Diet pills and supplements



  • TartsAndTattoos
    TartsAndTattoos Posts: 33 Member
    No supplements, no pills, no shakes. There is no miracle pill, there is no quick fix. Eat well, eat clean, move more. Don't waste your money.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    queerpenix wrote: »
    Are specific supplements alright to take? For example I don't get a lot of potassium, so would it be alright to take that in supplemental form? A lot of things high in potassium I don't enjoy eating yikes

    I agree check with your Dr. first, however I found that taking 1 potassium pill a day took care of my nightly leg and foot cramps. I'm assuming that adding that small amount of potassium to my diet would have the same effect, but I'm not organized enough to manage that on a regular basis.
  • queerpenix
    queerpenix Posts: 47 Member
    queerpenix wrote: »
    Are specific supplements alright to take? For example I don't get a lot of potassium, so would it be alright to take that in supplemental form? A lot of things high in potassium I don't enjoy eating yikes

    There are a lot of bad things that can happen from taking too much Potassium. I would ask you Dr.
    If they tell you to get a supplement, only then would I do it.

    I'll have to look into that then with my doctor. I just don't get much of it and since I've started tracking my food intake, it's definitely confirming I don't get much!!
  • Stacyines
    Stacyines Posts: 72 Member
    Only diet pill that has worked for me (and I only take half a pill if I feel I'm going to binge eat) is Phentramine. I needed blood work done prior to prescription. It's effective, but very strong. I'm only 25 and only take half the pill before noon (if I really need to). A month's supply lasts me about 6 to 8 months. It's also not recommended for long term use and it may have long term effects.

    I essentially avoid diet pills as their likely a caffeine pill or a water pill. I'll get the same effect from my morning Starbucks Cold Brew. The side effects are not worth the 'results'. Just calling for an anxiety attack.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    queerpenix wrote: »
    queerpenix wrote: »
    Are specific supplements alright to take? For example I don't get a lot of potassium, so would it be alright to take that in supplemental form? A lot of things high in potassium I don't enjoy eating yikes

    There are a lot of bad things that can happen from taking too much Potassium. I would ask you Dr.
    If they tell you to get a supplement, only then would I do it.

    I'll have to look into that then with my doctor. I just don't get much of it and since I've started tracking my food intake, it's definitely confirming I don't get much!!

    Just a note - you may be getting more than you think. Potassium isn't required to be listed on food labels (USA), and the MFP database contains many user-entered foods that don't list anything more than calories, protein, fat and carbs.
  • USANaturalFitness
    USANaturalFitness Posts: 1 Member
    Hydroxycut used to have ephedrine before it was banned, that is what made it effective. You can still get it in the form of Bronkaid, primatene or other asthma drugs that are sold behind the counter. You just need a drivers license and ask the pharmacist. You can take that with caffeine and a small dose of asprin, but do not take too much. I occasionally take a half a pill with a 200mg caffeine pill before a workout, only when I am feeling sluggish and need a boost. I would not take any more than that a day. They say you can take up to one tab, three times a day but I think that is insane. Any more than 1 tab a day will make me irritable and I am a 205lb man. One box will last me at least 6 months because I only take it sparingly. It will curb hunger, but (in my opinion) you do not need to live hungry while dieting, I stay full, but for the most part, I eat smart and exercise.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    I started taking Provigil (morning) and htp6 (night) for sletp disorders, fibro snd depression isfues, and discovered tgst they work rwslly wellto help supress my appetite, and help me have willpower to stop eating. It's weird, if I skip either, I find myself either much hungrier/less sensitive to fullness or less able to resist goodies. Weight loss wasn't the intention here, but I'm not complaining.
    I will take Xenadrine occasionally, when I need the caffeine boost, but don't want to go buy a soda. I hate coffee, and one Xenadrine works quickly enough.I don't take it after 11am though, or every day, of it realky messes with my sleep.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Hydroxycut used to have ephedrine before it was banned, that is what made it effective. You can still get it in the form of Bronkaid, primatene or other asthma drugs that are sold behind the counter. You just need a drivers license and ask the pharmacist. You can take that with caffeine and a small dose of asprin, but do not take too much. I occasionally take a half a pill with a 200mg caffeine pill before a workout, only when I am feeling sluggish and need a boost. I would not take any more than that a day. They say you can take up to one tab, three times a day but I think that is insane. Any more than 1 tab a day will make me irritable and I am a 205lb man. One box will last me at least 6 months because I only take it sparingly. It will curb hunger, but (in my opinion) you do not need to live hungry while dieting, I stay full, but for the most part, I eat smart and exercise.

    Uhg. I used Bronchaid for years without any issues for my asthma. Started taking diet pills at one point, and didn't think to check for interactions, since I was so used to Bronchaid. I was really unhappy after a few days, jittery, insomnia, cranky. Almost lost my job, because I was acting erratic. Realized what I'd done, and it took a few days to chill back out.
    Worst part was, after all that I didn't lose any weight at all!
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    queerpenix wrote: »
    BabyBear76 wrote: »
    My supplements:

    Protien powder

    Diet pills tend to be snake-oil at best, at worst they get removed because they kill.

