How much can we lose by 2012?

Ok.....enough of the feeling ashamed of myself for "letting myself go". Time for a do over. Let's turn this around and see how much we can lose by 2012. Who's with me?:bigsmile:


  • Let's do it :)
  • csoul27
    csoul27 Posts: 53
    I'm in!
  • I am in, I am determined to reach my goal by my birthday March of 2012 so this is perfect..
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Im in! Im hoping to hit my goal weight by my 12 year wedding anniversary in May 2012!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'm in!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I almost went into complete panic mode when asked to be in a high school friend's wedding in April. I should not have to feel like that. Time to focus on myself for awhile!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    i am with u :smile:
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    <--- *arms waving* Me..Me!!!! I'm with you too!
  • My bday's in Jan and I've obviously set a goal for then already! I say I can realistically lose 20 pounds. Let's see...
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    What kind of workout routine is everybody in? How many days a week?
  • I run 4-5 days a week, usually at the end of my run I do a 10-12 circuit from those are tough but they (along with adding veggies, have helped break a 6 month plateau, right now I am doing Chalean Xtreme 2 days a week with a friend and we are in the Lean phase with 2 more weeks to go, once that's over we are moving on to two days of hybrid P90x and Supreme 90.
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I am going to try to start walking 45 minutes a day to ease into it the first couple weeks. I work 16 hour days so I have to figure out where to squeeze it in. That has been the biggest challenge for me.
  • slamminsammy
    slamminsammy Posts: 8 Member
    Heck yeah! Just the incentive I need.
  • slamminsammy
    slamminsammy Posts: 8 Member
    I am going to try 30 min walking a day. Working 2 jobs so I also am time short!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok slamminsammy.....let's make an agreement that we will both FIND time to walk every day! I am going to try to schedule it in just like I would anything else. Block off the time. Let's do it!
  • I get my running (or dvd's on non run days) in at 4:30am otherwise it may not get done:) with my schedule once I am at work there is no telling when I will get home so as hard as it is, for me its just best for me to get up early and get it over with, plus I do a bootcamp workout in the park on Saturday mornings at 6:30am and my long runs when there is no class.
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I wish I could get up early. I work until 1 am and have to be at my other job by 8:30 am. It's really hard for me to get up any earlier. I have to figure out when to squeeze it in. I have a 2 hour break for 2-4 pm. I think I am going to have to try to squeeze it in there instead of my daily nap. Now.....if I can just quit drinking diet coke. I am a true addict.
  • I have banned icecream from my house..:) and getting enough rest is just as important I learned that the hard way :) We WILL do this.
  • That sounds like a very busy schedule; I hope you do fit the walk in, it'll make reenergize you and make you feel so much better :)

    I go to the gym 5 day/week for an hour (30 min walking on treadmill, 30 min cycling) and an aerobics/zumba class twice a week. My big challenge will be fitting in enough exercise once I'm back at university, but I'm promising myself to get at least 45min/day.

    I will aim for dropping 40lbs for the new year.

    Good luck, ladies!
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in for the 2012 challenge! I'm a SAHM, so my workout is basically whatever I can fit in between taking care of the kids (2 1/2 yrs and 3 1/2 months). I really enjoy Pilates and used to do the Wii Fit a lot. I try and work out for at least 20 minutes every day; some days more, some days less. I also enjoy belly dancing and I do some of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred moves. I have about 25 lbs to lose; I'd like to lose them by my bday in February!