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Curiosity - What was your wake up call?



  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you for everybody that posted on this thread, I needed to hear your stories, that sound a lot like mine:smooched:

    Thanks, Karen
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I was just wondering what was everyones moment of realization that they just couldn't go on the way they had been eating? And... what is everyones best tip for losing those pounds?

    My moment was tipping the scale at my highest number for the SECOND time in my life... I couldn't believe I'd worked so hard to lose weight, and then allowed it to creep back on again.. mortified I just have to make this work this time!
    Best weight loss tip - Keep motivated even when the scales aren't showing a change... the inches are still probably coming off!

    I grew up in Montana, so I lived in blue jeans and hoodies- easy to hide in.
    When I moved to phoenix this last December I couldn't hide anymore. 156.6 @ 5'5'' didn't look very good when a picture of me in a bikini from previously that day landed in my hands.
    Ultimate inspiration.

    Best tip: even when you feel like giving up for the day and just 'starting over tomorrow' don't. Keep at it. You'll be glad you did.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I had just had our 3rd baby and I was walking in the mall and my legs were rubbing together.OMG I was grossed out!I made up my mind that I was going to lose the last 25 pounds.I ordered Turbo Fire that night!I still have 5-7 pounds to lose but my legs don't rub together anymore!!!

    My legs have always rubbed together- I have a small frame and carry my weight evenly so even under weight (108) I still didn't have a 'thigh gap.'
    I'm envious!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    My size 22 pants were getting snug and I refused to move up another size....I am now down to a size 20!
  • Seeing my pictures from Hawaii. My husband and I were seperated for 15 months due to seperate military deployments and when we finally had 2 weeks together we took a cruise to Hawaii. I looked at the pictures when we got back and was mortified. I felt horrible and I wanted to be happy with who I was and I want to be the person that I feel my husband deserves.
  • jon_brady
    jon_brady Posts: 46 Member
    I started packing on the weight when I hit puberty at 11 I have been a yoyoer ever since I don't know if I have actually hit the wake up call yet or this is just another down stroke of the yoyo. I have always been the fat one in my family. I would like to try being the slender healthy one.

    Best tip. Make your diet your lifestyle your goal weight isn't a destination it is a life long journey. If you don't make the lifestyle change the weight will be back trust me I have been there over and over and over.
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    Walking passed a shop window & seeing this short fat person & wondering who it was. They were wearing the same clothes as me.I didnt fully relise it was me & I weighed more then what I did they day I had my twins & more then what I did the day I had my 4th baby at the end of January.

    That afternoon I checked out a coupe of gyms in town & joined one the next morning. Joined up here a couple of weeks later and I am slowly getting there. I have about 20ish kgs to lose & I am ploding along slowly. I will get there. I am amazed at how much crap I used to eat. I am slowly turning my eating around. Not giving up the stuff I love but making sure 'sometimes foods' stay as sometimes foods and not every day foods and making sure my portions are under control
  • Shelbug65
    Shelbug65 Posts: 7 Member
    For me it was being diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in March 2011. I had 3 surgeries in 18 months (two unrelated to the cancer). I'm one of the lucky ones- my cancer was removed entirely and I have no additional treatment. For me, being accountable for EVERY piece of food that goes into my mouth has been my success. I haven't been able to be overly active for years due to asthma, and now recuperating from surgeries- but I have found playing tennis on the Wii is a good workout for me. It's amazing what hearing the C word can do to wake a person up- to realize that I deserve to be happy and healthy. (went shopping today and for the first time in years I bought a different size clothes!!!!)

