Any runners training for a half or full marathon?



  • Go for it! I've run a marathon before, but I like ultramarathons now. You can do it! You have alot more experience than the average person who runs a marathon for the first time.

    Thanks! Ultramarathons? What's the distance on those?
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Technically any race over 26 miles and 385 yards. They commonly start at 50K (about 31.5 miles) and then jump to 50 miles, then 100K (around 61 miles) and then 100 miles, and then really crazy stuff.

    Go for it! I've run a marathon before, but I like ultramarathons now. You can do it! You have alot more experience than the average person who runs a marathon for the first time.

    Thanks! Ultramarathons? What's the distance on those?
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Me! I just started training on Saturday but haven't signed up yet for any races but will very soon! I'm just now having to start all over with my running becuase I stopped for about 5months.
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    R4z0r4Mm0 Posts: 131
    I'm currently training for my second City 2 Surf 14km in less than 5 weeks - running it all the way 30kg(66lbs) lighter! :)

    I haven't registered yet, but planning to enter the Half Marathon in May 2012.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I officially started my Half-Marathon training today with some strength training. Oy, the next few weeks are gonna be painful!

    I'm looking forward to breaking through to 15 miles though. There's a half-marathon scheduled for November but it might be interrupted by the birth of a niece, hehe. But there's another one in February if I end up missing the November one. :ohwell:
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member

    I ran on my cross country team in high school. At my best I was running 7 min/mi for 5K and 8 min/mi for 10K events. I always considered myself a "runner" even though I only ran for the bus in the 20 years since! LOL So in January, 20 years and 90 pounds later, I joined a local run/walk group. I don't think it is an "official" Jeff Galloway group, but the coach does teach to Galloway's philosophies.

    In six months (two three-month "seasons" with my group) I have gone from walking 2 miles at 20+ min/mile to interval run/walk for 7 miles at 15 min/mile. I don't know if I'll reclaim my high school glory days, but I am just so excited to be out there doing it. I look forward to seeing where I will be in another 6 months! :happy:

    I did a 10K on 4th of July. I want to get faster and fitter before going farther, so I plan another 10K in October at the end of this "season" with the group. I will train for the 13 miler in the Spring 2012. The "big" spring one around here is Race to Robie Creek, up and over the mountain. However, I think I want to do a flat course for my first Half!

    I just finished reading "Born to Run (A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen)" by Christopher McDougall and that has planted a little seed of interest into ultra-distance running. But I'm in no hurry. I'm just going to keep on trucking and see where it leads. :)

    Also, there are a couple of documentaries available on Netflix instant play that you might find interesting: "Spirit of the Marathon" and also "Running the Sahara".

    It's encouraging to hear all of you-guys' plans. I'd be interested in a thread/group dedicated to long-distance running talk!
  • sasham100
    sasham100 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm training for my first half! I started running in September with C25K and now I can run 5 miles. I start officially training for the half in September so I'm taking the summer to focus on speed.
  • izzyinbliss
    izzyinbliss Posts: 37 Member
    I'm running my first half this Sunday in SF! And then the Nike Women's in October (haven't decided on half or full yet... will determine after Sunday!), and then the Las Vegas Rock-n-Roll full in December. I'm very excited to see so many MFP folks going to Vegas—I wonder if we should start a forum/group for those of us going, and we can maybe meet up in person then :-)

    I started thinking of doing it back in Jan/Feb, and finally committed to doing it in April.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i signed up for a half marathon in october...but i haven't been training that much* eep. i'll do what i can...but i don't know if i can do it! i mean, realistically speaking....

    *at all

    i'm gonna run a 5k next month...maybe a 10K. we'll see.
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    I am training for a half in January. I have completed several marathons and two ironman triathlons and a long list of shorter races. Doing a marathon is a great accomplishment! I highly recommend seeing if there is a USAfit group in your area. It's very beginner friendly and you get the support of a group for your long runs! You can easily run a marathon on 20 miles a week. check out and see if there is a training group near you!

