Curios: Do you weigh yourself naked or with clothes?



  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Underwear and a tank top. It's what I wear to bed and I weigh myself first thing in the morning. That way the minimal weight of my clothing won't factor into weight lost or gain as it's always the same type of clothes.

    Whichever way you prefer, just be consistent to be able to better track your progress.
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    I workout naked and weigh myself fully clothed. I get the feeling I'm doing this wrong?
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Yes, jeans and a turtleneck are heavy! Jeans are one of the heaviest garments out there! It doesn't really matter what you do or don't wear on the scale, but you should be consistent and wear the same every time so you don't get unnecessary fluctuations like this that can mask your real results.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I do naked, but that's in my own house. When I did Weight Watchers I wore the same clothes every week, so even though the weight wasn't accurate it was at least consistent.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I wear a pair of boxer shorts in which I sleep. BUT, as long as you're consistent in what you wear, it really doesn't make a difference since you're comparing weight changes.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Depending on what I wear my clothes can weigh between 4-6lbs, so 4lbs extra sounds about right. My normal weigh in time is during the lunch hour right before I hit the weight room. I've checked the scale with clothes and just in my skivvies. Biggest difference is whether I'm wearing my boots or tennis shoes.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Clothes may vary in weight so I weigh naked
  • RichJBenham
    RichJBenham Posts: 30 Member
    Buff is the way forward, though my place of work didn't agree for our post Christmas weight loss competition.
  • joeybrid
    joeybrid Posts: 65 Member
    It doesn't really matter weight is a bad way to judge progress anyway. Go based on how you look in the mirror
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,147 Member
    KayteeBear wrote: »
    I'm usually semi naked? I usually wear tshirt and underwear to bed and then weigh first thing in the morning before I get dress. But now that it's getting much colder out I put my super warm pants on the second I get out of bed so I've been wearing those to weigh in. I probably should try to continue without the pants......

    I also don't have a digital scale so I just kind of guesstimate on where it looks like it's pointing so I don't worry too much when I'm wearing clothes. I use my scale as a guideline not a live or die thing anywy.

    Apologize for the off-topic question but where do you live that is getting cold in August? With temperatures still at 110F in my neck of the woods, is hard to imaging needing warm pants in the morning (our temps are in the low 80s early in the day).

    Getting back to "Do you weigh yourself naked or with clothes?" I also weigh myself with light sleepwear, early in the morning or sometimes in my birthday suit before the shower. When I am scheduled for a doctor's appointment, I check my weight in the morning and before I go to the doctor's without the shoes. This way I can see the difference between both scales. I am lucky that the medical assistant enters in my chart all the numbers and fluctuations, and sometimes even talk and joke about it.

    But the way I feel, look, and how my clothes fit is the best measure of my success in maintenance.
  • jacmarsh
    jacmarsh Posts: 8 Member
    I go to weight watchers, so I weigh in there with sweats and a t-shirt every time. Really, the main thing is to be consistent. Jeans are the heaviest thing you could weigh yourself in. It's okay to weigh in jeans, so long as you are wearing the same pair every time. When I get close to my goal weight, I will switch to wearing the same pair of jeans every time, because my goal is to be at a certain weight with my jeans and t-shirt, but I'll just know that the first time I do this I will see a jump on the scale.
  • jacmarsh
    jacmarsh Posts: 8 Member
    TheGlen wrote: »
    Naked. First thing in the morning on the way into the shower. I've always read it's best to weigh yourself at the same time of day and wearing (or not wearing) the same thing. I know some people say they see a difference even depending on where they set the scale on the floor (I guess how flat it sits, etc). Mine sits in the exact same place, right beside the shower. I weigh myself on Sunday mornings usually (or sometimes other mornings if I'm anxious to see my progress because I'm having a really good week).

    Lol. I think my scale shows a higher number if I am standing closer to the top of the scale than towards the back.
  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    edited August 2017
    I get out of the shower, put on underwear and step on the scale every morning. I just try to keep an eye on it all week, but I only log my weight each Monday.

    As for your weight being up, I would chalk that up to the clothes and not log it, unless the next day went the same way.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Light underclothes. Every day, same time.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I always wear my birthday suit when I weigh. I even take off jewelry as I wear quite a bit and it adds up. Clothes are not a part of me.

    Being consistent with how you weigh is the key.
  • kimmykim92
    kimmykim92 Posts: 17 Member
    Naked, first thing in the morning after you go to the washroom and before you eat or drink anything.
  • rcreynol3090
    rcreynol3090 Posts: 174 Member
    Naked, in the morning after using the bathroom.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Nightgown and undies. I figure I trusted my weight in clothes back when I went to WW. I don't strip down when I go for a checkup (it's at a clinic and the lone scale is in the hallway where the examination rooms are, in full view of the receptionist station and part of the waiting room). Granted, I never wore my nightgown for either of those, but I was wearing lightweight clothes, so I figure it's close.
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Naked so I get the most accurate results.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    At home naked as a Jaybird, but at work they've asked me to start wearing clothes. Joy kills!!!