  • debborah
    debborah Posts: 2
    You go girl.
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    A very specific set of pictures from a day last christmas (2010)... :(
  • cardglor
    cardglor Posts: 29
    My wake up call was when I was diagnosed with hormone receptive breast cancer and was told that estrogen was stored in fatty tissue, for one thing, and that it has been "feeding" the cancer cells which love it. My cholesterol level was out of whack too! So I decided that if I wanted to live to see grandchildren I better get my act together instead of feeding my stress and emotions with food.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I tried to go horseback riding with my daughter, and nieces and nephews last week. I got my foot in the stirrup but there was no way I could pull myself up onto the horse, and was way too embarrassed to let the people try to push me from behind. I won't go to Six Flags with my daughter because I'm afraid I won't fit on the rides. This is no way to live!
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    1) Knowing my mom was at risk for diabetes, watching my grandfather pass away from complications due to high blood pressure and diabetes, and seeing my grandmother deal with high blood pressure and diabetes.
    2) Realizing that no matter what, if I ever chose to have children I would gain at least 30 lbs and the way I was going it would have put me at over 200 lbs. Traumatic.
    3) Hating shopping for clothes, especially anything that was fitted or sleeveless.
    4) Wanting to look good, feel good and be healthy for myself and my husband.
    5) Seeing myself at my highest weight ever--I was overweight in terms of BMI and closing in on obese.

    I'm loving this journey, good and bad days... :)
  • All the pictures I happen to be in suddenly show me +30lbs....when did this happen? I don't like looking fat in pictures and I certainly do like enjoying my time being naked but unfortunately that doesn't happen when I am terrified to see my fat self naked. This was my breaking point and "ah ha" moment, my wake up call.
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    Everyones stories are so amazing, youre all doing great now! We can do this!
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Back fat. :laugh: That was my moment.

    My best tip: fewer calories, more movement. Not rocket science, I suppose.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    I guess there was a lot of reasons. i had always knew i needed to lose weight but never done anything about it. I remember my actual moment i was sitting on the couch and for the first time i realized my legs and belly were huge. I knew that day something needed to be done. I have 2 wonderful daughters and i wanted to be healthy for them. I had also had some knots in my veins that devolved that summer which was a big scare.

    Don't give up! Your body may be sore from a certain workout. Take a day break and get back to it. Drink lots of water. Eat lots of fruit and veggies.
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    My reason was when i woke up basically from a medical induced depression bi polar state and knew that i couldnt do it i needed to get back to me it took two years off my life i lost everyone except my kids and my fiancee but almost him to till i got help they took me off of cymbalta and i like to say im back now its time for me i gained 125lbs in two years time to take off 100 by sept 2012 i know that i can do it with the help of mfp .:drinker: to all of us that have started and continue our journeys to the new us
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    what a great question!!! In December my husband and I went to a museum and saw something called Inside the human body. I think that is the name of it. Anyways, bodies are preserved in these amazing ways to really show us how complex we are inside. At the very end of the walk through there was a big case with a fatty liver and a large xray of an obese person. The fat covered everything! It showed how a healthy body looked next to the obese body and when I looked at it I was taken aback! I got hot and sweaty and thought everyone was looking at ME thinking, "that's what that girl looks like" I showed my husband and he was also in disbelief of how fat can morph a body into something that doesn't look like a body! We walked out of there different people. We decided we couldn't let that be our xrays that our 3 children would see. We needed to be the best version of US we could be. Today I am down 40 pounds and my husband is down 25 pounds. I still have 40 more to go, and my husband about 15 more, but we are on our way to a healthy life, and better looking xrays!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    My mom got DX as high bp and is still on meds
    My uncle, grandfather, and cousin are all diabetics.
    My uncle died of diabetes related problems
    I am in the "super obese" category
    I was out of breath getting out of the shower
    Rolling over in bed seemed like a chore more so than getting comfy
    Was hiding my body and turning out lights so hubby wouldn't see me
    REALLY EMBARRASING having a hard time wiping after bathroom
    My stomach touching my legs
    Hitting 400lbs WOKE ME RIGHT UP!
    Infertility my doctor thinks i am not ovulating due to my weight
    Not fitting in desks at schools
    Was beginning to get high blood pressure was about to be put on meds... the HUGE one for me though was hitting 400lbs

    I have now lost 50lbs and feel a ton better but i know i still have a long road ahead of me.