Monthly weigh-ins or weekly weigh-ins... which one do u guys prefer???



  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    Weigh and log every day. I agree with the others, if I weighed once a week and happened to weigh on a high day, I would get discouraged. Weighing every day I can see the lows and power through the highs. I feel like weighing everyday keeps me accountable everyday. If I only weighed once a week I think I might be lax in my eating when I know I have 5 more days before I weigh in next.
  • Cortneylbarrow
    Cortneylbarrow Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh daily but measure weekly. It helps me feel more accountable for my meals. If i see the scale going up I know i need to push harder. I've also started to do pictures once a month.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I weigh daily. I love seeing the fluctuations, it's educational to me.
  • dadsafrantic
    dadsafrantic Posts: 186 Member
    Mycophilia wrote: »
    Daily weighing + phone app for plotting trends/averages = accurate tracking of body weight changes.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I weigh weekly. It is just the right amount of information for me.
    I have tried daily and I found it demotivating. I understand fluctuations but I can't deal with seeing and focusing on the scale number daily. Monthly weighing is not enough information.
  • Malyssam27
    Malyssam27 Posts: 28 Member
    Daily. This sounds silly but I'm motivated to get out of bed in the morning to see how much I weigh, even though it's been going up lately.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Ditto for the trenders--I weigh daily and use Happy Scale. I more weigh-in dread! Happy Scale, indeed!
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh in daily, this helps me figure out what I did wrong in the day in case I gained a little.
  • narspips
    narspips Posts: 48 Member
    I started out monthly but I might switch to weekly: I weighed myself yesterday morning (2 weeks after my last weigh-in, just to see where I was at) and despite weighing at consistent time of day etc. I don't entirely trust the results.

    It's a bit of a "to each their own" thing. I don't think I could ever do daily, though. I'd drive myself mad!
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
  • ejg1010
    ejg1010 Posts: 48 Member
    I use Happy Scale to log my weight daily so that I can see the trend.
    I log my weight in MFP weekly, first thing on a Friday morning.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    edited August 2017
    Daily. I like to see my variability and use happy scale to see my trend.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,175 Member
    The trend (over a period of time at that) is the only thing that counts.

    Daily + trendweight (i started by using freely available without a device Fitbit account)

    I only used to post new lows on my mfp feed.

    Your total weight loss ticker updates automatically based on daily "spot" weight.

    At a slow weight loss rate there were a number of months when measurements 30 days apart would indicate a discouraging weight gain, yet looking at the trend you could see a 2lb a month loss!
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,244 Member
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    Daily but I only record if it drops as a general rule.
  • Malyssam27
    Malyssam27 Posts: 28 Member
    My son who lost quite a bit of weight using MFP didn't weigh himself at all. Just at the beginning to set the calories, then increased them when he felt he was thin enough. He said he can look in the mirror and see if he is too fat or too thin.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    Daily for me - helps me understand what causes my fluctuations. I use Libra for trending, too. While I was losing, I only logged new lows in MFP. (I'm maintaining now, still weighing daily & recording in Libra.)

    What the scale says is just a data point, not a cause for drama. IMO, we don't even have a "true weight", just a general range of current weight, and a longer term trend direction of that range - lower, higher, or even.

    I can't imagine weighing weekly, let alone monthly. I like data! I've been weighing myself every day for over a decade, even long before deciding to lose weight.
  • aguy0980
    aguy0980 Posts: 544 Member
    I do weekly and log...but after reading these comments, perhaps I should start daily and then track trends/average.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Weigh daily, only log new lows. I know I am not gaining anything besides water weight eating 1500 calories, so the scale going up doesn't bother me. But having the information lets me see what helps or hinders - for example, not getting enough sleep really slows down my rate of loss.
  • Coco_Camm
    Coco_Camm Posts: 46 Member
    Weekly. I would just obsess waaaay too much if I weighed myself daily.

    I do think that once I hit my maintenance weight I might weigh in daily. Maybe.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I weigh daily for reasons already listed above.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited August 2017
    As a woman. Every 4 weeks. Because of menstral cycles, weight fluctuations can be huge from one week to the next. Personally I weigh and measure myself once a month. One would need some insane bloating for body measurements (cm/inches) to be off.

    Now, if you are not on the pill. Weighing yourself daily can actually help track your menstral cycle (help save a pair of nice underwear or two).
  • amerilenne
    amerilenne Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh twice a week, on Monday and on Friday, it helps me keep focused and motivated
  • toffeepearce
    toffeepearce Posts: 5 Member
    Weekly anymore then that and I minght slack can nip in the bed would never weigh daily but each to there own!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Daily. I love data.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    Randomly. Sometimes I plan ahead to weigh in a few days apart but often only remember that I was supposed to have weighed in that day after breakfast. Perhaps I should have a better system for it - in which case a weekly weighin would be my preference.
  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a daily convert. I used to log weekly, but decided to follow my own advice on one of the threads here and try out daily for a week and see how I fared with it. I'm finding it really useful. I track my weight on Libra (for Android) and it's interesting to see how much my weight fluctuates throughout the week. And some of the fluctuations are weirdly drastic. Like last week, I was slowly creeping up all week, and if I'd weighed weekly on one of those days I would have been massively discouraged (even though it's to be expected given *ahem* the time of the month). When I weighed myself yesterday though, I was down almost a kilo on last week.

    I'm still trialling it out, and if I find I'm becoming obsessive about the scale, I'll probably go back to once a week. For now though, I'm finding it the most effective way to track my weight loss, and knowing about daily fluctuations and seeing the pattern slowly shift downwards on a graph is massively encouraging.