    I just realized protein powder would be considered a supplement. I use that as well a few times a week!

    Yep. Anything that isn't regular food. It's a supplement, because you use it to *supplement* your diet. Sometimes we need a bit more protien, yet not a lot of calories or just not hungry.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Nope, to many of those things cause serious medical problem. A former co-worker took diet pills and while she lost weight, they messed up her heart!
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    Read the fine print on supplements.. (Can loose up to 10lbs with diet and exercise!) So far all of the ones I've seen lose the SAME amount of weight as JUST the diet and exercise! Why do all three when just the two will work?? I'd say appetite suppressants have a greater chance of being realistic than any diet pill, but again, you can achieve that if you find the right food combinations. Not worth my time or money.
  • Lgcoulter33
    Lgcoulter33 Posts: 54 Member
    I take topamax 25mg a day, and get iron and b12 injections every 3 weeks. Getting a multivitamin and some protein drinks soon as I'm trying to qualify for weight loss surgery. *not as a quick fix, as a tool*
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Hydroxycut used to have ephedrine before it was banned, that is what made it effective. You can still get it in the form of Bronkaid, primatene or other asthma drugs that are sold behind the counter. You just need a drivers license and ask the pharmacist. You can take that with caffeine and a small dose of asprin, but do not take too much. I occasionally take a half a pill with a 200mg caffeine pill before a workout, only when I am feeling sluggish and need a boost. I would not take any more than that a day. They say you can take up to one tab, three times a day but I think that is insane. Any more than 1 tab a day will make me irritable and I am a 205lb man. One box will last me at least 6 months because I only take it sparingly. It will curb hunger, but (in my opinion) you do not need to live hungry while dieting, I stay full, but for the most part, I eat smart and exercise.

    honestly I dont think you should be telling someone to take an asthma medication when they dont have asthma and to mix it with other meds. just because you do it doesnt mean you should tell others to do it.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    I am not ashamed to say I am a long time user of Hydroxycut Max for Women (not the pro clinical one). A lot of people say they make them feel jittery but it's mostly caffeine so I don't take them before I eat, I take them 15 minutes to an hour before I work out. They really help me get through some seriously tough workouts. I work 55 - 70 hours every week so without them, I don't have the energy to push as hard as I do. I don't rely on them for curbing my hunger or for getting rid of my excess weight on their own; I workout 5 - 6 times a week and I eat extremely healthy 85 - 90% of the time.

    **Anyone who feels like they need to reply to my response on how I shouldn't do this because it's not healthy, etc, please do me a favor and save it. I'm not interested in your personal assessment of my choices, thanks.

    the fact that you are a "long term user" suggests that they have not been the magic fix for you. as others said, save yourself a ton of money and just take caffeine pills if that is what you want.

    I'm a long term user because they DO work. I lost the weight and have maintained that loss quite well.

    You've lost and maintained because you created a calorie deficit and then moved to a maintenance level caloric intake, not because of any specific diet pill or supplement. As simple as that.
  • queerpenix
    queerpenix Posts: 47 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    queerpenix wrote: »
    queerpenix wrote: »
    Are specific supplements alright to take? For example I don't get a lot of potassium, so would it be alright to take that in supplemental form? A lot of things high in potassium I don't enjoy eating yikes

    There are a lot of bad things that can happen from taking too much Potassium. I would ask you Dr.
    If they tell you to get a supplement, only then would I do it.

    I'll have to look into that then with my doctor. I just don't get much of it and since I've started tracking my food intake, it's definitely confirming I don't get much!!

    Just a note - you may be getting more than you think. Potassium isn't required to be listed on food labels (USA), and the MFP database contains many user-entered foods that don't list anything more than calories, protein, fat and carbs.

    Ohhhh that makes sense thank you so much!
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    As others have said, the ones that work are not legal. Ephedrine was banned in the US, formerly the main ingredient in Hydroxycut and Metabolife. This is also a component of the ECA stack that us common in the bodybuilding community. Cocaine/amphetamines are obviously illegal, although phentermine can be prescribed it has the negative affects you are reading about above and the effects are typically short term.

    Contrave is a combination of antidepressant and a drug used to treat opiod addiction, it is not a fat burner and is more used to treat the mental side. Belviq manipulates seratonin and has issues that lead to tumors in some studies and thus withdrawn application in Europe, and minimal benefits (loss expected up up 5% starting weight). Qysimia us just a combo of phentermine and Topamax, makes soda taste flat and makes you spacey. In short, no miracle pills here.

    Alli is OTC, unless you want explosive diarrhea or oily anal leakage don't go there!

    The Hydroxycut etc of today are glorified Dr Oz and just lighten your wallet.