makes it worse especially those who have ulcers or gastritis .


    The fight acid with acid information is decades old.

    There are reflux sufferers with LOW stomach acid. Drinking acid with a meal (I have a co-worker who drinks lemonade) helps digestion.....this is not a way of reducing acid.

    As I pointed out on another thread, for some people reflux is due to a lazy sphincter, the ACV(or other acid) appears to activate the sphincter.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    The benefit of apple cider vinegar is that, like a lot of fermented foods, it supports healthy flora in your gut. Acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) is a probiotic and promotes a healthier flora in your digestive system. It sounds counterintuitive to "fight acid with acid" but this is something that has been proven by scientific studies. Other options to think about cutting out of your diet include switching from coffee to tea and cutting out all alcohol. Those two things were the key for me.

    show me the studies that prove ACV works for stomach acid. some people it makes it worse especially those who have ulcers or gastritis .


    The fight acid with acid information is decades old.

    There are reflux sufferers with LOW stomach acid. Drinking acid with a meal (I have a co-worker who drinks lemonade) helps digestion.....this is not a way of reducing acid.

    As I pointed out on another thread, for some people reflux is due to a lazy sphincter, the ACV(or other acid) appears to activate the sphincter.

    pretty sure food activates it too because your stomach acids break down food so your stomach will get a signal to release acid to break it down. for some people they produce too muc(Im one) and others they produce too little. its always best to see which issue you have and treat it accordingly. if you have no idea if you produce too much or not enough then you should not be treating it one way or another.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Do finish out the diagnostic process, OP. That's going to be crucial for figuring out the best long-term treatment, as distinct from short-term symptomatic relief.

    I had heartburn & reflux in my 50s, after never in my life having had heartburn before. Took two daily doses of prescription Nexium for symptomatic relief while going through diagnosis.

    Turned out to be adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder, diagnosed via MRI (IIRC) - not stones or sludge, but an inflammatory/cholesterol kind of thing. Gallbladder removed (some worry about possible malignancy due to my history, so docs wanted my GB in a pathology lab instead of in my abdomen). No cancer, happily, but the organ was a mess. Removing it completely and immediately cured my heartburn/reflux.

    I'm not suggesting this is what you have - it's unusual - but the point is that your symptoms could be caused by many possible underlying conditions, and you'll want to know what causes [ij]yours[/i], rather than taking treatment suggestions from random amateurs on the internet.

    Some kinds/causes of reflux resolve with dietary changes or weight loss, some require sterner measures. You'll need to learn what's causing yours, as a first step.

    I have been saying this exact thing throughout the discussion. its best to find the cause before you treat the symptom
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    Losing weight helped me get off the acid reflux meds but I definitely needed them before.
  • MeemawCanDoIt
    MeemawCanDoIt Posts: 92 Member
    I used to sleep on a wedge pillow and take Prilosec. Now that I've lowered my fat intake, stopped eating before bedtime, and lost weight, I don't have any trouble with GERD at all. Lots of people can control it with diet. Best of luck.
  • stmon99
    stmon99 Posts: 4 Member
    I used to sleep on a wedge pillow and take Prilosec. Now that I've lowered my fat intake, stopped eating before bedtime, and lost weight, I don't have any trouble with GERD at all. Lots of people can control it with diet. Best of luck.

    This is basically what I did to stop my heartburn/acid reflux. I made sure I stopped eating a good 4 to 5 hours before I went to bed. I slept with my torso propped up slightly. And I lost weight. That pretty much got rid of it for me.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    It may or may not work. Sometimes acid reflux and heartburn in general are caused by a bad overall diet and being severely overweight. If that's the case, then eating healthy, exercise and losing fat will cure it. If it's due to an underlying medical issue not diet or weight related, then no. But, being healthier overall will help with many diseases and illnesses (not all, but a lot) even if it doesn't fix the problem, being healthy can alleviate many of the worst symptoms. I will never be able to eat dairy - it makes me so sick (okay, so I still have a slice of really good cheese every once in a blue moon - and suffer the consequences), but when I was 300lbs it was debilitating pain and cramping, now it's just like a really upset stomach for an hour or so.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I feel I have GERD, I have not been tested yet, but I certainly have the signs in the last couple of months, I am working the overnight tour and I have been drinking 3-4 cups of Coffee a night, I am also a avid beer fan, and of course I love spicy food = disaster for me. So I am making the change to cutting out the alcohol, unless a special occasion and limiting myself to only a beer or two, Coffee will be difficult, but I need to do it, I come off nights in October, I am hoping to completely cut it out then, but until then I may downgrade to one cup before leaving for work. I plan on switching to more greens and veggies, I am not over weight nor a smoker, I am actually in pretty good shape I work out five days a week, but being on nights has really thrown my body into a tailspin these last two months, I sleep weird hours, I'm always tired, my body now has this GERD issue going on, I feel a constant burning in the back of my throat. I plan on seeing a doctor soon, I will document how I do, I have tried Nexium....no change after 14 days :( I plan on switching to lot's of greens and more chicken, Smoothies and water, trying to cut out as much acid as possible. I am so bummed by this, I love my coffee, my beer and my spicy food....but I must "divorce" it