I need more runners in my feed.



  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited July 2017
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Dazzler21 wrote: »
    My training isn't going exactly to plan yet, I need to get my shorter distance runs to a faster pace... My LSR pace is fine, but if I'm gonna hit my 3:30-3:45 marathon target I'm gonna need to change something about my training.

    Any tips are welcome!

    One speed workout that I really like is to do 400's alternating between 5k threshold pace and marathon pace. The ones we do usually look something like this:

    1 mile warm up
    16 x 400s (odd laps at 5k threshold, even laps at marathon pace)
    1 mile cool down.

    Gets you used to increased efforts and provides active recovery as HR comes down during marathon pace recovery laps. If you can't hold your 5k threshold after a few laps, take a recovery paced lap(bring HR down) and then resume.

    I like the fact that in this workout you are doing continuous work for 6 miles. The time goes by quickly!

    thanks I'll give it a whirl, found a new program that is definitely better for me that incorporates 8x800 at similar challenge paces.
    Well it seems like Plantar Fasciitis is rearing its ugly head again! :(

    Nooo!!!! Is there a way to help it?

    Golf ball under the foot spell out the alphabet with your foot pressed into the ball - hurts but works I do it every morning.

    Massage the plantar fascia daily for 5 mins and add in an extra massage before AND after running. (On rest days I save this for before bed.

    Loosen up your calves and hamstrings. Stretch and massage your calves and hamstrings, this reduces some of the tension on the PF. Once again make sure this is done after every run.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Dazzler21 wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Dazzler21 wrote: »
    My training isn't going exactly to plan yet, I need to get my shorter distance runs to a faster pace... My LSR pace is fine, but if I'm gonna hit my 3:30-3:45 marathon target I'm gonna need to change something about my training.

    Any tips are welcome!

    One speed workout that I really like is to do 400's alternating between 5k threshold pace and marathon pace. The ones we do usually look something like this:

    1 mile warm up
    16 x 400s (odd laps at 5k threshold, even laps at marathon pace)
    1 mile cool down.

    Gets you used to increased efforts and provides active recovery as HR comes down during marathon pace recovery laps. If you can't hold your 5k threshold after a few laps, take a recovery paced lap(bring HR down) and then resume.

    I like the fact that in this workout you are doing continuous work for 6 miles. The time goes by quickly!

    thanks I'll give it a whirl, found a new program that is definitely better for me that incorporates 8x800 at similar challenge paces.
    Well it seems like Plantar Fasciitis is rearing its ugly head again! :(

    Nooo!!!! Is there a way to help it?

    Golf ball under the foot spell out the alphabet with your foot pressed into the ball - hurts but works I do it every morning.

    Massage the plantar fascia daily for 5 mins and add in an extra massage before AND after running. (On rest days I save this for before bed.

    Loosen up your calves and hamstrings. Stretch and massage your calves and hamstrings, this reduces some of the tension on the PF. Once again make sure this is done after every run.

    My PF is caused more by calf issues. I have an active release treatment scheduled for next week with my chiropractor. I pretty much do all of the above regularly, even when not having PF symptoms. I really worked on my calves the other day and the discomfort seems to be gone.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Where is everyone?? I am still plugging away... cut back a little on my run distance... this week did two 4 mile runs so far. The plantar fasciitis issues are odd this time around, it waxes and wanes. I actually felt it a little bit during my run but not after... Never stopped running the first time around having it so not going to stop now. I need to order new running shoes though!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've run 3 HMs so far, and currently training for my first full in November. Right now I'm up to about 50 miles/wk.

    Also, I highly recommend this thread - community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10583364/august-2017-running-challenge/p1

    Super active, runners of all levels, and tons of knowledgeable, helpful, and friendly people!
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Added! Getting back into running... 5k in October, 10k in December, half in the spring
  • Lora0626
    Lora0626 Posts: 54 Member
    I'd love to have some runner friends too. Life happened and I haven't ran but a handful of times since Jan. So I'm basically starting over with running and weight loss. I follow the Jeff Galloway Run/Walk/Run method and my next race is a 10K at Disneyland in Nov.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Distance runner here!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    You can add me, too. I mainly have done 5 & 10ks, one marathon, training now for a half.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Lora0626 wrote: »
    I'd love to have some runner friends too. Life happened and I haven't ran but a handful of times since Jan. So I'm basically starting over with running and weight loss. I follow the Jeff Galloway Run/Walk/Run method and my next race is a 10K at Disneyland in Nov.

    Curious what you walk/run/walk intervals are. Thinking of doing this for marathon training. Right now, because of the heat in Florida, I walk when I feel the need but nothing set.
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    Trail runner here, also run on pavement and enjoy hiking. I just run for fun, feel free to add me :)
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    How would everyone reccomend training for a marathon? I just recently lost almost 50lbs and I would like to start training for a marathon. To give everyone a perspective, I have gotten comfortable with running 5ks and can run a decent 10k. I haven't tried running a half marathon yet.

    I like Hal Higdon's plan. I'm on the Novice 1 HM plan right now. Then I'll decide if I want to go for the 26.2 after that. I really liked the 10k I ran, so I'd be happy working on that distance if I don't like going for longer.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    I really like the Asics plans. Jenny Hadfield is another fantastic resource. I am currently 7 weeks out from marathon and despite not being as lean as when I ran my last I am faster... comfortably almost! Example being I dropped a 19 miler in 2hrs 46 mins on Sunday and afterwards still had tons of energy in the tank.
    P0PTART Posts: 50 Member
    Add me! I'm training for my first half marathon. I'm slower than snail snot, but I have big dreams.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    P0PTART wrote: »
    Add me! I'm training for my first half marathon. I'm slower than snail snot, but I have big dreams.

    Slow is relative. In a recent half marathon I ran, snail snot beat over 48,000 residents of Harrisburg that did not participate. So even if you finish right behind it, you are still at the top. :D
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    I'd say I'm a born-again runner. I ran a marathon 10 years ago, quit running (had a baby)...now I'm getting back into it and training for a half in May. Anyone can add me, I'm slooooow.
  • Nomotivationalldiscipline
    Getting ready for a marathon in march. I"ll shoot you a friend request.