What food/drink won't you give up?

Okay... Title might be misleading as I know that moderation is the key. But, on our health goals we tend to stray from certain foods perhaps out of fear that the half cookie we just ate will make us instantly gain weight.

I eat what I want in moderation. I would be miserable otherwise. But, there is one thing that I will not give up: Iced Coffee. I make my own rather than ordering it out and a glass for me is 120 calories. I'm not a milk drinker, so this is how I can get in my calcium. As for the sugar, I don't do sugar substitutes as it wreaks havoc on me. It is 120 calories of poor delight. If I order it from a coffee shop, most use syrup and cream which is 200 calories or more. If anyone would like to know how I make it, please let me know. So easy!

Please share your must haves and/or how you shave calories from it!


  • TranquilityBreeze
    TranquilityBreeze Posts: 36 Member
    rmgnow wrote: »
    Okay... Title might be misleading as I know that moderation is the key. But, on our health goals we tend to stray from certain foods perhaps out of fear that the half cookie we just ate will make us instantly gain weight.

    I eat what I want in moderation. I would be miserable otherwise. But, there is one thing that I will not give up: Iced Coffee. I make my own rather than ordering it out and a glass for me is 120 calories. I'm not a milk drinker, so this is how I can get in my calcium. As for the sugar, I don't do sugar substitutes as it wreaks havoc on me. It is 120 calories of poor delight. If I order it from a coffee shop, most use syrup and cream which is 200 calories or more. If anyone would like to know how I make it, please let me know. So easy!

    Please share your must haves and/or how you shave calories from it!

    I support this.

    Sundays before I play soccer I drink 2 cups of promiseland chocolate milk which is about 560 cals.
    It's half the reason why I play soccer

    Love it!!! Chocolate Milk I hear is the best for athletes. My oldest teen was a competitor swimmer and that's what they drank all the time.
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    Spaghetti and homemade meat balls and occasional Pizza Hut breadsticks. I also refuse to give up 2 nights eating out weekly. That is my social time which plays into mental health which is just as important as physical.
  • TranquilityBreeze
    TranquilityBreeze Posts: 36 Member
    Coffee. You will pry my mug from my cold dead hands.

    Same! I tried but it wasn't pretty!!!
  • TranquilityBreeze
    TranquilityBreeze Posts: 36 Member
    Wine! My local grocery store carries these single-serving 4-packs of Mark West Pinot Noir and one of those babies equals about 150 calories. If it fits, I sips.

    Excellent! Love your last sentence. :)

  • TranquilityBreeze
    TranquilityBreeze Posts: 36 Member
    Aerona85 wrote: »
    Spaghetti and homemade meat balls and occasional Pizza Hut breadsticks. I also refuse to give up 2 nights eating out weekly. That is my social time which plays into mental health which is just as important as physical.

    Agreed. Going out and having fun is important!

  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2017
    I haven't cut out anything that I like, but I have found lower calorie options for some things. Like diet soda instead of regular, low calorie ranch dressing instead of regular, light soups instead of the higher calorie counterparts etc. I've also learned how to share some things, like restaurant fries I split with my husband or instead of getting an appetizer for myself we now split it. And then I also opt for smaller servings of some things now-I get a kid sized ice cream at the ice cream parlor, instead of a large with a waffle cone, I only eat 2 bread sticks at our favorite restaurant, instead of taking them up on their 'unlimited breadsticks' option lol etc. These little 'hacks' add up to big calorie savings!
  • TranquilityBreeze
    TranquilityBreeze Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't cut out anything that I like, but I have found lower calorie options for some things. Like diet soda instead of regular, low calorie ranch dressing instead of regular, light soups instead of the higher calorie counterparts etc. I've also learned how to share some things, like restaurant fries I split with my husband or instead of getting an appetizer for myself we now split it. And then I also opt for smaller servings of some things now-I get a kid sized ice cream at the ice cream parlor, instead of a large with a waffle cone, I only eat 2 bread sticks at our favorite restaurant, instead of taking them up on their 'unlimited breadsticks' option lol etc. These little 'hacks' add up to big calorie savings!

    These are great hacks!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Regular weekend dinners out. I live in a city with lots of good restaurants and love to try new places, and it's a frequent part of my social life. I was able to lose 95 lbs fitting in 1-2x/week dinners out, and include that in my maintenance. (Restaurant food need not be nutritionally problematic, indeed, it gives me ideas for new preparations of vegetables and other foods I make at home, but it is generally caloric.)
  • skinnyEmilijah
    skinnyEmilijah Posts: 61 Member
    Coffee, pizza, and beer.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I refuse to give up food and drink.

    By the way, I will be the one who decides what I will eat and drink.

    To name one "won't give up" implies that everything else is within the control of external powers. I'm not going to give you that power.
  • rakeru19
    rakeru19 Posts: 9 Member
    Giving up coffee was easy and I was used to drink 2 to 3 espresso cups a day, no sugar, But I cannot live without chocolate so I always have some dark chocolate once a week usually Saturdays and my weakness for fresh baked bread
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Answer: all or any of them (your choice of wording). Well, liver, maybe - it's been over 40 years since I've had that, so I guess that counts, LOL!

    Seriously, it's not about giving up anything in particular. As a poster above said, "moderation in everything." That being said, it's been six months since I've had a pizza, about the same for restaurant Chinese. I generally avoid a bunch of stuff but won't say, "gave them up," as I will eat them as the occasion merits.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Ice cream. Good, heavy ice cream. I bought a pint of Halo Top but I'm so worried it'll disappoint me.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I've given up absolutely nothing. I just eat more of some things and less of others.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    edited August 2017
    Dark sodas, even though I'm supposed to watch my phosphate levels. I just work them in with a phosphate binder to cope. That and cheese.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,422 Member
    coffee creamer