    Good luck in your quest at 26.2!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I just registered for my first Half today! Savannah Rock and Roll Half!!!!
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    Me! I'm training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon right now, which is in San Francisco in October. My best friends from high school and I are running it together and having a reunion/girls weekend (the three of us haven't been in the same place at the same time since 2009) in SF that weekend. It'll be my second half (I ran the Rock 'n' Roll Mardi Gras Half in New Orleans in February) and their first. And then after that, I'm planning to run Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans again in March, and maybe another race between now and then!
  • How's everyone doing? I have my longest run if the season, so far, in the morning. 14 miles and I'm heading to bed extra early.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I haven't run in a week and it's pissing me off. I pulled some tendons in the top of my foot last year and was in a boot for 3 months. Last week, that same spot swelled and was a little sore. So, I'm taking off until it feels better. Hopefully it won't be too long - but I'd rather not run for a week (or 2 god forbid) than be sidelined for months.
  • Runningmemaw
    Runningmemaw Posts: 11 Member
    I just had back surgery in June and today was my 6 wk checkup. I asked the Dr. about running again - so...I can do short walk/run intervals on a treadmill between now and my next visit...don't push too much and if that goes well I'll be training in September. I have run the Cowtown 1/2 marathon the last 3 years...last year I had to walk much of it because of back pain and the fact that I left my running pants on top of the dryer and didn't notice it until we got up in the hotel the morning of the race so I ran the race in blue jeans. This particular race has a 5 year medal series, so I have two more to do. My goal is to get as close to my best time for that race ... if I can do that - I'll really feel like I'm back!

    Good luck to all of you!!!

  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I just posted about this a couple nights ago! I'm training for my first half!! I'm terrified! I started my training late too. But I think I can do it. I can walk about a 17min mile average right now. Not including any running. I start my running intervals tonight to see how I do. I'm hoping that my race day I'll have my average to under 15min mile. My goal is to finish under 3.5 hours. I think I can do it, I'm confident. The thing that makes me nervous is will I start to get bored and focus on my aches and pains, and tired joints and muscle?! lol Then I'll be groaning!! But I keep telling myself I'll be able to push through any time I start to doubt myself. Once I'm in the race, there is no turning back, right?! So might as well keep going!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Runningmemaw
    Runningmemaw Posts: 11 Member

    You will be surprised what energy you will have at the race. If you picked a really good one there will be crowds at many spots during the race cheering you on and wishing you well. Your adrenalin will be so high. Yes, it is hard (that is why more people don't do it), but keep the finish line in your mind - think about the bling you will receive when you cross that line! It is the most amazing feeling in the world when they put that medal around your neck - you KNOW you earned it. It is what kept me going when I did that half last year running in blue jeans, LOL...I got the medal though - and oh what a story to tell! LOL

    Best wished to you in your first half!!!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I just posted about this a couple nights ago! I'm training for my first half!! I'm terrified! I started my training late too. But I think I can do it. I can walk about a 17min mile average right now. Not including any running. I start my running intervals tonight to see how I do. I'm hoping that my race day I'll have my average to under 15min mile. My goal is to finish under 3.5 hours. I think I can do it, I'm confident. The thing that makes me nervous is will I start to get bored and focus on my aches and pains, and tired joints and muscle?! lol Then I'll be groaning!! But I keep telling myself I'll be able to push through any time I start to doubt myself. Once I'm in the race, there is no turning back, right?! So might as well keep going!

    Good luck to everyone!!!

    Hey there -- you sound alot like me. I started running last year ... with literally 30 seconds of running for 4 minutes of walking. The best part about the half marathon is the training ... I know I know I sound crazy ... but the most crucial thing for the training is the long run. You need to start with a long run of about 3-4 miles and progressively increase it. Its during those 10 mile runs when there are no crowds that you learn how to deal with everythin that goes on in your head.

    I have tried naming miles for people... and I also always bring my Ipod and have certain songs that get me through.

    I know I am having a great run when I can just listen to whatever comes on ... and I know I am struggling when I started skipping songs and jumping around on songs...

    Anyways... my point.. you can do it! :)
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Looks like I found this group a little late. I have ran 2 half marathons, Erie pa and the Cincinnati flying pig.. I decided to take the plunge into a full marathon because I felt so good after both halfs. I prefer the half marathon over 5ks and 10k. I'm so nervous about the full in October, ill be doing the International marathon in Niagara falls with a friend, her first marathon as well. My longest run wad 15 miles, so I'm looking forward to getting back up there in miles.

    I began running in January 2010, so I could run a 5k at my work. And I got hooked. It's become my "me" time. My kids (3 & 7) love seeing me run and have even done a kids race to be like me :) makes me feel good that I'm setting a good example for my kids.
  • pvaness17
    pvaness17 Posts: 17
    I've done four full marathons (PR 4:03 Milwaukee) and six halfs (PR 1:46 Green Bay), all over five years ago. Gained a bunch of weight, started smoking, then quit smoking again, lost a bunch of weight and now training for another half.

    Advice...don't worry about pace at all on any long run, do them at least 45 sec to one minute per mile slower than your target finish time pace. Just put time in the shoes. If you want to finish in four hours, get your body used to running at least three and a half to four hours, regardless of pace. Have fun. The last 10K is an experience you'll never forget, even if you want to.